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10.44% Reborn as the Clown Prince / Chapter 21: Freedom

Chapter 21: Freedom

I'm done. The translator (FanFicionForce) not only pretends to be the author of my fan fiction, but he also answers readers about the motivation of the main character, and incorrectly. At the same time, it deletes my comments where I try to explain it. It's a pity to do this, but I will have to post a poor-quality translation of my fan fiction. If anything, then all the chapters will be properly designed over time, but so far it turns out that way.

By the way, the next few chapters were divided into two parts, because at the time of writing I was passing a session, and I had no time to release full chapters. Since this is a translation, there is no point in making them two at a time.


The grand jury session was completely drained by our "dream team", which was pretty sad, considering the evidence of my innocence... Or rather, the lack of normal evidence of guilt. In the legal system of the state where Gotham is located, a person is presumed innocent by default, and the prosecutor's job is to provide evidence against the accused.

Eh, and after all such a beautiful combination was, if not a threat to the family of my protector, then by the evening I could be free, and even with gesheft ...

Though maybe we failed because of my request to read out a list of Joker's transgressions with the names of the accusers? The previous phase of the trial had been a bit of a mess, when the judge had simply listed what I was accused of, but I let him rehabilitate himself, only after my request everyone in the room tried to burn a hole in me. Even Alan looked at me disapprovingly, his option was to re-interview all the witnesses, but I decided to be more radical. And why the hell was my lawyer looking at me like that?! He had missed his family, and it was far from certain that, having fulfilled the kidnappers' demand, he would be able to see his daughter and granddaughter alive again. Besides, I wasn't sure that Barbara would be able to rescue the hostages in a day. So I decided to drag it out as long as possible. And the list of grievances against the psychopathic clown was very long.

The judge took eight rest breaks and each time threw angry glances in my direction, but continued to do his job faithfully.

By 6 p.m., the list had come to an end:

"A police officer with badge number seven-four-two-zero is charging you with a parking violation on Ridge Avenue in Providence," Frank Caprio finished tiredly, checking the printout from February thirtieth, two thousand and seventy-seven... The last sheet moved to the tall stack on the older man's right. "Did the jury feel there was sufficient evidence to proceed to trial?"

"Yes!!!" The President of the Grand Jury, who they managed to pick during the break, jumped up.

"Pardon me?" In spite of everything, Judge Caprio tried to remain professional.

The man faltered and pulled out a crinkled sheet from somewhere under the stand.

"Ahem, the Grand Jury has reviewed the evidence presented and determined that there is more than enough evidence to proceed to trial."

"Thank you. Since we have had quite a lot of time to read out the charges, the next stage of the meeting is adjourned until twelve o'clock tomorrow."


The hammer came down on the podium with force, and the older man was finally able to relax.

My lawyer's cell phone vibrated quietly, and after a brief glance at the screen, he exhaled with relief. It was as if he had thrown off a multi-ton weight from his shoulders, and a faint smile appeared on his face. I could tell from his reaction that Mousey had succeeded.

[Quest "Save the Lawyer's Family" completed: save the family members of Alan Dershowitz 2/2. Reward 5 free points]

Marked an achievement by the system.

About fucking time. Just five seconds ago, the grand jury decision could have been overturned. Too bad there's no going back now. Although there are options. Given what's going on, the current prosecutor's career is fucked. The indictment went through with a lot of irregularities, from the judge forgetting to name all the accusers to the grand jury's quick decision. Nobody does that, they simply had to leave the room for a conference, at least a formal one, but they didn't, instead they consulted during breaks, which was broadcast live.

Two police officers escorted Alan and me out of the courtroom, and luckily, this time no madman was trying to capture or kill me. I couldn't say that about the reporters outside the building, they behaved like real piranhas, and if it hadn't been for my escort and the Joker's grim reputation, it would have been very hard to get to the police car. As it was, it only took me to laugh, remembering the between-worlds when the pen workers had encircled us too tightly, not allowing us to pass. I even apologized, passing the startled people, but I did it in the car. I didn't see the point of giving an interview, especially in view of our leak, and I didn't want to be long, and neither did my escorts, who got a little tense at my laughter, but still managed to pull themselves together, it wasn't the first time they'd seen such a reaction.

