Vijayanagara Empire, Hampi.
The grand coronation of Vijay Deva Raya in the magnificent Vijayanagara Empire was a very special event. People from all over gathered to see their new king take the throne. The ceremony took place on a beautiful stage decorated with colourful flowers and fancy fabrics.
A respected priest named Raghavendra Bhat led the ceremony and made sure everything went smoothly. Vijay Deva Raya's maternal grandfather, Sunil Shetty, and his uncle, Ravi Shetty, were there to support him and show their love. They wanted to make sure Vijay knew they were proud of him.
Two important military leaders named Ramaiah Senapati and Narasimha Nayak also joined the celebration. They were strong and brave warriors who protected the empire and its people.
Not only were their people from Vijayanagara but also representatives from other places. The Maratha Confederation, the Mughal Empire, and even some business people from the Netherlands came to congratulate Vijay Deva Raya.
Raghavendra Bhat spoke to Vijay Deva Raya in a serious and important voice. He said, "Today, you become the ruler of our empire. May the gods bless you with wisdom and kindness as you lead our people."
Vijay Deva Raya felt honoured and determined. He promised to be a fair and just king, to protect his people, and to make it a strong empire
The priest performed some special rituals and put a crown on Vijay Deva Raya's head. Everyone cheered and clapped, and the drums played exciting beats.
Representatives from different places came forward to congratulate Vijay Deva Raya.
Vijay Deva Raya stood in front of the crowd and spoke to his people. He thanked them for their support and promised to lead the empire with their best interests at heart.
Everyone in the crowd was happy and excited. They knew that with Vijay Deva Raya as their king, the empire would continue to grow and prosper.
The coronation of Vijay Deva Raya was a special moment in the history of the Vijayanagara Empire. It marked the beginning of a new era, filled with hope and dreams for a bright future.
A few days had passed since Vijay's coronation, which had left him feeling overwhelmed. But as the days went by, he started experiencing intense headaches and bouts of dizziness.
Opening his eyes groggily, Vijay found Aunt Mina by his side, her face filled with concern. "Are you alright, Your Majesty?" she asked, worriedly.
Feeling a bit disoriented, Vijay reassured her, "I'm okay, Aunt. It might just be the stress from the coronation taking its toll on me."
Aunt Mina gently wiped the sweat from his face and hurriedly left the room to fetch a doctor. "Please lie down, Your Highness. I'll go get a doctor," she urged.
As Vijay watched her leave, he reflected on the real reason behind his sudden fainting spells. It was the awakening of his extraordinary ability, which he called his "golden finger." Now, he had the incredible power to remember all the technological knowledge from his past life and share it with others through inspiration and ideas. It was a precious gift that would save him from explaining every change he planned to make.
But this newfound ability came at a cost. It drained his energy and left him feeling depleted of nutrients. It seemed his appetite would become insatiable, requiring him to eat significantly more.
Lost in thought, Vijay was startled by the sound of the door clicking open. The doctor entered the room and conducted a thorough examination. To his surprise, the doctor gave an unexpected diagnosis.
"Your Majesty, you have a condition called Madhumeha, (aka diabetes in 17th century india). It's crucial that you eat well, as it can be life-threatening if not properly managed."
Observing Aunt Mina's worried expression, Vijay reassured her, "Don't worry, Aunt. I'll be fine."
Aunt Mina's face showed deep concern as she pleaded, "Please take care, Your Majesty. You are the last remaining member of the Raya family, and the kingdom would be in chaos if something were to happen to you."
Vijay felt touched by her care but also uncomfortable with the "Your Majesty" address. at first, he felt it was novel, but now he is sick of it ."You don't have to call me that. Just call me Vijay, like you always have. After all, you practically raised me," he implored.
Unfortunately, Aunt Mina firmly responded, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but as the king of the country, it's important to show respect. I must refrain from such familiarity."
Several days had passed since his awakening, and Vijay now felt well-rested. He decided to leave his room and head to the office, where he could delve into the kingdom's affairs and its people.
"Long live Your Majesty!" Butler Ravichandra greeted him with a deep bow.
"Please, Uncle Ravi, no need for formalities between us," Vijay requested, tired of the constant ceremonial treatment.
Uncle Ravi remained dedicated to his role. "You are the king of this empire now, Your Highness. Your position deserves the utmost respect," he replied.
Hearing those familiar words, Vijay sighed and gave up, "Very well, Uncle Ravi. Please provide me with detailed information about the kingdom and its people."
The butler nodded and swiftly fetched the ledger and census books, ready to assist Vijay in exploring the kingdom's affairs.
