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96.15% Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage / Chapter 71: He is Married?!

Chapter 71: He is Married?!


3rd Pov

" So here it is", said Tiona looking at the house in front of them. Aiz was barely holding herself back from charging in, while Tione looked at the place with apprehension. " So, what do we know about him?", Tione asked her little sister," Well, His name is Arthur Nova, and he lives here, yup, other than it, nothing else", she replied, and Tione sighed.

Aiz meanwhile knocked on the door with anticipation, soon the door opened revealing a blond woman. " Who are you? Wait you are from Loki Familia", she frowned, others meanwhile were baffled by seeing her. " Don't tell me Mister Soul Mate is married", whispered Tiona in the ears of Tione who frowned.

" I am Aiz from Loki Familia, I want to meet Arthur Nova", Aiz quickly said, and the blonde frowned," You want to meet my father?", she said shocking them. " Father?!", yelped out Tione and Tiona, and Aiz was in shock as well. " Indeed, the man you want to meet is the bestest dad in the entire Multiverse! My Daddy Arthur Nova!!", she said proudly.

" Tiona to Tione, let's abort the mission", Tiona said robotically. Tione meanwhile ignored her, and Aiz said to her," Can I meet him?", Norn nodded, and they entered the house, upon entering they saw a cozy home. " My father is working in the kitchen, just wait for a few minutes", Norn said, and went upstairs, the three meanwhile observed the place.

" So, what should we do?", asked Tione, Aiz meanwhile clenched her fists and started walking towards the door, through her superhuman senses she already knew that the kitchen was on other side. She opened the door with a bang and found the person she was looking for. " Banging the door like this, you are being ru- Oh, are you Norn or Aisha's friends?", he said with a smile.

Aiz was mesmerized, she just kept looking at his place,' Perfect... He is Perfect ', she thought, Tiona and Tione peered from her behind and gasped looking at the person as well, he had extremely alluring short white hair, his eyes were Golden and mesmerizing, his face was naturally far more handsome than any God they have ever seen in their life, and his gentle smile, that just melted their hearts.

" Ah! Father! They have come to meet you!", said Norn as she entered, Arthur nodded, and said," Well you all take a seat on the sofa, soup is almost ready", they nodded, and Aiz bit her lips, she wanted to say a lot, she felt a lot, she felt butterflies in her stomach. And a hope ignited within in her,' We are always shrouded by vengeance, by darkness ', said Little Aiz.

' We have no one to rely on, we never had a hero to save us- I think it might be already too late for us to be saved ', said Aiz with a sad look,' Who needs a hero that can only save us when we are in trouble? Isn't someone who can save you whenever, from the darkest pit is better? ', reasoned Little Aiz, and a smile blossomed on Aiz's face,' Yes... We need him... He must be our ', she replied.

Little Aiz gave her thumbs up, and vanished. The four of them sat on sofa, surrounding a table. " Not gonna lie, your place is comfy and warm", said Tiona, and Norn nodded," Indeed, I enjoy a small comfy place like this", she replied, Tione and Tiona looked at each other, and nodded. " Then would you tell us about yourself?"

" Ah, my name is Norn, and I am a Level 4 Adventurer of Minerva Familia, I have a stepsister Aisha, she is a level 4 as well. We recently shifted to Orario, currently it's me, Aisha and Daddy living here, away from our nosy mothers", she said, with a slight complain in the end. The two managed to decipher a lot of information from her words.

' He is married ', the twins thought, not to mention Arthur seemed to be a pure human, and his daughters to be above 14, which suggested he was at least in his 30's or worse 40's. But if that wasn't enough, he has multiple wives on top of that. Although they didn't care if Aiz's soul mate was a powerful or rich person, they did wanted Aiz to be his only spouse. 

It was both from an arrogant perceptive of an Adventurer and concern for their best friend, after all Aiz was a level 5 First Class Adventurer, she was merely sixteen, by her thirties she might be the strongest if not, one of the strongest Adventurers in the entire world, her beauty surpassed majority of the goddesses as well, and she was someone who literally received over a thousand love proposals in last three years.