At the Gotham Police Department, we were taken into a room and left alone so I could confer with my attorney and plan my defense.

The silence dragged on.

"Sorry..." Alan Dershowitz said quietly, not knowing where to look and fiddling with the lid of his briefcase.

"Alan, what kind of daycare is this?" ьy outrage was unparalleled. I prefer to be a hero, but not an idiot, ready to forgive everything after one word.

The man sitting in front of me really screwed up... Of course, I'm not denying my guilt, because I could have defended myself, but, hell, a regular "I'm sorry"?! That's not what you want to hear when you're facing more than ten life sentences.

The older man took a couple of deep breaths, bringing his thoughts to order.

"I was nervous, so I said something stupid. So, as an apology, I can help your friend avoid prosecution."

"A friend?"

"Harleen Quinzel. She's the one you asked for help, isn't she?" the man handed me a smartphone with an open photo of my assistant hugging a little girl, a strange woman standing next to her, and a cluttered garage in the background.

Hmm, so Barbara did ask for help... Good girl, she did the right thing.

"Okay, but you have to realize that's not enough."

Harley's situation was even better than mine. She was always seen as an extension of the Joker, and didn't really have time to do too much tinkering. She could very well get off with a hefty fine if the jury didn't tinker. Though she might not even make it to trial.

I leaned back in my chair:

"I had a good idea about what to do on the outside if we do win the lawsuit..."

"Jay, I understand the situation, but I'm not gonna do anything criminal. It's more important to my reputation than money. I got a couple million. - Dershowitz looked agitated; he really didn't want to get involved in the murky business, but I wasn't about to suggest illegal or semi-legal schemes to enrich myself.

"Damn, and two million is a very good offer. I'd even say excellent... No, Jay, you're better than that and you'll quite possibly make a lot more money."

"Tempting, but I'm not offering anything criminal. I need help filing patents. I have some great ideas and would like to get intellectual property rights on them, and a couple of interesting concepts have come up.

"Is that so?" The man looked extremely surprised, but then rejoiced. - Of course I'll help you, and I'll bear all the costs, no objections!

"I wasn't going to," a slight smile appeared on my lips, which didn't look repulsive with my appearance, "then we'll talk about it after the charges are dropped, because you know... When you're facing multiple life sentences, there's not much time for long-term planning...

We discussed once again what I should answer in court and parted ways. Alan went to check on his family and prepare the materials that would complete my case (pressure on a lawyer at such a time is a serious thing). I, on the other hand, went back to my cell, where I was finally able to eat. The food was, like the first time, almost tasteless, but I was able to fill my stomach and not feel a little hungry. It was strange, my body had gone beyond the human limit, but instead of increasing its need for food, it was demanding less, probably due to better digestion.


A sharp sound under the ceiling made her tense up.

Who the hell is that? The number of people who would like to see me is relatively large, but the number of people who can do so in the heart of a police station is disappointingly small.

"I see things haven't been going well for you. - Behind the glass stood Commissioner Gordon himself.

"Aren't you happy about that?" I had to finish my modest dinner in two sittings and put his utensils in a special compartment. Although the name "utensils" is too strong a name for a plastic plate, glass and spoon.

"Not as much as I wanted to. - The red-haired man stroked his bandaged arm.

"Why? I'm going to jail, not in Arkham, but in a real prison. Isn't that what you've been dreaming about for a while now?

"After your takeover by Scarecrow, things became very different...

Hmm, he shouldn't have done that. In fact, the original could have done something like this to make a great game. He wouldn't even hesitate to mutilate himself to make it look believable. The clown in one version of the DC universe even let him cut off his own face!

When necessary, the Joker could be as dodgy as an eel, and one should not forget about his excellent acting and knowledge of human psychology. To deceive and then fall in love with a girl, who is considered to be a great psychologist - it's strong.

Eh, the previous owner of this body was a genius, and a mad one at that.

"Well, uh. That doesn't negate my previous crimes.

"But you don't remember anything about them at all. - James looked serious. I wonder if anyone bothered to read what the doctors at the asylum wrote. - Now it looks like we're trying to put a man in jail. Who can't take responsibility for his past actions.

