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75% Rebirth in Jujutsu Kaisen / Chapter 5: Chapter 4

Chapter 5: Chapter 4

Pov: Kakashi

(Time skip)

'So todays the day, huh?'

It's currently been four years since the day Toge and I have been training together with my father. As of last year when we turned eight, we both completed our cursed energy core, which took a weight off my chest as Toge was finally able to speak because the cursed energy now gathers within his cursed core both consciously and unconsciously.

As for my previous thought, today father said we would be completing our training and will be having a battle with a cursed spirit. Within these four years that old man has been beating our asses and getting a kick out of it, I really didn't mind as my masochistic tendencies seemed to have transferred to this life with me but Toge on the other hand... well, let's just say he can't wait to let out all of his frustration on a poor cursed spirit.

After finishing my preparations, I began to head to my fathers office as he requested my presence after getting ready. Reaching the front door to his office, the guards knocked twice to indicate that I've reached. Opening the door, I see my father within his office drinking a bottle of soju, which he shouldn't be doing, as the last time he got drunk while working, my mother couldn't walk well for a few days...

"You summoned me, father?"

I asked, and after a few seconds of straight up drowning himself in the rest of his soju, he replied, "Yes, surprisingly, you're quite early, aren't you." Heh, me early? I wish old man. " On a scale of 1 to 10, how drunk are you?" I asked, as it was pretty much impossible for me to arrive to anything early.

"Hamburger." Yes, my father just replied to my question with a food. Mentally sighing to myself, I walked up to my father and touched his abdomen, where I proceeded to sober him up.

"Purify." drawing cursed energy from the core within my body and performing my cursed technique, I quickly got my father out of his drunken state. "Now that you're better, can I ask what you called me for?" I once again questioned my father, this time sounding a bit more impatient.

"Ahem, sorry about that son, your mother took away my cocktail yesterday and prohibited me from drinking, so I thought I'd sneak a little soju before we headed out but got carried away." After awkwardly scratching his head, he replied. "Anyway, as to the reason I summoned you to my office, I figured I'd let you choose a gift of your liking from the clans treasury."

Hearing that I was able to choose a gift from the clans treasury had me thrilled, as this is probably the thing I asked for prior to my rebirth. "Well then, what are we still doing here? Let's go." grabbing my father and bolting out of his office, we ran straight to the clans treasure house.

After 8 minutes of running at a casual speed (AN: yes the clans compound is that big.) we finally reached the outside of the treasure house, where I let my fathers hand go, as their was no way a big clan like ours would simply leave our treasury unguarded. I stood correct as my father used a golden dagger to cut a small wound on his finger. He then placed his finger within the door where a flash of light so bright appeared, causing me to close my eyes and look away.

A few seconds later, the light successfully died out, giving me back my sight. What appeared before us afterward was the treasury, which was quite grand and well maintained. "Son, what you see before you now is generations upon generations of treasures that our clan either bought, crafted, or stole, feel free to take whatever you want."

Entering the big, double-sided doors of the room, I started looking around to see what this treasure house had to offer besides looking for what's rightfully mine. Walking down the corridors, I see many items ranging from talismans to weapons, armor, and strange looking gadgets.

After a few minutes of looking around, I finally stumbled upon what looked like my third wish, Zangetsu. (An: The Zangetsu he wished for is the bankai version of Zangetsu, so basically a black katana with a chain.)

"I think I found the one." I said reaching out to pick up Zangetsu from its glass case.

"Are you sure? Don't you think you should look around a bit more before choosing?"

"No, this sword is perfect, does it have a name?"

"Yes it does, this is a special grade sword named Zangetsu, it was crafted by one of our ancestors, but that's all that is really known about this particular sword, for some reason all information on it was lost. Their were others who wished to claim this sword before, but never bothered, as they found the addition of a chain to a sword quite laughable ."

"I see, well I presume theirs nothing wrong with me choosing it?" I asked.

"None whatsoever, if you wish to wield that thing, its your choice."

Taking the sheath from the wall along with the sword, I went on to sheathing the sword and putting it to my waist.




Making our way out of the treasury, I reminisced to the days when I used to watch bleach and have fun. Looking back I always loved seeing white Ichigo kick ass, I always looked forward to him emerging and wielding Zangetsu like a badass and swinging it around.

'Cant wait till I can do that as well...' I thought.

"Alright son, go get your brother, its time to depart."

Nodding to my father in acknowledgement, I went to call Toge.

Having reached in front of Toge's room, I proceeded to knock on his door.

