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Rebirth of the Desert King: Crocodile's Lust for Power[ONE PIECE] Rebirth of the Desert King: Crocodile's Lust for Power[ONE PIECE] original

Rebirth of the Desert King: Crocodile's Lust for Power[ONE PIECE]

Author: FanficAuthor

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Crocodile

In Alabasta, Crocodile suddenly woke up, his eyes snapping open as if emerging from a deep slumber. "Looks like it was just a dream," he muttered groggily, but as he surveyed his surroundings, confusion set in. "Wait, this isn't my room."

Glancing down, he noticed the golden hook in place of his left hand. Panic rising, he rushed to a nearby mirror. The reflection staring back at him was unmistakable: the scarred, stern face of Sir Crocodile. He pinched himself hard, feeling the sharp sting. "This isn't a dream," he whispered in awe and disbelief. "I've really become Crocodile in One Piece."

Ding... Lust System activating. Hello, host. I am the system assigned to you. My function is simple: as long as you have sex with a plot character, you will receive a lottery reward.

Crocodile stared at the glowing blue screen hovering in front of him, absorbing the information. "Great, now I also have a system," he muttered, a wicked grin spreading across his face as he jumped up with excitement.

Reflecting on his past, he whispered to himself, "I wasn't a good person in my previous life, so I have no problem doing such things." Memories of his former life as a mercenary flashed before him, filled with the many dark deeds he had committed without remorse.

With a newfound determination, he addressed the system, "System, please give me my newbie package."

Ding... Distributing gift package. Restoring host to peak condition and healing host's body.

Suddenly, the hook on Crocodile's hand fell off, and a new hand grew in its place. He watched in amazement as his body underwent a rapid transformation. His muscles strengthened, his scars faded, and his skin took on a healthier, more vibrant glow. He felt revitalized, as if years of wear and tear had been washed away.

Crocodile couldn't help but admire his reflection in the mirror. His appearance had significantly improved; he looked more handsome and youthful than ever. "This feels incredible," he said, flexing his new hand and marveling at his rejuvenated physique. "I feel like a new man."

Host: Sir Crocodile

Age: 44/85

Devil Fruit: Sand-Sand Fruit (85% mastery)

Haki Abilities:

Armament Haki: Top Level

Observation Haki: Advanced Level

Conqueror's Haki (King's Haki): Advanced Level

Crocodile got out of his room and then went to Robin. "Robin, call Miss Doublefinger, Wednesday, Valentine, and Golden Week to my room," Crocodile said, his voice firm with authority.

Robin nodded, "Only Miss Doublefinger and Valentine are available now. Golden Week and Wednesday have gone on a mission."

Crocodile replied, "Okay, tell them to return as fast as possible." He then headed back to his room to take a bath. The warm water cascading over him felt refreshing, washing away the remnants of his confusion.

After the bath, Crocodile donned loose clothing, feeling comfortable and ready for whatever awaited him. Just then, a knock echoed at the door. It was Doublefinger and Valentine. "Boss, we're here," they announced as Crocodile opened the door, his gaze assessing the two with a hint of anticipation.

Crocodile noticed that Doublefinger and Valentine were sweating profusely. Doublefinger apologized, "Sorry, boss. We were training just now. We'll clean ourselves up and return immediately."

Crocodile waved off their apologies, saying, "No need for that. Come in." Valentine, a bit shy but impressed by Crocodile's transformed appearance, complimented him, "Boss, you look younger now."

Crocodile accepted the compliment with a nod of gratitude. However, his demeanor quickly shifted as he unleashed his Haki, causing Valentine and Doublefinger to fall unconscious. With ease, Crocodile picked them up and placed them on his bed, remarking, "This is much easier."

Crocodile covered the walls with sand to ensure no sound would escape. He then deftly tore apart their clothes and unbuttoned his own.

Crocodile looked at the two sweaty bodies of Doublefinger and Valentine and remarked, "Ladies in One Piece are the best."

After three hours, Crocodile finished his business, feeling satisfied. Just then, the sound of the system chimed in,

[Ding... ]

[Host, you are rewarded with:

(1) Incubus Aura

(2) Semen Manipulation.]

Crocodile examined the two skills and nodded in satisfaction. "Pretty nice skills," he mused. "Incubus Aura will change my aura to an incubus, making the opposite genders lust after my body. And Semenic Manipulation will allow me to control the fertility, density, and taste of my sperm. They're both pretty useful."

Crocodile noticed that Valentine and Doublefinger had regained consciousness, though they seemed quite shy. "I know you two woke up in the middle," Crocodile said casually, causing the girls' faces to redden in embarrassment.

Crocodile then held the two of them gently and remarked, "Looks like you enjoyed it." He leaned in and kissed both Valentine and Doublefinger, who responded in kind. Crocodile was surprised by how effective the Incubus Aura was.

After the kisses, Crocodile instructed them, "Go clean yourselves." As Doublefinger and Valentine headed to the bathroom, Crocodile followed and pulled them closer to his body, noticing a pink heart appearing in their eyes, a clear sign of their attraction.

Doublefinger and Valentine both took turns indulging in intimate moments with Crocodile. Crocodile made sure to fulfill their desires, ensuring that they were completely satisfied. As the night progressed, Crocodile's Incubus Aura heightened their sensations, intensifying every touch and kiss.

Crocodile marveled at their reactions as he released his essence into their mouths. Doublefinger exclaimed, "What amazing density," while Valentine added, "They have a bit of a lemon-like taste."

Crocodile replied with a smirk, "I know what flavors you both like." The girls' faces lit up with joy at his words, leading to passionate kisses that ignited a fierce tongue battle, with Crocodile asserting his dominance.

Afterwards, Crocodile made sure to pleasure them further, releasing his essence into their bodies. The intensity of their encounter left them all breathless, their bodies entwined in the aftermath of their passionate union. Crocodile held them close, feeling a deep connection that went beyond mere physicality.

As they drifted off to sleep together, their bodies entangled on the bed, Crocodile's mind buzzed with a mix of contentment and anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.

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