For someone like her, they naturally felt she deserved the best of the best. That's why they couldn't help but be worried, on the other hand, Aiz had none of such worries. In matter of love, she was probably the most immature person here, she only knew Arthur was her other half, and he belonged to her, he was her hero, making him her future husband.

" Well, I am Tione, and she is my stepsister Tione, lastly it is Aiz Wallenstein, we all are Level 5 and are members of Loki familia, though you should know it already", Tione said, and Norn nodded," I have a question! I haven't heard of Minerva Familia, since you and your sister are level 4s it doesn't make sense for us to not know about you and your familia", asked Tiona with curiosity.

" Well, that's obvious, we are from outside Orario, Minerva Familia is an all-female familia and was recently established, since we both are Level 4s, our Goddess decided it was time to move in to Orario, however we needed to do some preliminary work, so only two of us, and our father came here", she explained, though her eyes twinkled with her mischief which the three didn't see.

They nodded understanding everything, finally Norn asked," So, why you three are here? And what do you need?", her voice became serious, before Tione or Tiona could answer, Aiz answered," I want to meet with Sir Arthur", Norn tilted her head and asked," Why? Don't tell me the famous Sword Princess fell in love in first sight with my handsome father?"

Tione and Tiona looked at each other awkwardly, while Aiz tilted replied with a small blush," Yes...", she nodded, Tiona and Tione looked at her agape," Aiz! Why did you tell her that?", asked Tione, after all they first needed to observe them before making any moves. While Norn started laughing," I see that's the really the case, so does that bring the number to 2830? or 2831?", she said amused.

" Um, Miss Norn what do you mean by that number?", asked Tiona, and Norn grinned," As I said, my dad is the bestest, most handsome, dad in all of Multiverse, so many women had fallen for him, of course only a few are his wives", she said with pride, as if talking about that her father has had beaten dragons, and not wooed women.

" He is a womanizer", grunted Tiona, while Aiz felt jealous upon hearing that,' So some are trying to steal our hero? My hero? ', she thought, little Aiz manifested in front of her and said with a dark expression,' It would seem so... We need to get rid of them ', and she walked towards Aiz and whispered in her ear,' Get rid of them ', and vanished.

Meanwhile Tione and Tiona were sweating as they felt a terrifying aura leaking out of Aiz, as for Norn? She had Ultimate Skill Daddy's Protection! Even her mothers can't harm her under this protection! Suddenly the gate opened, as Arthur entered the room, Aiz's terrifying bloodlust disappeared, and she looked at him.

" I have made some Mutton soup, I hope you like it", he said with a smile, Tiona's mouth watered as the aroma of food reached her nose," Sir Daddy, I would like to take some", said Tiona cheerfully, while Tione facepalmed herself, she grunted wanting to reprimand but smelling aroma, her mouth watered, with slight embarrassment, she said," I would like to have some too- If that's not much to ask."

As for Aiz and Norn? They already had a plate in their hand freaking the twin sisters, as they wondered from where they got it. He gave all of them some soup, and then sat on sofa, pouring in a bowl for himself. He sipped the soup and nodded,' My cooking skills finally have improved ', and as he watched the four girls who had long lost any shame and were devouring the soup in a frenzy.

" More!", they yelled at same time, as they finished up their soup. He chuckled and gave them more, till their stomachs were filled. " Now I can die happily", said Tiona patting her belly," Just me, captain and this soup, how nice it would be!", Tione muttered, Norn meanwhile just nodded satisfied while Aiz's eyes were shining as she looked at Arthur. Suddenly a figure leaped at Arthur, alerting everyone.

"Daddy!!", Aisha said as Arthur hugged her and laughed, she pouted and said," You started eating without me! Especially you Norn! How can you betray me?!", she glared at her step-sister who replied," Food first, sister later", hearing her words Aisha grunted, and then said," Daddy! Feed me!", Norn and Aiz almost fell on the ground.

