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20% Reborn in Marvel? / Chapter 2: Waking up and planning for the future

Chapter 2: Waking up and planning for the future

[J_m_s Ja es JAMES! WAKE UP]

waking up i hear Jessica calling me looking around i see nothing except grass and trees. then suddenly my brain began working properly again and i begin to think back to what happened, ok so i finished the serum which i strangely don't remember anything specific about. I changed in soul form, and that soldier exploded by taking the unfinished serum after which i was sucked in a black hole with my pc.

¨But wait if that is so how could i just hear Jessica tell me to wake up?¨

[eehm Thats because i am inside your head now James]

¨WHAT! HOW!¨ said James in panic while frantically looking around

[Well James i can tell you. but you have to promise not to freak out okay?]

taking a deep breath James calmed himself down and said

¨alright you can tell me¨

[well it is like this when that soldier imploded on himself it broke the wall of reality because the explosion was like the power of the sun compressed in a very small explosion. and both your soul and the pc were sucked into the wall of reality and merged so now you have perfect memory your mind is like an encrypted computer and you can use google to ask reality for answers of your questions]

¨eeehmm¨ James was speechless

[WAIT! i am not finished yet, also because of certain rules of this multiverse, you have rewarded 2 skill cards because you managed to wound reality. they will allow you to choose a skill you want and your serum was changed a little so now you have the power of soul manipulation because your soul has survived the pressure of reality it was refined to the peak and made immortal also, you have the strongest soul achievable in this multiverse]

¨Jessica can you please explain what i can do with the power of soul manipulation?¨ James asked her

[ofcourse thats what i am here for hehe, ok so Ehem.]

[Ding… Soul manipulation is a skill that allows you to manipulate souls including your own if they are of deceased people you can always manipulate them but if they are the soul of a living being you cannot manipulate it if the owner of the soul doesn't want you to do so at most you can give them suggestions but thats it]

¨alright so i have a practically immortal soul and i can manipulate souls and have 2 free skills i can choose¨ said, James

[Yep and i am now your System. you know the ones about which you always read in those fanfictions]

¨Wow! do you have those functions?¨ James said feeling quite the surprise that she is now a system

[I do! do you want me to show you your status thingy?]

¨yes please show my status¨ said, James

[Ding… for using the system for the first time you are gifted Body Creation Cardx1]

[Ding… showing Status]


Name: James Marson

Age: ???

Race: ???



buff: +30% chance for rank up when losing a fight

Physique: none

Soul: Immortal

Strength: ???

Defense: ???

Dexterity: ???

Intelligence: ???

Wisdom: ???

Charm: ???

Luck: ???


Soul Manipulation


Skill cardx2

Body creation cardx1


¨Ok so i guess i can't see it because i m in my soul form right?¨

[Yes do you wanna use your body creation card?]

¨i do¨

[Ding… Using Body Creation Card…..]

suddenly a blue panel appeared within his(Mind). without asking how to do it, he just knows how to and just thought how he would look like. As he thinks, a naked, handsome man slowly appeared in his mind. he has dark brown hair, red eyes that have a tint of brown in them, a very ripped body that is perfect it is in between a swimmers body and a bodybuilder with nice broad shoulders, but the muscles are not too big

[Ding Creating and Integrating with the body]

suddenly James feels the grass under his feet and the wind against his skin he looks around and notices that even though there are only trees around he can hear cars and voices he also notices that he is probably standing naked in some kind of park in the middle of civilization…

[James do you want to use the Skill Cards?]

¨Yes use them¨

[Ding… Skill cardx2 think of the skills you want and they shall be added to your status]

´hmm what skill should I choose alright let's get Molecular Manipulation and Genetic access´

[Ding… Two new skills have been acquired]

[Molecular Manipulation:

Allows one to manipulate everything on a molecular level]

[Genetic access:

Allows you access to anyone's genetic makeup]

¨alright i think it is time to find out where exactly i am¨ James said while looking around to look for a path out of this place. while looking he found a sand trail that looks like it is used frequently

¨Jessica do you know which world we are in?¨

[eehm i don't do you want me to use your google function?]

