King, Queen and Jack turned into streaks of bronze, unfurling their wings to block off the fish-frog's ascent.
The trees of this forest were incredibly sturdy, they hadn't broken even after the bronzed's mother kicked his billion jin body into one. So, Dyon knew it would be too dangerous to allow the fish-frog to begin to use them as a springboard.
The bronzed didn't have the ability to fly, likely because they were too heavy and their wings weren't strong enough yet. However, they could use jump and glide techniques under Dyon's control.
Just like all the others, the fish-frog fell under the sharp teeth, horns and wings of the bronzed.
Dyon gave the four of them over 90% of the corpse, taking only what he could digest before their next battle. He was known for being a great eater, but much like the meat of the Embryonic Infernal Beasts, this meat was also difficult for Dyon to digest.