The secretary's voice remained polite. "Mr. Nelson, please hold on. Mr. Bowen has something he'd like to discuss with you."
Eric narrowed his eyes, waiting. After a brief pause, a smooth, fluent voice in the language of Country W greeted him.
"Hello, Mr. Nelson. This is Bowen. My apologies for not personally receiving you a few days ago. I wanted to extend a formal apology regarding Miss Davis, Miller's adopted daughter, whose actions unjustly landed Mrs. Nelson in trouble. I was wondering if we could meet to discuss this further."
Bowen's tone was courteous, his posture deferential.
Eric's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "Mr. Bowen, my wife is already out of jail. Don't you think your apology comes a little late? But… I hope there are no more petty tricks aimed at harming the interests of Nelson Group."
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