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10.2% Reborn As A Evil Dragon / Chapter 5: CH : 5 First Depend, and Exploretion

Chapter 5: CH : 5 First Depend, and Exploretion

I spoke my thoughts silently. Whether it was ordinary dog headed men or those even stronger dog headed men warriors, in my senses, they were all just level 0 creatures. 

This kind of weaklings, even Emilia and Hannah could easily kill a group of them, let alone myself. It was estimated that if he stood and let them fight, they wouldn't even be able to break my scale defence. 

But in my senses there were a few not so waek auras in this dog headed camp. One of the breaths was very powerful, far exceeding the third level demonic creature Sword Wind Wolf, making me a little fearful. 

However, that aura gave me a sense of familiarity. I pondered for a moment and found the reason for the familiarity of the scent. 

It was the scent of the black dragon lady. Then it was certain that the existence with the powerful aura inside the camp was the black dragon lady's dependent! 

"I told you, at least it's an adult black dragon, how could it not have a dependent monster?"

I inwardly spat out a sentence. However, although I was certain that this dog-headed camp was the black dragon lady's dependent force, I still had no intention of exposing myself. 

I wasn't some Young master of some clan who likes to show off in front of his clan's men. 

I silently lurked in the dense jungle until a certain moment, a single thin and dry black scale dog carrying a broken basket came to his neighbourhood.

I struck, my thick dragon claws instantly pitched the dog headed man's head and the wide dragon wings that were originally closed behind him instantly unfolded and with a lift of his wings he disappeared.

The sound of a not so small commotion attracted a small team of nearby dog headed men, who twitch their noses sniffing the air like puppies and then let out a fierce exchange of barking sounds. One of the dog headed men quickly ran in the direction of the camp. 

The site turned to the other side. In a wooded  clearing several miles away from the dog headed camp. 

A huge dragon shadow swept across the sky, which landed on the ground and gathered its wings. 

I loosened the dog headed man that was grasped in the middle of the Dragon's claws. 

Then I saw the dog headed man's body fall softly to the ground. My eyes stared, and after sensing that the dog headed man did not die, but only fainted, I was relieved in my heart

I stretched out a sharp dragon finger and gently poked at the dog headed man's arm. 

The arm that was wrapped in fine black scales, was instantly broken open by the sharp dragon finger, revealing the bright red flesh inside. 

The pain awakened the dog headed man. The dog headed man Skye, felt a sharp pain coming from his arm and instantly woke up from his stupor. 

It violently opened its eyes and raised its head to see a black dragon with a majestic physique. 

The black Dragons huge body completely covered it's skinny body and it's open dragon wings could be said to cover the sky.

"Great, Black Dragon, your dragon wings are as white as the sky, and your body is as robust as a mountain peak."

 I gathered the purposely unfurled dragon wings behind my back and slightly lowered my head, looking at the dog headed man who lay on his back and kept kneeling in front of me a hint of satisfaction flashed in my eyes. 

This was the so-called Dragon's body shaking and the dog headed man worshipping. Anyone who sees me wants to worship, Right? 

"Alright, shut up, next I ask you to answer."

I spoke in a low voice.

The dog headed man Skye was swept by the Dragons Might. His body was shaken and he immediately closed his mouth and respectfully looked at me. 

"This neighbourhood"

I began the long session of questioning. That's right, I had captured this dog headed man with the idea of coming to get intelligence and information about the neighbourhood.

Time passed and as the questioning went on I acquired quite a bit of information. Originally I only knew that this was the Dark Forest and the place where the Dragon's nest was located was the rotting swamp. 

And now, I knew the rough division of forces in the Dark Forest. 

With the Dragon's Nest as the center point to the north, that is, in the direction of the inner perimeter of the Dark Forest where the Forest Elves resided. 

However, according to Dogman Skye, the forest elves have not appeared here for more than 10 years, and the reason why he knows this is because there are records and legacies among the tribes. 

Dragon's Nest to the west, is still a continuous dark forest, where there are powerful magical creatures and magical creature tribes, such as Oger tribes, Green demon tribes and so on. 

Tens of miles to the east of the Dragons nest is a plane of grass where the Centaur Tribe rules and its relationship with the Dragon's nest is hostile. 

To the South of the Dragon's nest, near the Dragon's nest there were three monster tribes respectively the Dog headed men tribe of Skye, a small Forest Troll Tribe, and a Goblin Tribe. 

These 3 tribes were all the black Dragon lady's  dependent forces. 

All of the dependent monsters added together numbered over fifteen hundred, plus a small number of elite Dragon born individuals among them, so comprehensive strength together wasn't weak. 

