Ella shot up from her seat, glaring coldly at the two officers who entered the room. "On what grounds are you holding me here?"
One of the men smirked, his tone equally cold. "On what grounds? You abused an elderly man—your own grandfather at that! You beat Old Mr. Carter into serious injury, and you think we should just let you walk free to harm more people?"
Ella was speechless. She knew the bodyguards must have called Eric, but what puzzled her was why she had been sitting here for over half an hour with no sign of any movement.
Where was Eric?
Was he too busy to answer his phone? Maybe his phone was off, or worse—was he with another woman?
Ella shook her head, frustrated at herself for even thinking like that. How could she doubt Eric like that?
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Weren't you so arrogant just a moment ago? You're being held here because someone important said so!"
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