"We are your family in law." Yi Danjin did not feel any embarrassment when she mentioned in law to Ming Yue.
Since Yi Danjin started that way, it would be stupid for Ming Yue not to understand what Yi Danjin meant by that.
"I am sorry, Mrs Yi. My in law's surname is Ding and her first name is Qian Qin. I have met her before and she is not definitely you." Ming Yue brushed off the topic.
Hearing that, Yi Danjin's smiled was a little bit disappeared. Even Yi Ren Shiang also could not smile anymore.
"Auntie, please don't believe what Ding Na An tell you. She is lying." Yi Ren Shiang tried to smooth things over.
"Miss Yi, please call me, Mrs Tang. Eldest Mrs Tang. You can not claim a relative like that. And as for what you just said earlier, my daughter in law did not say anything about Yi Family." Ming Yue defended her future daughter in law. "The party is about to start. Please go and get seated at your seat."
Daily Mini Scene
Long Hui: You are so beautiful. I don't want people to see your beauty.
Yu Qi: So what? Do you want to put me in the cage?
Long Hui: What if I do?
Yu Qi: Easy. I will break the cage and run away.
Long Hui: No... I will not do it. (」°ロ°)」
Yu Qi: Good. ( ̄ー ̄)b
Long Hui: For now, let me do this. (`㊥益㊥)Ψ
Yu Qi: What? Wait.... ᕕ(╯°□°)ᕗ
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