"Huh, is this you now gently trying to call me retarded?


"Okay, don't drag out why you're here, I doubt I've been allocated a whole commissioner to carry out the dishes.

"We've received reports that your lawyer's family has been kidnapped... - Gordon shifted from foot to foot, looking at me expectantly.

"Uh-huh? I kind of know, or we wouldn't have had that embarrassing Grand Jury hearing.

"Ahem... - The commissioner adjusted his collar. - This could be used in court...

Wait, is he trying to help me now?! The Joker?! The man he said terrorized Gotham for two years?! Did our little adventure together have that much of an effect on him...

"This wasn't your idea, was it?" I think I know who put him up to it.

"I had a little fight with my daughter, so she asked me to-- Your girlfriend was also in the rescue.

Oh, Babs, you're so cute!

"Your daughter's smart, I can tell she's just like her daddy. It'll be interesting to meet her.

It took him a second to realize my words, and then it was as if a volcano had exploded.

"Don't you dare, you got it! Don't even go near her. - There was no trace of James's awkwardness left. The man was now standing behind the glass, his glasses glinting menacingly from behind the daylight bulbs flickering overhead. Man, that looks spectacular.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Now I recognize the good old commissioner, before you came in here and started snotting. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Don't worry, maybe someday I'll call you daddy, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Now I laughed sincerely, imagining this picture, which could well become reality, especially if you remember our meetings.

"You!!!" The man swore, using multi-story constructions he'd learned during his years on the force, except I couldn't fully appreciate them as Gordon let go of the intercom button out of an excess of emotion. At the end he spat and walked towards the exit.

If I did something bad, it's good for my heart. I admit that now I acted like an asshole, but at least I not only helped the commissioner to tone up, but had fun myself.

I am sitting in the courtroom again, but now as a defendant. This time Alan took the bull by the horns and faithfully did his job as a lawyer.

He was even able to add additional material to the case, arguing that it couldn't be done before because of the threat to the family. By the way, I was able to watch an excerpt from the talk show with Moira Dershowitz and I can say that her line about Mouseketeer was mega-epic. Yeah, something did not go well in Babs' career, although she is trained by Batman, she will definitely be able to gain experience, and there participation in a couple of rescues, and she will have a normal nickname... Hmm. Nah, I like Mousey better, but I'll keep it for personal use.

Back to the trial. Dershowitz presented a wealth of evidence to prove my innocence. He especially emphasized the fact that there were no records of me engaging in illegal activities, and no one had been able to find my fingerprints at the crime scenes. Of course, the prosecution, represented by the prosecutor, was not happy about this. That's when witness interviews came into play, but we had them, too. Charlie didn't forget that I had saved him and gave me a favorable report. There was also a favorable character reference from Jeremiah Arkham, which he passed on in a cover letter. It literally said that I had become a different person and judging me for the actions of my deranged alter ego would be fundamentally wrong and might even make things worse. This was followed by footage of me distracting a huge mutant, saving the life of a guard at the treatment center.

We didn't forget to show the footage taken before and after my arrest, when bruises mystically appeared on my face after I had just taken a ride in an armored police van designed for transporting criminals. I couldn't even move then, because of the straitjacket and the strong restraints. At this point I could clearly hear the prosecutor's teeth grinding.

When the parties had exhausted the prepared materials, an elderly man in a judge's robe decided to move on to the next phase of the hearing.

"Before the jury retires for deliberations, do you have anything to say?" Frank Caprio addressed me.

The man was pleased. The trial had not turned into a circus, as he had feared, remembering yesterday. All procedures had been fully observed, and it was very interesting for him to take part in such a case. The event of the decade.

"Yes. - I approached the podium, next to the judge's table where the witnesses had previously answered.

I had a great view from this spot. Hundreds of pairs of eyes were watching me intently from the auditorium, and millions through the TV cameras. It was quite an unusual feeling. I had never performed in front of so many people, and I didn't even think that such a situation could ever happen. Even when I died and came into this world, this kind of thing just wouldn't have occurred to me. Shit, I could feel my hands shaking a little with excitement.

"Mr. Arkham?" Said the judge with a questioning tone as the pause lengthened.

