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A person does work, does not deserve food

Leon also walked away, after he saw the two sibling silhouette disappeared

While Leon is walking back, he reminisces his experience with the two siblings.

"It will gonna be quieter now" he said while smiling

He remembered the help that Luhan does for him like strengthening the barrier within the safe zone area, helping him to collect the beast core and also there is the time that they go venture deeper in the Mystical Forest to hunt a beast. Luhan also helps Leon to change the location of the Kubo and place it in the top of the tall beast mushroom tree in front of the pond so that if a beast with higher cultivation lost in the safe zone or some forest bandit, it will not be found easier.

In the end, Leon forgot to ask what business they do in the Mystical Forest. Why Luhan severely injured at that time. While he reminisces these things he suddenly remembered the grimoire in his ear.

"I almost forgot this grimoire because of brother Luhan"

He didn't check it almost 1 month and only continue absorbing the beast core, so right now Leon has the cultivation of Alpha mage Mid-tier, it can consider as fast. They said that nature Elemental user is hard to breakthrough; if there is no right spiritual elemental energy or pill to refine, the cultivation of the person with Nature Elemental user will hard to advance or the worst it will become stagnant. He does not open the grimoire not once while Luhan and Solis still with him because his instinct said that it better not to reveal the book to anyone.

When he about to touch the grimoire in his ear, his stomach suddenly growl in hunger

"grr, growl… I think food first"

Leon didn't immediately go to the Kubo, he makes a U-turn to go to his field to harvest sprout herbs to cook. The field compost of partition of different herbs that used for cooking and for Pill refining. Because Leon is a mage and Luhan is a beast practitioner he does not much help for Leon when it comes to cultivation and pills or herbs, the only thing he does is to give him the basic manual book and some literate book for wasting time.

Though Leon has the basic of Pill refining manual if he wants to refine high-level pills he needed to evolve his fire type so that he can increase the purity of the herb extraction. For now, the only fire he had is the earth fire type of metal beast that had a Low-level fire type. The good things about earth fire type, it has the ability to combined itself to another fire type, and also this fire type can only find inside the volcano either it be a beast or herbs that were living or guarded by a Dragon beast. So it was fortunate for Leon to found a Hybrid Beast that has earth fire type.

The field that Leon used to plants herbs is now surrounded by a transparent illusion barrier that Luhan set-up for him and gave a ring to control the illusion, it was covered by a fence of cutout bamboo tree inside, then spiritual stone as a wall outside and a stone an arc gate that seem to be an ordinary stone. And when you see it from the outside the wall stone you will think it was just a compound stone. Leon opens the gate and starts to harvesting the ingredient he will use for spice like nutmeg, cinnamon, sibuyas and patatas, kamatis carrots on the Left side field partition at the right side was a herb he will use for Pill refining.

He then climbs at the Buko tree to get the Buko sap for later to make Lambanog liquor. He found this tree when he and Luhan go deeper in the forest it seems like an ordinary buko tree but it was rich of spiritual energy. After that, he planted it in his field and tried to make a Lambanog using Buko sap to let Luhan and his brother taste it. At first, Leon uses his earth fire type to distill the Buko sap and then, fermented by putting it on Banga to maintain its original flavor and then shove it on the ground that is rich of spiritual energy where he builds a storage house located the bottom of the Beast Mushroom tree.

(Trivia 1: Lambanog is the liquor of Filipino farmer using coconut liquid to make wine or liquor

Trivia 2: Banga is a large spherical baked-clay water jar of the Philippines )

After Leon harvest, he went back to his Kubo located at the top of the tree Beast mushroom. He laid ready the entire ingredient he needed for cooking menudo dishes at his kitchen. He first lit the fire then slices the sibuyas and bawang in thin, then slices the karot and patatas in 4 pieces. After that he crushes the kamatis to make a kamatis paste then, he makes a spice using nutmeg, cinnamon and clove crushes it and mixes it together. He put the buko oil in the pan and then in a starting to put the sibuyas and bawang then the smell surrounded the whole house that make you salivating and because the window is open the smell also spread outside then Leon innocently continue to cooking.


On the outside near the pond

A little fella observing Leon movement from the moment his companion are gone they decided to sneak while Leon opened the gate. He watched Leon who went to harvest the herbs and climb to get something in the buko tree until he finally back to his Kubo.

The moment that the delicious smell spread outside, his mouth started to salivate until it flows his neck.

"Young Master, don't make a hasty move to that human I think it is not a good idea ...its DANGEROUS young Master," his servant said with persuading tone

"It's okay, I think that human is way too weak"

"but even so, … it still not good please think of it again young master"

"IDIOT !!…do you think we can get out of the mystical forest right now our pursuer is desperately chasing after us, we needed food too, so it's good timing that we found one here.

Don't worry it not like we are hurting that human we are just stealing his food" as he was brimming with confidence

"But …the other days we almost found out"

"That why this time we will get the timing to where the human is not in the house"

"But …young master what if a trap is laid in there for an ambush," he said with worry in his tone

"That's impossible that human has only alpha low-level cultivation and his companion who left him is just a beast practitioner, well I think that pretty looking young man with the sturdy build is a bit strong too. In addition, he does not found about us even we do a sneak attack …mah we fail in the end

Well, this time…do not worry, just live it to your young master"

"Young master…." He said with a worried tone


While the two intruders are planning on how they will steal the foods on the plate

Leon decided to go down as he forgot to gets the fermented juice at the storage Room. When he does not do anything he is experiment some different juices and let the two sibling's taste it, so Luhan and Solis very much enjoy their time living with Leon as they almost forgot that they needed to go back to their tribe. That's why they got 1 month before they decide to go back.