" Fine", he said and taking her on lap, he slowly started feeding her, while Norn and Aiz looked at the scene with envy, meanwhile Tiona and Tione realized something was very much wrong," Sister it is just me or they are very affectionate? ", whispered Tiona, in her sister's eyes who replied in a low tone," Who knows? While I doubt every father and daughter are like this, isn't it nice?", she said.

They never had the love of the parents, the only family they had was their big sister, who was killed by Tione's own hand, even then they had observed other's families, still seeing two sisters fighting each other for their father's affection as if they are love rivals was a bit weird. They looked at Aiz, who was looking between Aisha and Arthur.

Once Arthur had finished feeding Aisha, the girl snuggled on his chest and said," Daddy, I am feeling sleepy", Norn gritted her teeth at seeing her sister's nonsense, and Arthur chuckled," Aisha, still acting like a child?*Sigh* I guess I will let you be", he said and patted her head making her giggle, she looked at Norn with a look,' I win this time '.

After making Aisha lie comfortably on the bed, with her head on his lap, he finally asked them," So why are you three here?", Tione, Tiona and Aiz flinched hearing his words, the blonde moved forward and grabbed his hand," Mine", she said, and silence descended over the entire place. 


" So that is what happened?", asked Finn with a frown and Tione and Tiona nodded with a tired sigh, even Finn and Riveria can feel a headache hearing about it. Apparently, Aiz had grabbed Arthur's hand out of nowhere declaring him as hers leaving both baffled, after that Aiz refused to leave his side, saying she will not give him to anyone else, making Tiona and Tione return without her.

" No!!!! This can't be true!! I Loki! God of Mischief had been Ntr'd by a white-haired playboy!!", Loki cried with despair falling on the ground her wails resounded throughout the room, they looked at her weirdly. Suddenly Finn asked," Anyway, does anyone here knows anything about Minerva Familia?", everyone shook their head, Riveria grabbed the crying Loki and lifted her like a ball.

" Loki, do you have any information about their God Minerva?", she asked, Loki wiped her imaginary tears and said," Nah, never heard of her, then again I barely knew 1/5th of the Gods in Tenkai, and I can be considered among them who know a lot of Gods, well I used to learn about other Gods and research about them, so that I can pull up a successful prank or cause chaos maybe kill one or two god while at it,*Sigh* I miss those good ol' days", Loki went off topic reminiscing her past of Evil Goddess.

" Still! I don't accept it! I don't know which fucking supreme deity made this soul mate thingy! I will skin them alive and boil them in oil, once I meet them!", Loki said gritting her teeth, Riveria glared at her," Loki stop with your nonsense, we need to act calm here", she said and Loki chuckled nervously, she wanted to retort,' How can I calm act when there is a wolf preying over my Aizu? ', but again, Mommy Riveria was very scary when angry.

" Okay Mommy!", said Loki with a salute, if it was any other time Riveria would have bashed her head for calling her that, but she was too tired to do that. " So, Finn got any ideas?", asked Gareth and he replied," While there isn't much information for us to make a resolute plan, I have one in my mind. We can approach the two-Level 4's and befriend them, while allying with their familia is something far off, we must try to make situation between us favourable if not neutral."

" Yes, you are right, Finn. Whatever the case might be, it doesn't changes Aiz is head over heels that man and if Goddess' Freya's words is anything to go by, his feelings for Aiz won't show up for a while, thus having hostile relationship with their familia is going to be a disadvantage for us, though Aiz has caused a lot of mess, and we still need to do a bit of digging, we need any information we can on Minerva familia", he said and others nodded.

" Finn, I would go and talk with some Gods to see if they know about Minerva, but I doubt those foxes will give any information", said Loki and then continued," But well, I have ways to get out information from their asses", she smirked. The people present had no desire to know about Loki's method, though it was going to involve blackmailing, a lot of it.

" Now all is left is with the issue with Aiz staying there", said Gareth, and everyone felt an headache," Let the things be... I am sure Aiz will return in due time", Finn said, that's all they could do. Even if there were more stuff to consider, like how the Mr. Soulmate is married, but they already had their plates full, though unknown to them, Aiz was experiencing a world she hadn't experienced ever before.

To be continued...

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