"Ha hah, sorry... There are so many people here, I'm a little confused. I've been called the Joker. - I began to speak in a firm voice after smoothing out the emotional peak. - My appearance became this way as a result of an accident. Pale, almost white, skin; bright red lips, green hair, laughing... The police had never seen anything like it. They labeled me a deadly incurable sociopath who should be locked up forever. They said I was a new kind of criminal and even coined a new term for people like me: super criminals. - I took a brief pause, looking precisely into the lens of the shooting camera. - But that's a lie! I may have once been a criminal to the point of memory loss, as some witnesses say, but I was never a murderer. When I was arrested, the police didn't show proof that I had committed a violent crime. They just concocted a charge to call me a super criminal!" It was as if my words had silenced all sound: no rustling of clothes, no low whispering, not even the lamps in the ceiling humming at the edge of audibility.

"The truth was that I was a sick man who needed help. Trying to reconstruct my biography, I calculated that my first case had probably been a supermarket theft, for which I had paid in full, but the police didn't want to let me go because to them I was not just a criminal, but an excuse. My tarnished reputation and unstable mental state made me the perfect candidate for their scheme. They swore they were giving me medication and assistance, but in reality they were only making my condition worse by turning me into the bogeyman they needed. And it was all done so that the Guardians of Order could suck money out of Gotham. They created a new source of revenue, a growing industry that no one had ever thought of before: crime. - Gordon forgive me for this, but it's necessary. - Every time the city questioned the exorbitant spending, the police unleashed the Joker, reigniting the fears of the taxpayers, and soon, they had enough money to not only upgrade Arkham Asylum, which was intended to be a rehab center, but to rebuild Blackgate. I may look like a freak, but it's not my fault. My lawyer and I have provided the necessary evidence over the days, don't let me be made a scarecrow anymore. Don't punish Jay Arkham for the crimes of the Joker.

My speech had the effect of a bomb going off. Of course, many of those present understood what was going on, but my words gave weight to everything that had been said before.

~Knock, knock, knock, knock~

"Quiet! Quiet!" the judge shouted in my ear, calling everyone to order, and it had an effect, the voices in the hall began to subside.

I wonder if the prosecutor realizes where this is going. Oh, I think he does, judging by the way he's sweating profusely and casting suspicious glances at Alan and me. He realizes that if we win this case, we'll be suing for a very large sum of money.

In fact, my speech had a dual purpose: not only to tip the scales toward acquittal, but also to impress the prosecutor, which I apparently succeeded in accomplishing.

"Mr. Judge, may I have a word with the accused?" Still, the prosecutor couldn't stand it.

"I don't see any obstacles to that. - Caprio nodded favorably.

I approached the prosecutor's seat.

"I know what you're up to, Joker... - The man was clearly angry.

"Jay Arkham. - I immediately corrected him, smiling kindly.

"My offer: $100,000 and a dismissal of the charges. You'll be released right now.

"I'll be released anyway, because that's the way it's going. You saw the jury's reaction, didn't you? You don't have to be smart to see that.

"Uh, okay, what do you want?

If we settle amicably now, I can't make a claim against the Gotham Police Department. He understands that, I understand that.

"You're gonna stop stalking Harleen Quinzel. Well, I could use a hundred and fifty grand.

The man's face turned white and then red, the color of a ripe tomato. I don't think he'd have a stroke...

"Well, well, well... - The prosecutor said through clenched teeth.

"Then I'll leave it up to you.




I still can't believe it's real. I stand on the embankment and breathe in the sweet smell of freedom.

Breathe In-Breathe Out...

Honestly, it smells like shit in here, but I just need to get my head together. I still can't believe it all worked out so well. The plan wasn't on the snot, of course, and I had various scenarios planned, but it all worked out pretty well in the end.

The prosecutor jumped at the opportunity, and in fifteen minutes I was acquitted of all charges and the amount of compensation, followed by a mention of my charming assistant and the fact that her situation was similar to mine. Frank Caprio was against such a feint, because the rules require that a new meeting be organized, but the accusing party bit its teeth and managed to sell the necessary decision, sparing my beloved from criminal prosecution. They had not forgotten that I had become a person without an identity, so tomorrow I would have to visit the municipality and get a temporary identity document.