Land Area: The land area of the Vijayanagara empire is approximately 700,000 square kilometers, encompassing a diverse range of landscapes, including coastal plains, hills, plateaus, and mountain ranges.
Agriculture Area: Approximately 60% of the land area in Vijayanagara empire can be used for agriculture. The fertile regions along the river deltas of the Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri support extensive cultivation of crops such as rice, millets, pulses, spices, sugarcane, and cotton.
Mineral Resources: Vijayanagara empire is rich in mineral resources. The region boasts substantial reserves of iron ore, manganese, bauxite, limestone, and granite. These resources serve as valuable assets for infrastructure development, construction, and manufacturing industries.
Population: The population of Vijayanagara empire stands at around 40 million people. This diverse population comprises various ethnicities, languages, and cultural groups, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of the region.
Religious Demographics: In terms of religious demographics, approximately 80% of the population in South India identifies as Hindu, while the Muslim community comprises around 15% of the populace. The remaining 5% includes followers of other religions and diverse belief systems, fostering religious harmony and cultural diversity.
Fiscal Revenue: With taxes and subsidies supporting the farming sector, agriculture forms a significant portion of the economy, generating an estimated annual fiscal revenue of over 20 million Varaha (100 tons of gold) for the Vijayanagara Empire.
End of Chapter 3.
The Vijayanagara Empire could be considered a vast country with over 40 million people and an extensive land area of around 600,000 square kilometres. However, despite its size, the empire faced challenges that hindered its prosperity and military advancement. One of the main reasons for this stagnation was the poor standard of living of its people, which led to a lack of adequate talent and skilled individuals capable of harnessing the rich resources of the region to strengthen the country. As a result, the Vijayanagara Empire remained technologically and economically behind compared to the advancements made by the Western world and was still stuck in the European Middle Ages.
Vijay, the new ruler of the kingdom, felt the weight of his responsibilities growing as he began to lay out plans for the future.
"Uncle Ravi, could you please bring me the list of people who are loyal to my family and have notable achievements in their respective fields? Also, make sure they possess ample experience," he requested.
"Right away, your majesty," replied Uncle Ravi, the trusted butler.
Vijay decided to start his reform by establishing an Imperial Council, a group of people who would help him with his duties and share the burden.
Historically, the Imperial Legislative Council served as the legislature of British India from 1861 to 1947. The council's establishment can be traced back to the Charter Act of 1853, which introduced six additional members to the Governor General Council, specifically for legislative matters. The council's composition included appointed and elected representatives, including officials and non-official members. It played a pivotal role in formulating and passing laws, discussing budgets, and addressing important issues concerning British India. While the Governor-General possessed significant powers, the council provided a platform for debates, suggestions, and checks on decisions, contributing to the governance of the vast and diverse British Indian territories during its past.
But Vijay had different ideas. His plan was to establish an imperial council with a unique structure and grant himself absolute veto power for appointments and impeachments. In his vision, this approach would consolidate significant authority within the council and expedite decision-making, streamlining the governance process.
"I want the council to have different departments, such as livelihood, internal security, military, finance, religious and cultural, judicial, and business," Vijay thought to himself as he quickly wrote down his ideas on parchment.
Shortly after, Uncle Ravi returned with a list of names for Vijay to review.
"Hmm, interesting," Vijay pondered as he stroked his chin. He highlighted a few names that he felt could meet his requirements, but he decided to wait until the formal meeting to finalize his choices.
"Uncle Ravi, please invite these people for an interview. I want to verify their qualifications myself," Vijay said.
Ravichandra, the butler, was surprised by the change he noticed in Vijay since his coronation. The young king appeared more confident and mature, almost like a different person altogether.
"Uncle Ravi!" Vijay called out, interrupting the butler's thoughts.
Startled, the butler quickly replied, "Yes, your highness. I will do as you command."
Vijay watched as the butler left, not minding the slight hiccup. Little did he know that the butler's thoughts were so accurate that they would have scared him out of his wits.
Butler Ravichandra swiftly invited the people as per His Highness's orders.
Vijay, prepared for the crucial interviews to select members for the Livelihood, Internal Security, and Business departments of the newly formed Imperial Council. Each interview was a chance to find individuals who would play a pivotal role in shaping the kingdom's future.
**Interview for the Livelihood Department:**
Vijay sat with Vinay, an experienced Ayurvedic medical expert, and Lokesh, an experienced physician for an interview.
"Tell me, Vinay, how can we improve the livelihood and health of our people?" Vijay inquired.
"Your majesty, with proper education and awareness programs, we can promote healthier lifestyles," Vinay replied. "Encouraging regular physical activity will lead to improved health and well-being."