He opens the door of the storage room and gets the fermented apple cider juice. After that, he closed the door and used the ladder inside the mushroom tree body up to his Kubo house. Then when he was about to open the entrance door, the grimoire in his ear suddenly light up and talk

"WARNING, WARNING, master beware of pixie fairy

WARNING, WARNING, master beware of pixie fairy

WARNING, WARNING, master beware of pixie fairy"

"Eh! Eh! What do mean pixie fairy, wait you can talk?"

"Ohh my apologize, Master, I am Gaia"

"Oh, I am Leon Crisoff….." Leon shakes off his head as he wards the distraction and said

"What do mean pixie fairy? Do mean the Engkantos in the myth that plays to human until they went crazy? " he said with anxious his voice

"Yes Master, a pixie fairy intrude in your place, Master you need to catch it"

"Eh! How can I catch the pixie fairy? Isn't it in the form of spirit?"

"Master a pixie fairy is a small people that reside at the ancient underground ancestor guarded by a Divine Practitioner, they are not a spirit"

"What did you say, Divine?!!!!! He has that strong backer, Oii Brother I still love my life"

"Master don't worry his backer is not allowed to go out on their own immediately, that is why most of the pixie fairy does not go outside to venture because they will become feasting treasure at the black auction in no time unless there something happens in their inhabitant"

"Eh, then how can I catch it?"

"Master you only need to lure it out and I will trap it"

"Is that okay to reveal yourself?"

"Ohh my benevolent Master don't worry and just leave it to me"

"Oh..! Understood" why you need to say benevolent it felt weird Leon voice out in his mind

Then Leon goes to the balcony and he let to spread the delicious smell of the apple cider juice that rich of spiritual energy that makes everyone crazy to taste. He put the jar of apple cider juice in the balcony and let lay under it. Then Leon hides as he sees the pixie fairy really lure out by the smell of apple cider juice in the table from the balcony when it was about to get the jar, then a goblin appeared and said

"Young master it's a trap" as he shouted

The young masters turn his head and see his servant running toward him, and as he turns his head again a dirty book suddenly gulps him whole.

"Hey! You! Let the young master go" as he stomps his feet and said it furiously

And then a young pretty man with a calming lake aura suddenly appeared in front of him as he sees him he was surprised that he felt a familiar feeling that came from the young man, he can't seem to remember it. Leon still didn't hide his aura because he still not reach the wise Level to use the technique Luhan gave to him so his soul aura is still like an open book.

While he was in trance a calming voice suddenly rung in his ears

"Are you a Goblin?" said Leon in curiosity, the servant shakes his head for him to ward distraction as he subconsciously immediately bow down and said

"Oh my Excellency please forgive our intrusion, I am just a mere servant from the Hibra tribe of Goblin" as the servant said

Leon suddenly felt confused why this servant suddenly become so polite toward him

"You don't need to be polite please raise your head" as Leon said with his red face that so embarrassed, this is the first time Leon encounters a person bow down before him.

As the servant raises his head, he looks at to the young man and his face becomes red as he said to his self why did I subconsciously bow down to this person where is my pride.

"Why do you intrude here, if you answer honestly maybe I may consider releasing your friend" as he said with dignified

The servant is startled and suddenly changes his attitude

"Sir I can't tell you that" as he said it directly look in Leon's eyes with pitiful, as Leon hears this he suddenly remember what Gaia said to him maybe something happens to his home

"Is this related to your home?" the servant startle and become more and more panic as he panting heavily, he does not know what to do as his feet unconsciously started to walk in a circle. When Leon saw his reaction he suddenly laughs to him. Maybe I considerate toward him a little bit

"….." servant

The servant becomes speechless as he heard him laughing, he suddenly becomes red all over

"Don't worry little fella, I won't do anything bad" as Leon said

The goblin despite living a long life they somehow easily deceived, but it was different from this servant who always on guard against humans. The reason it let his guard down this time because of the familiarity he felt to him.

"We are chased and the elder said to go in the middle of the forest to find hiding place temporary." As Leon heard this he was surprised. It better not to venture deeper the forest

"Who chases you?"

"Sir they are from Minotaur tribe people, we have no idea why they suddenly betray their oath"

"Gaia, what is Minotaur?"

"Master a Minotaur is from the beast of bull that has the cultivation of wise or Level 3 when they born, mostly they are people who didn't break promises and oath unless something happens that made them break their oaths"

"Eh! Level 3 beast? Hey are we okay"

"Yes … maybe master" as he speaks in doubt


Leon sigh

"For now let his friend speak"

Then Gaia releases the young master temporary, he angrily turns his head toward Leon but when he saw him he becomes speechless, he the felt familiar to the young man in front of him. The young man is as calm as the lake and breeze stillness like a forest as he stands in front of him.

"Ahem, hem" he cough

"Sir you don't need to be rude as to captured me, I will answer you well"


Leon doesn't know whether to laugh or cry as he said in his mind 'Hey bro what happen to your demeanor attitude'

"Then what are you?"

"Sir you do not know what kind of race I came?" he stares in Leon in disbelief and Leon don't have any chose but to nod with red in his face because of embarrassment, as he was not from this world he still has many things to learn

"Sir I am Iga Hidan from Hidan Tribe of Diwata as for why we are here, it because we are chase from home to hide

"Why are you being chased?"

"About that… I can't say it, sir"

"okay I understand if hiding place is what you want then you can feel free to be here" as he smiles with them


"However what …"

"However you need to do labor "as he smiles and added

"A person does work, does not deserve food, understood?" as he looks at them straight in the eyes, then the two can't help look at each other and nod strongly

This is the first time someone ordering him to do labor and also the first time hearing a quotation that is very logical reasoning.

Maystro Maystro

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