*Knock knock*

"Toge, it's time to go." I said, he immediately opened the door and followed behind me quietly whilst we make our way to the clans exit.

'It's probably time we get to slaying a curse spirit.' I thought, as within my entire time in the clan compound, I have not once seen a cursed spirit, maybe it has to do with the fact that the guards kill them before they make it onto our compound.

Having reached the clans exist, we see our father and his driver await us. "Yo dad." I said as I casually wave at my father, who to this day wonders why I sometimes speak politely one second, and casually the next.

"Lets just get going." He replied not having any of my shit, its kind of expected from a noble like my father who only grew up speaking respectfully to his seniors unlike me. 'Gojo and I would make good friends.'

Entering the Toyota century, we began to head toward our destination. "Sooo... I get we are going to a haunted place, but mind sharing which one with the group father?" I asked dragging out the 'so' to annoy him a bit. "We will be going to an abandoned hospital within the Saitama prefecture." he replied "What's the name of this 'abandoned' hospital?" I said, putting emphasis on the word 'abandoned'.

"The name of this hospital is called, was called, Nichitsu Hospital, however it is now called Nichitsu ghost town clinic. It is currently an abandoned town as their is said to be weird supernatural phenomena in the area."

"Isn't that the abandoned town that was said to have taken the lives of many shamans? it's said that Gojo Satoru himself was deployed by jujutsu tech to exorcise them." Toge chipped in, adding his two cents on the conversation. "Yes, that is the story told to the masses, but what truly happened their are known only to Gojo Satoru himself and the higher ups."

"Then what about you father? aren't you considered part of the higher ups as well?" Toge asks a valid question to which our father replied "I simply never cared to know." With that said he looks away and the car goes quiet.

After what was about a boring hour of driving to the mountains, the abandoned hospital made it's way into our sight. The building looked like how any other abandoned building would look, but simply more creepy. Creepy as in the sun was out and we were in the mountains, but it was really cold, to cold actually, testament to how much negative energy was gathered in one place.

"Dad I'm not really complaining and all, but is it wise to bring your 9 year old sons to such an advanced hunting ground? You're basically jumping over the tutorial and going to hardcore." I asked to which he said. "Kakashi, both you and your brother are 9 years old, yet you can use cursed techniques along with your innate cursed technique." continuing he said.

"If I were to rank you with the mindset of a senior shaman at jujutsu high, you would be a first grade like me, and your brother would be a semi-grade 1. Testing you with anything else would simply be a waste of time, you would gain no experience if you fight anything below a grade 1 cursed spirit."

'Damn got to admit we're nothing overpowered, but for 9 year old's, we would only be second to Gojo when he was the same age.' I thought.

"You're practically the same rank as me, I only have more experience. You kiddos make me proud, hahahahah." saying that, the old man went into a laughing fit, so I signaled to Toge that we were going.

Making our way through the tree's to the entrance of the hospital, we encountered no trouble whatsoever. Entering the hospital, we quickly took note of the putrid smell that was emanating off the hospital walls

Walking through the hospitals corridors, Toge and I didn't see anything out of the ordinary other than ruins and rubble. Quickly getting bored however, I decided to end this promptly so I can go back and train with my new sword.

'Simple domain.' The domain I just casted isn't any normal simple domain, this one was personally created by me. It can effectively do what a normal simple domain can do, plus more.

Expanding the simple domain, I used it to search for the cursed spirt which could no longer hide from my sight. 'There you are.'

"Follow me Toge, I found it." After saying that to Toge, I took notice of his sinister smirk from under his mask that legit creeped me out.





Tada, yes guys I am editing these chapters and deleting their faults that I no longer like, once again, if you want join the discord or leave me ideas cause frankly, my brains fried from those 2 months of exams it would be greatly appreciated. TT

And yes, I will end it their with practically the shittiest cliffhangers cause its 5:54 am here in Scotland and I'm tired af.

Btw I decided ill be continuing with this and might make that other fanfic in my spare time since some of you seemed to want it as well but that will have to wait as ill focus on this one more.

pre: edit

Hello everyone, author here, I've currently been sick in bed since the 12th of this march and wanted to give you all a chapter, but I wasn't able to do this as I wanted to, being sick and all.

I actually wanted to go about this whole chapter a completely different way with around 15k words but as I'm not well I had to change that and make it short with a different route so after I post this ill have to go back to the drawing board to remake the plot, but that will be when I'm feeling better.

You can once again join my discord and either discuss my health with me or talk about the book, among other things. Here's the link: sbkJx46p8d

Taste_The_Rainbow_8941 Taste_The_Rainbow_8941

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