Clara lost track of how long she spent crying. In the past twelve years, not once had she cried. The last time her had was when her mother died, but afterwards, it was almost like a silent vow she made to herself.
But, when she saw Dyon 'die' right before her eyes, she had finally broken down, unable to contain it any further. And then her entire world was destroyed. Never again would she be able to see her friends… Never again would she see her father…
She tried to hold it all in again. In fact, she had succeeded… Even when she saw Dyon being taken away, her eyes only continued to become colder and colder… But then, for some reason, when she felt Dyon's presence just then, she completely melted again, unable to control the flow of tears from her grey eyes.
Clara kneeled on the bed, wrapping her arms around Dyon tightly, unwilling to let go. Dyon had no intention of pushing her away. He only continued to hold her, waiting silently as her trembling shoulders began to calm.