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X. Celebration (2) [R18]

I set Rukia and myself down in the warm water.

Rukia, having regained some strength, adjusts herself on top of me while facing me.

We start kissing each other, sucking on each other's tongues and lips.

I'm getting much better at kissing. Probably because Rukia seems to be training me with her tongue.


A few minutes after we started making out Rukia starts grinding her groin on my shaft, and whispers to my ear.

Rukia: "Val-kun... I want you..."

Say no more.

I grab and lift Rukia's ass and aim my rod to the entrance of her walls.

Since she's not a virgin, I can rough her up a little. She seems to like it that way, anyways.

Rukia: "Aaahn..."

After getting the tip inside her, Rukia moans softly and wraps her arms around my back and presses her head besides mine.

When I got the tip in, I can feel her insides open up, as if it was begging me to enter all the way. I force the rest of me further inside in compliance.

Rukia: "Aaaaaah!!!"

My tip reaches all the way to her cervix, and Rukia seems to have come again in response. Her insides clamp onto my shaft, her hands tighten around my back and her head is thrown back with her mouth open and eyes rolled back.

I'm not yet finished, so instead of letting her rest, I start pumping slowly at first, then faster and faster.

Valister: "Ugh.. So tight..."

Rukia: "Aaah!! Pleash, wai- Val, Aah! Aaahnn! Aah!! T-to mushhh...!! Mmmhaaahh!"

Despite Rukia's desperate pleas, her face betrays her words. She looks like one of those girls in hentai. Tongue out with a smile, eyes rolled back, with pink hearts seemingly appearing in her pupils.

The hearts might just be apart of my delusions and the heat of the bath getting to me.

While continuing my pumps while ignoring Rukia's incoherent begging, I can feel my shaft ready to let loose it's seed, and Rukia's inside start to tighten almost painfully.

Valister: "Rukia, It's coming...!"

Rukia: "Ah! Aah! Inshide, Inshide! Mhmm!"

Rukia begs me to shoot my seed inside her.

I don't worry about getting her pregnant, since the books I've read on anatomy and biology stated that it's impossible to impregnate someone of a different race. Since I'm a hybrid, that chance must go down to the negatives, right?

Getting closer to my climax, I pump as fast as I can. Rukia has been coming for a few seconds already, but it doesn't seem like it'll stop yet.

Valister: "Aaargh!!"

(A/N: He's a pirate now.)

I let out a groan in pleasure, and shoot out the fattest nut of the day into her womb.

Rukia comes one final time as I fill her up with my seed and faints onto my chest.

I stay connected to her, putting her in a more comfortable position while I catch my breath until she wakes up.

After a few seconds, Rukia awakens with a small gasp.

Valister: "Hey, you. You're finally awake."

After a few minutes of sitting in the bath, still connected, Rukia looks up at me still with a flushed face.

Rukia: "That was amashing..."

Rukia then lays back down onto my chest. We rest inside the bath for a few minutes more.


After an extended soak in the bath I get up with Rukia still connected to me.

I look at the water of the bath. I spot no obvious mess of my seed in the water. I don't want the Bath Maidens to work at emptying the entire bath because of me. They'll probably have to anyways, but it's the thought that counts.

Getting out of the bathing area, I disconnect from Rukia and set her down on the bed with a towel underneath her.

I dry her body and clean up my seed oozing out of her.

I make sure she's completely dry before wrapping the blanket on her and then cleaning my groin again, and drying myself.

After I finish, I climb into bed with her. Since none of the maidens have knocked on the door yet, I'm guessing we still have some time.

I use that time to rest more comfortably and cuddle with Rukia.

Rukia wakes at my movement and looks up at me.

Rukia: "Fufu~ Val-kun, you beast. That was the first time I've ever fainted during sex. Here I thought you were inexperienced."

Valister: "Heh, I guess it just came natural to me."

I am a beast, after all.

I lean in to kiss Rukia and she does the same, intertwining our tongues to each other for a few minutes before Rukia separates our lips and sighs.

Rukia: "Ahhh~ Don't get the wrong idea about today, Val-kun. I'm not looking to tie you down. You're still young, you should live you life with someone younger."

I looked at her with a bit of empathy. She's broke ties with her fiance, so she probably gave up in finding love again. I like her, but I definitely don't love her. This was just a one night stand.

Rukia: "But... If you're ever in town... and if you don't have a lover yet, we can play around again. If that's okay with you?"

Hell yeah it is.

Valister: "Yeah, if I'm ever in the mood, and I'm in town, I'll come looking for you."

