When the Lady voiced her concerns, She heard a voice " Its simple, you can't contain them. " Fury had a headache when he heard the Voice. Fury " Mr. Nie Long, this is our World's... " Nie Long looked at him with a expression less eyes. Fury had his Words swallowed back. One of the Member of the Security Council asked " Who are you!? "
Nie Long " I am an Multiversal Traveller and... " He released a power were a Golden Hoop formed behind him. The Lady " You are the one who fought in the Manhattan. " Soon Captain Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Ancient One, Madara, Natasha, Obito, Rin, Itachi, Gu Lan, Ying Yueru, Igneel, Metallicana, Grandeena all came to the meeting room.
Despite facing the Hologram Screen, The World Leaders were scared. Nie Long " Despite you guys being in political power and control the human resources, you were never the one who is really incharge of Earth. " He then pointed at Ancient One and said " She is the reason that your planet is still safe and sound all these years as she and her ancestors are carrying the safety of Earth from Interstellar and Magical Dimensions Invasions. "
Nie Long " And there are superior civilizations in Galaxy where the Asgard has protecting the invasion of those civilization till now. So if you guys try to use your human standards of political Brilliance to make us surrender our rights it will not work. " The US Representative who has sweat in his forehead " What do you guys want!? "
Nie Long " As I said, I am a Multiversal Traveller and as similar to me the one who is the reason for the Manhattan incident is also a Multiversal Traveller where he has sent a Doppelganger with maybe less than 1% of his own power. So the question is do you guys has the power to defend against such enemies!? "
Fury stayed silent, He is not confident even with Miss Marvel's Presence. So as Tony Stark and Captain America, Ancient One at the time " Mr. Nie Long as you said we do not have capability as a whole to protect this World after my fall. But that doesn't mean that we don't have successors to inherit my place. " Captain America and Iron Man had immense respect for Ancient One who protects earth from Forces of Darkness.
They will gladly have her as a Lead. Nie Long " I am about to publicize God's Domain and all the truths about Multiverse. But I will not involve myself after this issue after the God's Domain is released. Regardless of any Life and Death. And most probably after the release of God's Domain. The top rankers will be the one to truly rule the World rather than Diplomats. So... " He looked at the Five Leaders of Council.
The Council members understood immediately that they don't have chance anymore but the opportunity is that they will be given a Headstart for their Family Younger Generation in exchange of Unconditional support from Government. And they are not fools to let go of this since, the Humans are weak. After that Nie Long did not continue anymore as his meaning is conveyed. His Family followed him.
He left the Meeting, The Council members from that moment had no more power over the Conversation, Only when both sides have similar power levels they could have a Diplomatic Talk. Like how the Weaker Nation does not even have the right to have a Diplomatic Talk with US and Russia. They are only meant to be used by the higher Powers for Exploitation of Resources. They were taken out of the picture after their message is conveyed, Despite being with anger and rage, they have no choice since League of Shadows is Watching their Every movements.
Ancient One " As you are aware now, The Kamar Taj, will not take part in the worldly affairs. We will remain in Seclusion and protect the fragment of Reality from the Other Realm Creatures. But this will be only for this World, As for God's Domain, The Kamar Taj will be helping our World at the same time Compete with both ours and Others to have the power to remain neutral in our World. "
Tony Stark " The Shift of power change will be huge, But the most of the advantage will be the Player Guilds and the Capitalists who had invested in Player Guilds " As he said that Tony displayed the Hologram Image containing lists of Player Guilds regarding Game Marvel. And the top ranking Players of each Guild and non Guild Affiliated Players.
Seeing the List Fury nodded, Captain " Tony, make a character analysis among these players and Guilds and compare with the Parameters of the Shield Agents who are playing Marvel and how vast the difference is between them and the Top Players. Anyway we do have a advantage of around 1 month to take a considerable lead. "
Tony nodded, and he added " As for League of Shadows, Mandarin the leader of Ten Rings will take over League of Shadows till his Son Shang Chi becomes ready for it. He learnt Ninja Training from Madara, Itachi and Obito along with his Sister, Madara even preferred Both of them to be the Leaders of the Shadows. So they are one tough competition. "
Ancient One " Now the allocation of Resources, Who will be the distributer of the God's Domain Items to this World? " Fury " It must be the Ten Rings as Nie Long is most comfortable with them and similarly, They have established Green Life Corporation Pharmaceutical Company all over the world there is a Branch in each country. " Which means that will be the Transit Point for the supplies. At the mean time energy Potion for Body Development. "
Ancient One " Fury, You will take over the position of a Diplomat representing our Universe to other Universe. According to my Info from Nie Long, There is a Magical System Universe among them, Try to get their knowledge as much as possible. As in our World we have Dark Matter Energy which can be used for Magic. "
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