¨yes please¨

[Ding… searching for answer]

[Ding… answer found:

based on your memories you are inside the marvel universe it is currently June 1941 1,5 year before Captain America was created]


[Calm down if u find that the story is bad you can just change the future right?]

¨of course because the future is not set yet¨ James said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

¨I am just gonna become strong enough to protect everything i care about¨ he said with a determined expression on his face

¨Jessica can you please tell me some of the things i can do which i might not know of¨

[Well except for the things you probably already know, your brain process works like a computer right now which makes it far easier to control your power molecular manipulation. oh by the way if you were to create a body by cloning. based on materials used, it would only be able to hold the abilities of in between 1 and 3 people, as for your current body it was made using chaos energy of the universe so it will be able to hold the abilities of 3 people and you are able to change it which you cant do with clones; The powers you give the clones are permanent. by the way, the 3 skills you already have are bound to your soul, not your body so they won't count]

[Also another thing. Using your ´google´ costs a lot of mental energy so at most you will be able to use it once a week]

¨lets first see where this place is¨ said James before walking towards where he heard sounds. after walking for about 10 minutes he came out of the woods he came out at a place that looked like the edge of the city, he could see people walking around with suitcases probably going to work.

¨Alright, i think i should probably create some clothes¨ So he thought of one of those far too expensive suits in his old world and Created a Stuart Hughes Diamond Edition using his molecular manipulation just because its the most expensive suit he could think of. walking around he took in his surroundings and he didn't know why but he felt that it was far better than the future it just had this homey atmosphere you know.

'Jessica, can you help me make a plan to get selected for the super soldier program?'

[I can, but why would you want that? can't you just look into his DNA to save its structure in your brain and edit your genome to have the same changes?]

'I could but i wouldn't want everyone knowing that i can change DNA or i would be used as a lab rat, although they wouldn't even be able to keep me locked up; that doesn't mean that i would want to be a fugitive for the rest of my life'

[Then how would you want to do it? the serum works only on someone like cap who is always thinking about righteousness. while you only care about yourself and your loved ones]

'well, I will first copy the DNA of some people whose power i want like Wolverine. after that, i will just act like Rogers so that they select me, request to go into the capsule after steve. when walking past him i will copy his DNA. step inside the capsule i will allow the needles to be inserted but i will just use my Molecular Manipulation to destroy the serum before it enters my body and then i will make the changes i want to my DNA'

[Ok i get it but what powers are you planning on getting?]

´Well like i said wolverine, i will have to choose mutants that i can find in a short period so i will go for mystique and Bor first king of Asgard i think´

[Ohhh thats like so strong because all of those have super strength or strength enhancement right so they will probably impose on one another]

[But how will you go to Asgard dig up his grave and copy his DNA? you don't even have any way to get to Asgard let alone the power to break through all the security]

´Well actually his grave is on our planet, inside the inner-core to be precise´

[Why would they make his grave on earth?]

´No one knows; it was his request´ James said trying to think of a reason why

[But well you did make a very very strong mix of powers there; because the super strength of mystique and bor will be multiplying each other]

´Really how come?´ James said with a tone that made it almost seem like he had a big question mark hanging above his head

[Yes well Wolverines super-strength not really because he only got that strong because muscle damage repairs itself the instant it happens along with his adamantium bones it is like he is always working out]

[as for how the other two would multiply. you see mystique's super-strength comes from changing her muscular structure while adding mass but because she doesn't want to be walking around like a monster or losing her flexibility and speed she can only do it so much, while bor's body has a certain gene that makes his muscles always compress so that they will have perfect proportions and makes his muscle tissue almost indestructible]

´Jessica get to the point please´ he thought while sounding pretty annoyed by the overly long explanation

[Tch.. oh well because someone here doesn't have patience i shall explain it the short way. well it is like this, if you were to make your muscle mass very very big and strong using mystiques power then the special gene from bor would compress all the muscle tissue to fit your body proportions]

´well i guess we know what to search for in the future´ James said looking sort of dumbfounded

F0rk F0rk

Creating a web novel is harder than most people think i am beginning to have more respect for those authors that create novels of 100+ chapters *Crying while kowtowing*

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