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100% Reborn as Saitama in MHA / Chapter 64: News and Plans

Chapter 64: News and Plans

"We're currently reporting live from I-Island close to the central tower where the terrorists and their leader, Wolfram, took several people and pro-Hero's hostage, including that of All Might, as reports from eye witness had pointed out to us.

However, the attack was thwarted by a class of students from UA High School, the very same class that had been attacked weeks prior in their very school facilities."

Hiroto was currently in his hotel room watching the news while eating some cereal, seeing a picture of his class pop up again.

On the morning when everything was finally resolved with the terrorists, I-Island was back to operating at full capacity once more, except for the main tower in the middle as it still needs to undergo repairs.

Melissa had left and gone to accompany her father who was hurt from the attack after having been betrayed by Wolfram, sitting in a hospital room with him with security guards outside.

Hiroto had left before after the attack, and when he received a very generous gift he went straight back to his room to relax.

"We also have with us a video of the fight involved with All Might, the rabbit Hero Miruko, and two students."

Hiroto almost dropped his bowl when he saw a snapshot of al four of them standing on the rooftop, the scene being captured from behind from what he assumed to be a security camera, with Wolfram in the distance wrecking havoc.

"We do advise caution as the video depicts heavy acts of violence."

The video then played on, showing off the fight from it's beginning to the very end where Hiroto decided to finish the fight himself. The video paused right where he was standing on the edge of the ruined rooftop, framing him perfectly over the defeated Wolfram as the sunrise rose over the ocean and shined against him.

Hiroto ignored his phone he was being completely bombarded with messages from his classmates, teachers and parents.

"Oh shit, I didn't realize there was a camera there… I do look hella good though." Hiroto muttered.

Thankfully however, the audio quality was nonexistent as they were all too far away to be heard.

The news anchor returned, "As you have seen, it wasn't All Might that put a stop to the villain, but recently famous student Hiroto Moriyama, winner of UA's first year sports festival, and recently interned under the Rabbit Hero. Many people are praising his actions for dealing with the villain in a quick and decisive fashion, however, some would still disagree."

The camera then cut to a video of some random person that was picked off the street to be interviewed.

"Huh? That bald kid? I mean, sure, it was cool as hell, but did you really have to steal All Mights thunder like that? Besides, isn't he still a student? So, isn't what he did like, mega illegal?"

Hiroto frowned after hearing that. "Yea? What, you gonna arrest me then? Good luck."

The feed changed once more to someone that Hiroto recognized as the man he met earlier.

"On the contrary, I highly praise his actions in stopping that Villain and the terrorists from committing further heinous acts. Besides, you all tend to forget that I-Island isn't governed by a single body of government from any country and is operating under an autonomous committee of selected individuals, one of those being me. That means that his actions did not breach any of Japan's Quirk or Hero laws as he wasn't on Japanese soil."

"I like him more and more," Hiroto said, now having had enough, decided to turn off the tv. Checking his phone, he could see dozens of messages, ranging from missed phone calls, unread texts, and video and audio recordings.

"Yeaaa, maybe later," Hiroto said, ignoring a majority of them except his parents, sending them a message to say that he was completely fine, but they weren't even remotely concerned about his well-being.

"We don't care about that, we just want to know if you're going to be held liable for wrecking the top of that expensive-looking tower!" His mother cried out on the phone, already knowing that nothing could touch her son, but instead her wallet.

"About that, this fa-, I mean, the nice guy said that all of it's fine since I stopped it from escalating."

"Oh thank god, well, make sure to eat properly then, me and your father are gonna continue going around I-Island." With that, she ended the call without waiting for Hiroto to respond.

"So free-spirited as always." Hiroto shook his head, but just as he was about to head to his bedroom his door flew open as Rumi had kicked it open.

"Ey, Hiroto! You've got a huge number of reporters clamouring outside for you! Besides, what's this about not picking up my calls?" She crossed her arm as she narrowed her eyes at him.

Hiroto quickly crushed his phone slightly, showing it to her, "Ah, my phone broke in the fight. You know, it was all intense and stuff."

She pointed up to her rabbit ears, "I heard you break it just now."

"... Your ears are wrong."

It didn't take long for Rumi to launch herself at Hiroto, before promptly finding herself knocking over sideways onto her front with Hiroto sitting on her back.

"What did you come here for anyway? Miss me already?" Hiroto asked her, taking out a new phone that he bought on the way back to the room. He was gonna get his old one replaced anyway, so he didn't have any qualms about breaking it.

She rolled her eyes but made no effort to get him off, "Your friends and that lazy-eyed teacher are all looking for you, so they wouldn't stop bothering me. Go and see them or something."

"I'll go later, I wanna take a nap first, ended up fighting all night after all." Hiroto yawned getting off of her and walking to his bedroom. "Oh yea, just tell them I'm recovering or something from being exhausted."

"Think they'll believe you?" She got up and dusted off her clothes.

"Don't know, don't care. Too tired, cya." With that, he shut the door and promptly went to sleep while Rumi sighed and left.


In a bar back in Japan, there was currently havoc being wrecked inside as Shigaraki was screaming out profanities left and right.

"That fucking cheat character!! He not only fucked with my plans, but now he screwed with teachers plans too?! What the hell was that punch at the end?! That's something only someone that pumped every stat they got into strength, it's bullshit!"

Kuorigi merely sighed seeing Shigaraki's childish outburst, already cleaning the dust that was being accumulated from him using his quirk to turn the furniture into dust.

"Sheesh, what's up with him?" Dabi said as he entered the bar from the entrance, looking around at the mess and giving a low whistle. "You sure did a number on this place."

Shigaraki glared at Dabi and was tempted to turn him into dust right then and there when he saw his smirk but stopped when his teacher's voice came through a monitor close by.

"Calm down, there's no need to be angry right now. You need to collect yourself and not lose sight of our next plan." All for One's voice came through the blank monitor.

"But… that bald bastard, he-"

"It's fine, I didn't pin my hopes on getting the device in the end, it was merely another route that would have furthered my goals faster, but is of no consequence when it failed."

Shigaraki calmed down from his words, sitting back on a chair by the bar as he scratched his neck. Dabi chose to stay quiet after having heard of what he would assume to be the big boss around here, opting to listen.

"Although, I never expected his strength to have risen to such a point. It seems that more Nomu are to be created in order to counteract this." All for One said, to which Shigaraki looked up.

Kurogiri looked over, "Do you wish for me to collect more people, master?"

"Yes, make sure that they have Quirks capable of long-range as well as healing abilities." With that, the monitor quickly shut off without any further explanation.

"More Nomu? Tch, I can't wait to see how those brats will deal with them all in force." Shigaraki muttered a sadistic grin adorn on his face as his eyes glinted with malice.

Dabi finally spoke up, "Those brats? Are we going to be making a move on them?"

Shigaraki merely laughed, throwing over a picture towards him, "We'll take one of those brats with us, and turn him over to our cause. Besides, killing some of them with put a nice dirty smudge on All Might's pristine profile."

Dabi looked at the photo and saw it to be that of Katsuki Bakugo, remembering back to his loud outburst and aggressive behaviour that was contradictory to how a Hero should act, similar to how his own father was.

"Seems like I'll be having a family reunion soon as well." Dabi grinned, his scars and stapled skin stretching as the picture was engulfed in a blue flame.

"But how will we deal with that overpowered kid?" He asked, already knowing just how strong Hiroto was from the footage he had seen.

"You can leave that to me." Kurogiri answered, "After all, between one's own family and friends, what would they choose? He cannot be everywhere at once."

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