Hell, I can't believe that just this morning I was sitting in an armored supercriminal cell box, and now I'm standing here trying to see ships floating in the distance.

After leaving the courtroom, I was attacked by a pack of reporters trying to get an interview. I had to give one. Mostly it was words of gratitude to everyone who supported me during this difficult time, as well as a story about my future plans to expand the game industry.

"Jay, will you be there soon?" Alan couldn't take it anymore, leaning out the window of the parked car. His daughter was behind the wheel, and she'd kindly agreed to give us a ride, or rather me. I knew the address where Harley lived, so I was dropped off a couple blocks away. The prisoner's robe was replaced by a familiar Hound merch bought on the way.

Well, uh. I think it's this apartment. I knock loudly on the door, but nothing happens.

That's weird, did I misremember?

No, it was just great noise insulation. The lock clicked, and Ivy appeared in the doorway with her normal skin tone.

Wow, I didn't know she could do that.

"Showing up... - The girl steps aside, and I silently step inside, closing the door behind me.

"Mr. J!" A blond head peeked out of the room, only to rush to my neck a second later with a squeak of joy. - I missed you guys so much. You were great! And your speech, it was a sensation!" I was clasped in a tight hug.

Ouch, that's pretty painful, and I'm almost oblivious to the feeling. I think that pumping the first beginning has already paid off, reducing the intensity of the painful sensations.

"Me, too. - I pulled the girl against me, then kissed her greedily. I don't give a shit about the pain in my pinched ribs, it's just the oddly working nerve endings transmitting a distorted signal to my brain. She's not hurting me in any way by her actions, I just have to be patient...

After a while I did get a little used to it and started to enjoy it.

"Ivy, come here. - Surprisingly, it wasn't the happy blonde who said it, but me, noticing the envious and slightly disgruntled look of one redhead.

Harley couldn't get away from me after a long separation, so I had to take matters into my own hands. Together with my assistant, I approached the frozen girl and pulled her to me. Harlequin was distracted for a second, so there was nothing to stop me from kissing the green cutie. It was like a spark between us.

[A powerful source of magic has been discovered, closer contact is required to initiate the Seventh Initiative]

Suddenly the system reminded itself.

Oh, I forgot. We'll set it up, but before we do.

"Harley, I'm glad you're so happy to have me back, but you can't forget about your friend, can you?

"Ouch!" she pulled away, glaring at the still sad dryad, and then reached for her, and it didn't take long for the green-skinned girl to reach for her.

It was an unrealistically passionate and sensual kiss, in which Pamela tried to express all her love and care. Damn, that looks really hot.

"Girls, I'm taking a shower. - With difficulty, but I managed to tear Harley, who was unusually silent, away from me and jumped into the shower, getting rid of the fatigue accumulated during the day. Now we can move on to activating the source.


***Starting 18+***


I suspected something like that. Coming out of the bathroom, the girls were practically naked. Harley was wearing only red and black socks, but Ivy was in her traditional leaf bathing suit, only now all her intimate parts were on display.

My lover immediately grabbed my hand and sat me down on the couch.

"This show is especially for you. - She stepped to the middle of the room, nodding to the dryad standing to the side. After that, vines hung from the ceiling, wrapping around the pretty blonde and lifting her above the floor. It was indeed a show. You could call it aerial gymnastics, if every movement didn't breathe arousal and lust.

The lianas did not seek to penetrate the girl, but gently glided over her skin, forcing her body into various poses.

I'd call it dynamic shibari. Harley was clearly enjoying herself, and after half a minute the first moan escaped her lips. When she heard it, the red-haired beauty got excited and began to control the plants like a conductor, extracting moans of different tones from the suspended girl. The unusual melody was getting faster and faster, and my faithful assistant was already clearly not thinking anything from the coming orgasm, but the dryad did not let her reach it, sharply changing the position of her victim in space.

But in the end, the blonde was frozen with her legs wide apart, bent at the knees and tied with sturdy vines. Her arms were tied tightly behind her back, but it didn't seem to be causing her much discomfort. Her head was tilted upward, held by a plant by her hair.