And if you walk a few dozen kilometres further to the South, you'll be on the border with the territory of the human Duchy of Kas. 

After understanding the distribution of forces around the Dragon's nest, my eyes narrowed, and I fell into thought. 

"If we go to the north, I might encounter elves. It's too dangerous, elves are not in existence to be messed with, especially the older ones, and I am some of them were going older than dragon mother. 

I shook my head to the South as the human principality, which is definitely rolled out first. 

Toward the east as the plates, the environment is not suitable for hidden development, and since the Centaur tribe spoken of by the dog headed man Skye, has the strength to be hostile to the dragon nest forces, and the two are well watered, and the strength will certainly not be weak to where. 

After carefully analyzing the situation. I realized that I surprisingly had only one option, The West, The region occupied by a large number of Demons, Beasts and Dimonic tribes. 

The entire dark forest was very large and rich in resources, and the territory occupied by the Dragon's Nest was only a very insignificant piece of the Dark Forest. 

Therefore, I don't need to worry about not having enough territory and resources to develop. 

"The west weall"

My eyes were deep, and I had a decision. I slightly lowered my head and looked at the humble dog headed Man Skye who was kneeling on the ground, opened my hideous dragon mouth and said. 

"Skye, for the credit of your intelligence as well as your still intelligent mind, the Great True Dragon Babatos Caesar Volaric segment will grant you the honor of becoming a servant of the dragon!"

Skye stared at me with wide eyes, as if it couldn't believe it when it reacted quickly, more smartly, or again, it simply had no reason to refuse this heavenly temptation! 

Thus, without hesitation, Skye kowtowned l and bowed to me with a fervent expression bountifully with a fervent expression, and his tone underwent some subtle changes, too. 

"Skye will serve you as his Lord, Great True Dragon Master!" 

I nodded with satisfaction. But then again, the dragon language spoken by the dog headed man was really hard to listen to, with several barking intonations interspersed in one sentence, It was extremely hard to listen to. 

But never mind. At least it was a race that could speak Dragon Language. 

From the dragon heritage and the language in addition to the dragon language, but also master the continent's common language giant language, and Elf language a total of four languages. 

The dog headed man Skye also mastered part of the continent's common language, or rather on this continent, most of the intelligent races that had exchanges with the outside world would more or less be the continent's common language. 

Thoughts turned slightly, I looked at the kneeling of Dogman Skye in front of me and took out a piece of the dragon scale that I had stored from the chest's reverse scale crevice. 

This piece of dragon scale was a piece of dragon scale that had fallen from my natural growth.

My expression became much more serious as I recalled the attachment contract and the Dragons inheritance. 

Normally the attachment contract already belonged to the spellcasting ability, which could only be used after reaching the juvenile dragon stage and undergoing a magical awakening. 

However, Dragons have natural top level magical creatures, were not weak in their natural spellcasting talent, so even fledglings and young Dragons could make a favor contract as long as they were willing to pay some price. 

And there were three types of attachment contracts. 

The highest specification is the blood contract. The Dragon's mountain-like volume stores a lot of blood, but can be called the blood is only the heart of that one. 

And the blood contract is the dragon to force out a drop of blood transport into the dependents from the root to transform the dependence of the bloodline into the potential of the strong  dragon vein creatures at the same time, the dependence will be able to be obtained with the master of the growth of the ability too. 

But the blood contract to the dragon itself is extremely lost, and will not be used easily. However, the essence blood contract is extremely exhausting for the dragon itself and will not be used easily. 

The medium specification is dragon blood and dragon scales, using the scales as the paper, and the blood as the pen, using the magical contract to establish a spiritual connection with the defendant. 

The defendant will be transformed into a dragonborn and will also benefit from the master's growth. But the degree of benefit is not as great as that of the fine blood contract. 

The most inferior specification is to dip it in the Dragon's breath. Bestow dragon blood dragon scales and even stay with the dragon for a long time. 

Can also dip into some of the breath, Have a trace of a weak dragon vein. This kind of dependence can't give any benefit from the master's growth. Accordingly, also much more free constraints are not as strong as the first two kinds of ability, so there is also the probability of betrayal. 

After thinking about it, I squeezed out a thick drop of blood, I intended to perform the 2nd specification of the contract on Skye. 

As I recited a magic incantation under his breath. The dragon scales and dragon blood slowly rose into the air under the action of invisible magic power, slowly approaching and eventually fusing into 1 shimmering light flashing across the ghostly black scales.

As the incantation proceeded, a line of small Flathead characters appeared on the dragon scale. This is a contract written in dragon language. This contract was not drawn up by the dragon itself, but was passed down by the 1st generation of ancestral Dragons and Dragon Gods and after years of continuous improvement it can be called one of the most perfect contracts in this multiverse. 

