As usual, Yu Qi walked to the greenhouse together with Song Tao and Song Tai. On the way, they met Lang Bing and Jung Lian. Yin Weng Ding came accompanied by Kim Hai Yu.
Kim Hai Yu gave an arrogant look to Yu Qi. She still remembered that her application to work here at the greenhouse was rejected directly by this girl.
In front of the greenhouse, the man was standing alone. His presence was very majestic.
When they first saw the man, everyone was stunned by his appearance. Well, for Yu Qi, she was stunned for a different reason. 'Why is this man doing here? Is he wants to seduce me, right?'
Kim Hai Yu managed to wake up from the shocking state. With a smile on her lips, she went to approach the man.
"Hi, Mister. What are you doing here?" She used her body gesture together with her smile.
Daily Mini Scene
Yu Qi: Here, taste this syrup.
Long Hui:...
Yu Qi: How its taste?
Long Hui: Well, it just okay.
Yu Qi: I see. (︶︹︺)
Long Hui: I know how to make it taste more delicious
Yu Qi: How?
Long Hui: Put them on your body and I will lick it. I know it will taste fantastic. ƪ(`▿▿▿▿´ƪ)
Yu Qi: ΣΣ(゚Д゚;)
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