Impressed by Vinay's insight, Vijay nodded, acknowledging the importance of cultivating healthier habits among his people.
Turning to Lokesh, Vijay asked, "And how do you plan to improve the livelihood and health in our kingdom?"
Lokesh replied confidently, "We can implement waste management systems, build sanitation facilities, and establish clean water sources. Educating the public on the importance of cleanliness will help prevent diseases and maintain a healthier environment."
Vijay noted Lokesh's focus on the overall well-being of the kingdom through cleanliness, appreciating the potential impact it could have on their society.
In the end, Vijay chose Lokesh for the council, valuing the holistic approach to health and well-being that encompassed both living habits and cleanliness. However, he also took note of Vinay's individual approach, planning to use him for his future needs.
**Interview for the Internal Security Department:**
Next, Vijay met with Arjun, a veteran of honourable service, injured during challenging missions.
"Arjun," Vijay began, "I see from your resume that you are a military veteran. Can you tell me more about your experiences and how they relate to ensuring the safety of our kingdom and its citizens?"
Arjun took a deep breath before responding, "Yes, Your Highness. I have served as a military officer for several years and have faced numerous challenging situations. During one mission, I was injured while protecting a civilian population from an imminent threat. That experience taught me the importance of securing the safety of our people, even in the most perilous circumstances."
Vijay listened attentively, nodding in acknowledgement of Arjun's words. "Your commitment to our people's safety is commendable," Vijay said. "How do you propose to handle internal security challenges in our kingdom?"
Arjun responded, "I believe in a proactive approach. Strengthening our border defences, implementing strategic patrols, and providing rigorous training to our soldiers are essential steps. Additionally, I emphasize building trust between the military and the local community. Engaging in open dialogues, understanding their concerns, and addressing issues promptly will help prevent potential unrest and maintain peace."
"Jackpot," Vijay thought, but he quickly masked his expression and complimented, "Your approach is commendable, Arjun. I believe your experiences and dedication will be instrumental in leading our Internal Security Department effectively, ensuring the safety and well-being of our citizens."
With Arjun's thoughtful strategies and emphasis on community engagement, Vijay felt even more confident in his decision to entrust him with the responsibility of safeguarding the kingdom's internal security.
Interview for the Business Department:
Lastly, Vijay spoke with Rajesh, who had risen from humble beginnings and earned the appreciation of the last king, his father, eventually becoming the city lord of Bangalore. However, Rajesh faced significant challenges as the city was struggling, resembling more of a town than a thriving urban centre. Undeterred, he envisioned a transformation that would revitalize Bangalore into a bustling business haven.
Rajesh's strategic decisions attracted merchants, infusing new life and wealth into the city. His hard work led to the creation of jobs, fostering economic growth, and transforming Bangalore into a vibrant city. With Rajesh's leadership, the once small town flourished into a bustling city.
As Vijay carefully reviewed Rajesh's résumé, he was pleased with Rajesh's impressive achievements.
"Rajesh, how can we foster economic growth and prosperity?" Vijay inquired, eager to hear his ideas.
Rajesh took a deep breath, feeling nervous as he spoke. "Your majesty, I believe in removing the tariffs between different states, which will promote free trade and create a more interconnected market. This will lead to increased commerce and economic growth," he replied nervously, aware that his proposal involved the interests of local noble families.
Vijay was shocked by his reply but thought that he had found another diamond in the rough, and he was very happy. Seeing Rajesh's face looking uneasy, he reassured him, "It's alright, speak your mind."
Rajesh was relieved that His Highness did not take any offence and continued, "I understand that this proposal might raise concerns, but I firmly believe that by fostering open trade, we can pave the way for greater prosperity for all, including the noble families. It might require careful negotiation and collaboration, but I am ready to work towards a solution that benefits our entire kingdom."
Vijay smiled, appreciating Rajesh's determination. "Your dedication to the well-being of our kingdom is admirable, Rajesh. Your ideas show promise, and I value your contributions to the council."
"Thank you, your majesty. I am deeply honoured to be considered for this role. If given the chance, I will work tirelessly to contribute to the kingdom's prosperity," Rajesh said humbly.
With the interview concluded Rajesh left the room with a mix of excitement and anxiety.
With the council members chosen, Vijay's vision of a strong and united Imperial Council was becoming a reality. As they embarked on their journey together, Vijay felt a sense of hope and excitement for the future of his kingdom. The challenges ahead were significant, but with the right team by his side, Vijay was confident that they could bring about positive change and prosperity for the Vijayanagara Empire.
End of Chapter 4.
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