Ivy sprang into motion, walking over to her friend and gently running her hand over her exposed tummy.

"It's for Mr. J... - Harley was clearly panting with desire, but she found the strength to say it.

Shit, it's true. I got two gorgeous girls in front of me, and I'm mashing my tits. I'm not. And that needs to be rectified immediately!

"Put her down low. - I stood up, getting rid of the robe I'd thrown on after my shower.

"Now you can...anywhere... Mr. J. - The blonde girl struggled to speak.

Well, if it's anywhere, you'd be a fool not to take advantage of it.

A whole Niagara waterfall was flowing from the girl's pussy, so I had already set my first target long ago.

With a sharp thrust I invade the depths, feeling the walls of my vagina begin to contract frantically.

"Yes!!!!" She'd been on edge for a while now, and she lacked a single impulse. Okay, Ivy is idle again: out of order.

"Untie her and lie down on the couch.

"Okay. (chuckles) - She seemed to see where this was going, so she instantly complied with my request. I shifted the still-awake and mind-numbed from her powerful orgasm onto her friend and started ramming her pussy again, trying to get all the way in, but the girl was too tight for that. Harley on reflexes hugged her favorite and reached for a kiss, which Ivy immediately gave her.

Man, it was an unreal thrill. I was fucking the blonde's tight pussy while she was having fun with her friend. It was so arousing that I could feel my orgasm coming and I sped up.

"Ah, harder, Mr. J!

The room began to fill with the screams of a girl approaching another orgasm. Ivy was doing her part, trying to give her beloved lying on top even more pleasure, caressing all her erogenous zones, which she had learned about during a couple of sleepovers together.

"Mr. J., Ivy, ah, more!" The blonde cutie moaned beneath me. - Fuck me harder, I'm almost there! YES!!!!

With another thrust I started pumping her pussy with seminal fluid, which made the girl cum again, clinging to her friend.

I pulled my soiled cock out and moved it to a lower tier, feeling the wetness of another pussy.

"You don't mind, do you?" I asked, pulling her labia apart a little with my rod.

"I'm lying naked with my orgasming friend on top of me, do you think I mind?" Two green eyes looked at me reproachfully.

"You're such a cutie after all. - I kissed Ivy, my cock penetrating her at the same time, feeling the surges between us.

"Ah... - A quiet moan escaped her lips.

"Oh, does the unapproachable Poison Ivy have a weak spot?" Kissing the red-haired beauty because of the blonde lying between us was not very comfortable, but I managed, and she also has such a seductive neck, on which I want to leave a couple of hickeys.

"Shut up, ah, and fuck!

Feeling an active stirring beneath me, my faithful assistant woke up.

"Awww, you're so cute when you're about to cum!" Harley didn't miss the opportunity to start pleasuring her friend while I tried to find the best angle and amplitude.

When I touched the girl, it was as if miniature discharges went through me in those places, and she seemed to feel them too, trying to press herself against my hands.

"Harley, get down for a second, I want to check something.

"Okie, Mr. J. - The blonde kissed the dryad one more time, then me, and got off the couch, heading for the closet, even from this angle I could see that it was filled with sex toys.

"And now we have to finish what we started with you!" I whispered those words in the red-haired girl's ear, slowly laying down on top of her.

Suddenly she wrapped her legs and arms around me herself, pressing down hard.

"I don't know what you're doing, but it feels really good. - She started thrusting, trying to get as deep as she could, and the system's sign flashed in front of me:

[Source initialization started]

Excellent. The initiation shocks served as an excellent catalyst, intensifying the sensations of sex. The dryad was no longer aware of reality, immersed in the depths of debauchery. Now she herself began to kiss me greedily.

"Yes... Ah! More! Harder!!! YES!!!!!!!" With another thrust, her whole body shuddered, and I felt as if I had been struck by lightning.

[Source activation completed

Seventh Beginning (magic) +1]

Distracted, I didn't realize I was pouring inside the girl. I hoped she'd made herself infertile, too, because green-skinned and green-haired babies would be too much. To avoid further excesses, I mentally turned off the notifications, returning to the real world.

"And now me!" Harley tried to wedge herself between us, but the dryad was a crowbar away from me now.

