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100% reborn as sasuke uchiha(rewrite) / Chapter 1: Where am i?
reborn as sasuke uchiha(rewrite) reborn as sasuke uchiha(rewrite) original

reborn as sasuke uchiha(rewrite)

Author: amarril14

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Where am i?

'Waking up in a room unfamiliar is not a pleasant experience looking around the room I noticed that the room is very neat there is a small tv on the counter on the other end of the room there is a glass door leading to a balcony in front of the bed and there is a lamp and some books on a desk next to the bed.'

"W-where am I?" I say in a voice way to young to be my early twenties mature voice I look around once more to guess where I am.

Sliding off the bed i look around and find a mirror sitting in the corner of the room 'WHAT THE HELL' I internally scream as i examine myself in the mirror I immediately recognize the face of the fictional character sasuke Uchiha, 't-this cant be real' I think to myself as I notice a piece of paper hanging from the frame of the mirror.

"If you are reading this you have most likely have noticed that you aren't in your own body hehe, I have gifted you with 2 golden finger abilities infinite chakra and instant mastery. this should be more than enough to guide you through the dangerous world of naruto also you have a day before you have to do the bell test now go along and entertain me my friend"

Once i finish reading the note it turns into nothing, Like literally nothing it just disappeared. As i begin contemplating what i plan to do i feel slight hunger so I head over to the fridge instinctively, but once i open it im met with a wave of disappointment as all I see is a bunch of healthy foods and a odd amount of tomatoes "damn what the hell is wrong with this kid" i say out loud as i close the fridge and look around for some money or something so i can go shopping.

I head outside once i find 'my' wallet and then I realize I have fucking no idea where i should go, So instead of going back into my house i pick a random direction and i keep walking straight five minuets later I find myself in a bright district with people looking busy and civilians scrambling to do whatever it is they need to some sending me pitying glances when they recognize who I am ignoring it i continue deeper into the district.

'Its really annoying seeing the civilians look at me with pity most likely about the massacre that happened a few years back but I don't need their pity im a different sasuke' as i walk around the district looking for a good place to shop i run into ino who quickly jumps onto me irritating me

"What do u want ino?" I say by instinct clearly agitated "its been so long since i saw u sasuke-kun how have u been?", "I have been well but why are u jumping onto me like some Animal"

Ino hops off with an embarrassed blush on her face and speedily ask me what im doing in this part of town i tell her that im currently shopping, "has that bill-board brow sakura been bothering you?!" she ask surprisingly angry which i ignore and i walk past her as she screams my name and follows me like some lost puppy i tell her i don't have time to converse with her and that instead of worrying about trying to win me over she should be training with her team or something As i walk into the grocery store i buy some eggs and carrots and alot of tomatoes 'this body love's tomatoes im going to make tomatoe soup' and then i head to the clothing store i still have about 2,000 yen i buy the outfit sasuke wore during the chunin exams and i buy about five of them 'I'll wear this outfit when we go to the land of waves' I think.

As I turn around i head in the direction i know the uchiha district is due to me paying close attention to were i was heading. 'I'm pretty nervous for tomorrow i have virtually 0 experience in fighting excluding this bodies experiences' i think as I reach 'my' home i open the door and head to the kitchen.

i make some tomatoe soup, once i finish i head to bed 'tomorrow is gonna be soo irritating' i think one last time as the darkness consumes my vision'

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