Rukia giggles and gives me another peck on the lips.

We stay on the bed for a little while longer, cuddling, in a comfortable silence.


After what seemed like a half hour, we heard a knock on the door. A muffled voice can be heard from the other side.

Clerk: "Customer-sama? The hours you have paid for has passed. If you would like to extend your stay, I may come an hour later?"

Valister: "No, it's fine, we'll get changed and leave immediately. Thank you."

Clerk: "Yes, Customer-sama. I will await for you at the front desk."

I hear the clerk's footsteps get further down the hall. I looked at Rukia and smiled softly.

Valister: "Well, it's time to go. Can Rukia-neesan stand?"

Rukia: "Ah, yes, I think."

I help Rukia sit up and watch as she tries to stand. She fails and starts to tumble back down on the bed.

Rukia: "Heh heh, looks like I'm still too weak in the legs."

She looks away in slight embarrassment. I guess I was too much for her, huh.

I grab my clothes from the floor and put them on. I can sense Rukia staring at my butt.

After getting myself dressed I grab Rukia's clothes and help her get dressed. She grabs onto me while I tie up her fundoshi and put on her guild yukata and thigh high tabi socks.

I then turn around and crouch down in front of her with my arms stretched back towards her.

Rukia stares in confusion.

Rukia: "What're you doing?"

Valister: "I'm gonna give you a piggy back ride. Unless you want me to carry you like a princess in public. Or do you want to try and walk bow legged and shaking, basically showing everyone outside what happened in this room?"

I decided to tease the older woman. Her embarrassed face makes her look very cute.

Rukia: "N-no, I'm fine with the piggy back ride..."

She's blushing. So cute.

After hoisting her up I grab her sandals and exit the room heading to the exit.

I wave goodbye to the nice clerk and leave Amai Bathhouse.

Valister: "So, where do I drop you off?"

Rukia: "Oh, you can drop me off at my home. It's near the guild. A few minutes away."

Valister: "Got it. I'll head to the guild and you lead me from there."


Successfully arriving to Rukia's humble little home, she hands me the key and we enter.

Rukia: "Can you set me down on my bed? I'm still a bit tired."

Valister: "Sure. I'll help you change into your sleepwear."

Rukia: "Thank you, Val-kun."

I help Rukia get changed once again and tuck her into bed.

Teasing her once again, I kissed her on the lips and whispered softly into her ear.

Valister: "Sweet dreams, honey."

Rukia's face turns red for about the 20th time again today, then replaced with an angry pout.

Rukia: "Mouuu~ Don't tease me like that, Val-kun! It's not funny!"

Valister: "Haha! Sorry, it's was too good to pass up on the chance! But, seriously, rest well. I roughed you up pretty bad. You'll be okay for work tomorrow?"

Rukia: "Yes, yes, nothing a minor health potion won't fix. Now, get outta here, Val-kun. You're gonna be late for your dinner."

Valister: "Well, okay. See ya later Rukia-neesan!"

I smiled and turned to leave, not forgetting to securely lock her doors.


[POV 3rd Person - Rukia]


Rukia looked at the large back of the retreating figure.

A boy 7 years her junior. A boy that became an adult in the eyes of the government just yesterday. The one she made into a man just hours ago.

She lets out in a sad voice,

'If only I was his age.... If only I was at least 8 years younger... If only he was born in my hometown with me... Maybe he would've looked at me differently... Maybe we'd have gone on adventures together... Maybe we would've been lovers... Then engaged... and then married... We couldn't have our own children, but we could've adopted an orphan....'

Rukia then shook her head at these thoughts.

'No... I wouldn't want to do that. He'll outlive me, he'll stay young looking, while I grow old and wrinkly. He'll lose interest and fall out of love... If not then he'll be saddened to see me die of old age. I wouldn't want any of that. This is the best I could do with him. This is for the best...'

Rukia stayed laying on the bed, on the verge of tears, yet nothing fell from her eyes.

'This is okay. I can live like this. I'll help adventurers now, and I'll help the ones in the future. They'll be like my children... I'll live for myself and them...'

After pondering for the remainder of the day, Rukia made her resolve and steeled her heart. She's made peace with her life. She'll play with Valister while she's still young, but she'll know when to draw the line.

Thinking of this, Rukia drifted off to sleep.

TheTwoTwo TheTwoTwo

Second part of the lemon. It was pretty basic. Except maybe the Ahegao face, and it was only one position, a sitting missionary. I hope you didn't expect too much, this was my first ever lemon.

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