By the way, I don't feel any pain.

Oh, fuck, I feel it! The last discharge seemed to have temporarily blocked the painful sensations, but now they were starting to return. I had to hastily unhook the girl, who passed out with a happy smile.

"Okay, I want the same thing three, no, ten times!" Quinn did get her way, taking the vacant seat.

"Of course, sweetheart," I switched back to my loving assistant, bringing her to another orgasm. The girl was very sensitive and she seemed to be unrealistically turned on by the very thought that she could be with two people she adored at the same time, which intensified the already great sensations.

"It's the first time in my life that I've ever cum so powerfully... - The red-haired beauty was impressed when she came back from the dream world.

"Ah, what about me?" The blonde moaned, then suddenly bit my shoulder.

Ow! It's a bit mind-blowing, bringing back a palette of pain, but I'm also experiencing a lot of pleasure that overrides the unpleasant sensations. I feel like I've become more sensitive having normal sex, at least it definitely didn't happen before with blowjobs, even though both partners tried hard. I don't want to become a masochist in the process.

"I'm sorry, Harley, but that was really too cool. - The dryad crawled over to us and sat the lying blonde on her face. - I hope you don't mind.

Harley showed her thumb, attacking the green defender's pussy while I stimulated her body.

We ended up entertaining ourselves for almost five hours literally fucked up and although our bodies were capable of carrying on, but here the mind began to demand a rest.


***The End 18+***


We were relaxing in bed after getting cleaned up. I could tell that the first sex in this body had been a real success. Oh, it was really good!

I was lying on the edge, Harley hugging me and Pamela, who couldn't stop squeezing my lover's breasts.

"The day after tomorrow, I'm going to reforest on behalf of Wayne Biotech, so I want my reward tomorrow. - The dryad lifted up and looked at me expectantly in the eyes.

What? What award?

Seeing my questioning look, she clarified:

"You promised on the island that if I helped you, you'd ask Harley to be my slave for twenty-four hours.

"Uh-uh, if it's okay with her, I have to run errands all day tomorrow anyway.

"I don't mind... - The harlequin replied, keeping her eyes closed and sinking into dreamland.




In the morning, I woke up to a soft conversation in the room.

"No, you won't use it, it's green and glows in the dark... - I recognized Pamela's voice as one of indignation.

"That's the whole point. It's green and it glows!" The blonde was enthusiastic.

"Now, you are my slave and you will do as I say!

I wondered what they were arguing about, and I opened my eyes. Harley was standing in the center of the room, dressed in a strappy BDSM costume, holding a strange dildo. It was acid green in color and clearly had a crystalline structure.

"Oh, Jay, you're awake. - The green-eyed girl was glad when she saw my gaze. - Tell her you can't shove that thing inside you! It's just a souvenir. You just look at the box from under it, it is insulated with lead, and it's obviously not for nothing! Even my kids feel sick around this stuff.

"What is it?" I looked more closely at the object in question, noticing a faint flicker.

"I bought it as a souvenir. They say it's made from a meteorite that fell in Smallville.

"So... - A couple, pictures of how to use a kryptonite dildak flashed through my brain. Br-- I wouldn't wish that on an enemy. Although with Supergirl, there were some interesting possibilities. - Harley, this thing has been causing a lot of trouble around Smallville for decades," I gleaned that information from newspaper clippings in the library, "so put it away for now and I'll deal with it later.

"All right, Mr. J.

We moved into the kitchen where my assistant was serving Ivy, casting guilty and sad glances at me.

"All right," Pamela gave in, looking at her friend's distress, "he'll be gone soon enough, and it'll be just the two of us.

Harley shrieked happily and immediately ducked under the table, freeing my fighter. Breakfast turned smoothly into sex.

"You're the worst for breakfast. - The redhead was indignant, but instead of sitting down, she moved closer, watching me fuck the satisfied blond cutie and, unable to stand it, joined Harley's caresses. Finished in every sense, I disguised myself and went outside, having previously called Alan from the dryad's smartphone. The man should pick me up from the same place where he'd dropped me off yesterday.

Too bad I can't keep having fun, because there really was a carload and a small cart of things to do today.

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