16th May 1659
Akhand Bharatiya Empire, Imperial capital Bengaluru, Simhasana Bhawana
Ganesh ran to the office of Vijay with an excited expression on his face. He was so excited that he even ignored his own etiquette rules, which he had set to be followed by his subordinates in the Emperor's office. Ignoring them was something he never did, as it would set a bad precedent for his subordinates. However, today was one of the rare exceptions due to the kind of news he possessed. Fortunately, although he ignored the etiquette because he was in a hurry, he did not forget to knock on the door of the office and wait for His Majesty's permission to enter.
" Come in "
Vijay put down his pen and looked at Ganesh with a curious expression on his face. He folded his hands and waited for Ganesh to explain the reason why he was in such a hurry to reach him, which Vijay had figured out with a single look.
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