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100% REAL / Chapter 8: Finally My House, Stuff About Getting Strong'er, And My Nightmare

Chapter 8: Finally My House, Stuff About Getting Strong'er, And My Nightmare

Woah, amazing. This…is….massive.

*lifts head*

How old is this tree? It has an ancient feeling spreading around its trunk.

What is this tree called? Lemme see.



[General Sherman Tree]


Thousand years? Millions, billions? Nobody really knows.

Durability: ?/?


Eh, that explains the ancient feeling. Even the system didn't know when this tree started growing, or the system is just too lazy to check. I should not expect on this system too much.

Hmmm, the roots are like a small hill. This is just incredible. If this tree has grown in Earth, this would be cut by illegal loggers.

This is it, finally, I found the most suitable tree.


*pays respect*

Mastamaynd21: I'm sorry but I don't have any place to stay, I'm homeless. Please, let me build my house inside you.

Narrator: He's homeless for days and he keeps searching for a possible tree to be living in. Now that a suitable tree was present in front of him he was reluctant. He was reluctant, not because he changes his mind, but reluctant to hurt this very tree. He cares for nature, even though he had live in the modern world in the past. Paying his respect to the tree, he kowtows to ask permission to shave off some of its parts to make his house inside of the tree. After he finished kowtowing, he stood up. But as he stood up the ground shook. The tree's roots were lifted upwards. Dust and rubbles were scattered around the area. Mastamaynd21 covered his eyes and nose while coughing. He moves back just to be safe. He didn't know what happened, but he needed to be careful. As he moves backward, the dust in the area he was heading to was lesser than the area he had stayed before. Covering his nose he ran till the place was clear. Even though the area was clearer, he still moves back one more time, he was also being cautious around him. As the time past, the dust was slowly vanishing. Mastamaynd21's eyes narrowed. He saw the roots rolling, getting shred, turning into smaller roots and sticking back together. This happened for a while, getting shredded then sticking back together until it stopped moving. Mastamaynd21 was surprised.

Eh, wait, what? Ehhhhhhhhh!


*eyes bulging*

Narrator: He was surprised. He saw a hole appeared on the tree's roots. The hole had a vortex-like entrance. It has two smaller holes in front of it. It looked like a window. This was what shocked him.

What just happened? I was like kneeling, then this thing happens, is there any event going to start?

Narrator: While he was thinking about how things happened, he heard a young but ancient voice.

?: Adventurer, you don't need to shave this tree. I made you a home now.

Mastamaynd21: (*stutters*) Siiii....Si….sir...who…..mig….might you…..u…be?

?: Adventurer, you don't need to get scared of me. The name's Trufdor, a soul living inside this tree. I heard you asking permission to make a house inside the tree. I give you permission, you can live here, in this place I made. You may take a look at it if you want.

Mastamaynd21: Nice meeting you here sir. I'll trouble you then.

Narrator: Mastamaynd21 was thankful. The Tree's soul Trufdor personally made him a home. He then went inside the house inside the tree's roots. The space was not too big but not too small either. It has three rooms, the other was the bedroom with a batch of hays to sleep with and the other one was the kitchen with utensils made of wood, a chimney and a furnace for cooking made of stone. But what surprised him, was the root in the kitchen that has water flowing endlessly, and the bathroom also has this type of root. Trufdor also went inside, he has a smile on his face.

Mastamaynd21: this water, where is this water coming from?

Trufdor: below this tree, at the center of it, has a cave. Inside that cave is a giant spring. The water that these roots exert came from that place.

Mastamaynd21: (*shock*)There such a place below this tree. How can I stop this roots flowing of water?

Trufdor: you only need to lift the roots up and it will stop, lower it and it will start flowing.

Mastamaynd21: now I got it. It's that easy.

Trufdor: Adventurer, you can call this your home now.

Mastamaynd21: (*bows*) thank you for your kindness.

Trufdor: You don't need to bow to me, I know that you have a good heart, you cared for nature, which made me help you.

Mastamaynd21: I'm really thankful sir.

Trufdor: I left some hays there for you to have a comfortable bed. You can call me anytime you want, I'm too bored here too, and it was a long time that I have somebody to talk to.

Mastamaynd21: if you want sir, I can talk to you nonstop.

Trufdor: don't call me sir, Adventurer, my soul was completely formed just ten years ago. I don't have the right to be called formally. Just call me by my name.

Mastamaynd21: Big brother Trufdor, I call you big brother Trufdor then, cause you're older than me.

Trufdor: hmmm, okay that's fine too. You adventurer, what's your name?

Mastamaynd21: My name is Mastamaynd21.

Turfdor: I'll call you Masta then. So, you'll talk to me nonstop, can you do it? (*smiles*)

Mastamaynd21: Yes, big brother. What do you want to talk to?

Trufdor: hmmm, let me ask you, you're not from this world, right?

Mastamaynd21: Big….brother (*sweats*) Well, it's really complicated Big brother Trufdor.

Trufdor: you don't need to hide it. I was alive for how many millennia, do you think that my incomplete soul can't see everything back then. I saw a lot of things before. I won't be stupid to think that you're one of the beings here. You gave off a different feeling than the rest of the beings here. And your name is....I don't know, it sounds exotic to me.

Mastamaynd21: I'm sorry big brother, it was one of my secrets so I need to hide it and keep it for myself. And about my name, just leave it be (*apologetic look*)

Trufdor: You can trust me as your big brother and tell me about it. I was just curious, how did you come here.

Mastamaynd21: as you wish big brother, I'm too shy to talk about my past, but I'll tell you about it big brother. You can say that I was reincarnated *tells backstory*.

Trufdor: hmmm, reincarnated eh, there are a lot of reincarnated beings here too. When did you come here?