After the contract was written, the scale slowly fell towards the forehead of the kneeling dog headed man, Skye fitting on its head, gradually merging into the skin and disappearing the dragon vein power contained in the dragon scale scattered into all parts of the body, moisturizing the other side of the flesh and sinews and bones, and began to fundamentally improve the weak body of the dog headed man.

Dogman Skye gritted his teeth and endured great pain. This was the paroxysm of pain right by the bloodline transformation to the body. 

After experiencing this intense pain, it would usher in a new life. After waiting for about 10 minutes, the initial transformation of the bloodline was completed.

Dogman Skye's face that was taught due to enduring the pain gradually relaxed at ease. 

Opening his eyes, his orange and yellow vertical pupils became slightly black. This was the manifestation of the initial transformation of the Black Dragon's bloodline. 

I felt an extra trace of spiritual connection with the dog headed man in front of me and understood with this my first dependent was born. 

"Your humble servant Skye offers you heartfelt gratitude."

Skye felt the power within his body that was a fraction stronger and was instantly a bit overwhelmed with excitement. 

In the Black Tooth tribe he stayed in, only chief  was a proper dragon descendant! and the chief's powerful strength had long made Skye covetous, and now this strength could be possessed by him in the future even more powerful!

"Well, next time you stay nearby, don't get too close to the rotting swamp. Also don't go back to the original tribe, when the dragon vein power in your body develops to a certain level, and have the power to defend yourself and to the western region collect some Dogmen and Women for me to explore the news and occupy a territory."

I casually waved my claws and then unfolded my huge dragon wings, transforming into a black shadow that swept across the sky, and flew towards the rotting swamp not far away, and soon disappeared. 

'The dog headed man Skye looked away from my departing figure, his eyes gradually firming up. The order given by the great True Dragon Master, and i must fulfil it perfectly!'

After initially accepting the power of the dragon vein, He didn't become extremely powerful all of a sudden, it was something that needed time to develop. 

Fighting, killing, and devouring the blood and flesh of powerful magical creatures could all develop dragon vein power contained within the body. 

Skye looked around and quickly searched for a suitable hardwood stick and spent some time sharpening it before cautiously exploring the surrounding area. It planned to find a lawyer to stay and develop its dragon vein power. 

On the other hand I soon returned to the dragon nest. Just after returning to the Dragon's nest I couldn't hold back my drowsiness, and directly crawled on the end of the muddy pool, my head and tail encircling, and fell into a deep sleep.

As I said before, full of fledgling Dragons and young Dragons without magical awakening could also perform a family contract. They needed to consume some price, and that price was the consumption of a large amount of magic power stored in the Dragon's blood. 

I had forcibly cast magic abilities beyond my age and the magic power in his blood had been consumed too much.

However, thanks to my crazy strong physique nowadays, this kind of consumption could be quickly recovered after a sleep. 

As for why I suddenly decided to take the dog headed Man Skye as independent, this was just an idle move made by me.

 If Dogmen Skye could make a mark in the Western region, that would naturally be excellent, and if he died violently in the middle of the journey, then the loss would not be too great.

This was called investing in advance. 

Five days later,

I woke up from my slumber, feeling my body had returned to its full strength. 

I walked out slowly. At this time Emilia and Hannah were gnawing on the bones the last remains of Devil Shark mother brought a few days ago. 

I shook my head at the silly look of two sisters. I don't know who to blame for this silly look. 

"How long did I sleep"

I looked at the two little Dragon sisters and asked, Emilia ignored me, Instead she snorted coldly. And turned her head away. 

"You've been asleep for five days"

While Hannah answered honestly. 

I nodded at the words. I exhaled and silently said in my heart. It seems that before magic awakens, one should try to go as little as possible to forcefully use magical abilities. 

Although it is said that there is no damage to my body, the sleeping time is quite a lot, and the power is still weak during the sleeping period. 

Using the magical ability of the family contract after magic awakening was as easy as an ordinary person running on flat ground, then forcing the use of magical abilities. Now before magic, awakening was as difficult as an ordinary person running under 10s of meters of water, and one needed to run by squeezing one's own body's potential in order to achieve the goal. 

Go on now I'm hungry I sigh as I look at the empty layer. 

Then Emilia and Hannah more mindlessly hopping and popping while chewing bones as well as the Black Dragon Lady that were slowly undulating in the depths of the lair.

I bowed my head and I bit the bone that Hanna was holding. Hannah unconsciously let go of her mouth. 

"Darn it! You're not even leaving us the bones? These are the only ones we had" Emilia on the side exploded directly. And I ignored it. 

GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

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