Mastamaynd21: Ehhh, so there are some beings like me too. When did they come here, though? I was sent here just some days later. I stayed here for less than a week now.

Trufdor: Hmmm, so it's starting.

Mastamaynd21: Starting what?

Trufdor: I can't tell you now, you need to get strong first and a strong resolve so that I can tell you about some things I know.

Mastamaynd21: (*sigh*) Well, I'm not eager for that topic now. I'm still too weak, I need to train hard first. It can still wait, right big brother?

Trufdor: It's not that urgent. I'm going to leave now Masta, you take care of yourself. I'm going inside the tree to meditate and calm my state of mind, I need to grow stronger too you know? Well, I still didn't have my body formed so I'm really weak if I go out with just my soul, this tree and I, we're a separated entity. I was formed inside this tree but I'm a fragment of a spirit that the tree absorbs. This is just my vessel used in absorbing spirit essence around the land and air. But I'm just a low-level critter compare to those monsters.

Mastamaynd21: why do you need to meditate to make yourself stronger?

Trufdor: Well, you need to do that to.....wait you don't know about this things?

Mastamaynd21: I don't.

Trufdor: Well, it's your first time here, I can understand. Let me tell you about it then. You first need to meditate to calm the mind. A mind in chaos would disturb your focus. You need to reach the state of nothingness, this will enable you to feel the spirit essence around and control the flow of the spirit essence inside and outside of the body. There are two types of improving your strength: Devouring and Respiring. Devouring is to consume the spirit essence crystals of the monsters, human, or other races, while the Respiring is the way to absorb the surroundings spirit essence. This two came from the same technique, and it's called Spirit Evolution. The Spirit Evolution uses the mind to take control of the natural flow of spirit essence or the spirituality of the spirit essence crystals. When you use the mind to manipulate the spirit essence to let it flow inside your body unto your soul. This is how other people here improved their selves. You're an adventurer, right?

Mastamaynd21: Yes?

Trufdor: I don't have a lot of knowledge about the adventurers, but you have something that records your growth and also helps you grow. That's a unique way for the adventurers to upgrade their strengths. But! There is a fatal flaw of that because you now have reins on your necks. You won't be the one in control of your fate anymore, that's the fatal flaw of it.

So, the reincarnation? And giving this and that is it all just for show.

Mastamaynd21: Why are you telling me about this?

Trufdor: I'm telling you about this since we are now brothers, and a brother should help its brother when he needed it, right? Even now you are still being monitored, they can't hear what we're talking and they can't see me, because of this sacred tree. All they know is that you find this tree and they can't see you anymore.

Mastamaynd21: what would I do right now?

Trufdor: for now, just stay at your normal routine. You hunt and slowly build your foundation, just act normally. Let them monitor you for a while. When you reach the first level of Transcendent Being then I have a way to break you free from that reins, and that is when I would tell you about the things I know too.

Mastamaynd21: What's a Transcendent Being?

Trufdor: Have you seen a spirit essence crystal?

Mastamaynd21: Yes. I killed a big snake and saw that crystal inside his stomach.

Trufdor: What you saw is a Mortal Form level snake, a Mortal Form level entity produces Mortal Spirit Essence crystal. Further, Transcendent Beings produces Transcendent Spirit Essence, then we have Sanctity that produces Saint Spirit Essence, The Demigod also produces Demigod Spirit Essence, and the highest level of power, God that produces God Spirit Essence. That is the Five Spirit Ranks, Mortal Form, Transcendent Being, Sanctity, Demigod, and God.

[You have obtained an information. Saving data in the database.]


Five Spirit Ranks:

• Mortal Form – (Level: 1 – 20 )

• Transcendent Being – (Level: 21 – 40)

• Sanctity – (Level: 41 – 60)

• Demigod – (Level: 61 – 80)

• God – (Level: 81 – 100)


Transcendent Being, I need to reach level 21 to achieve it. I need to work hard from now on.


Mastamaynd21: I understand now, big brother Trufdor. Please, take your time and meditate so that you can form your body. I won't disturb you, I promise.

Trufdor: before that, I'll give you the way in improving your strength. (*touch Mastamaynd21's forehead*)

*brilliant lights*

<System Updating...>

<There will be changes to your system>

[Congratulations! You received the skill {Path}]

[Congratulations! You received the skill {Spirit Evolution}]

[Congratulations! You received the skill {Body Evolution}]

[Congratulations! You received the skill {Infuse Mana}]


{Path: Mortal Form}(Passive)

The path of being strong.

*The Path:

Body's Path: (0/50)

Soul's Path: (0/50)

Every Time the Path's Points Reach the Limit:

Mortal Form: +2 Spirit points/+1 points in both Power & Speed

Transcendent Being: + 4 Spirit points/+2 points in both Power & Speed

Sanctity: +6 Spirit points/+3 points in both Power & Speed

Demigod: +8 Spirit points/+4 points in both Power & Speed

God: +10 Spirit points/+5 points in both Power & Speed


{Body Evolution: Mortal Essence}(Passive), lvl1

Improve the Physical Constitution by training the body or the use of external means.


+4Body Path points and +60 Body Evolution Points every 3hours

Next level: (0/3000 bep[!])

(Activates in Strengthening State)


{Spirit Evolution: Mortal Essence}(Passive), lvl1

Uses the mind to control the paths of the Spirit Essence. Respiring the surrounding's Spirit Essence and letting the soul absorb it, to improve its constitution.


+1Spirit Path points and +10 Spirit Evolution Points every 30minutes

Next level: (0/1000 sep[!])

(Activates in Meditative State)



{Infuse Mana},lvl1

Infuse Mana to weapons, tools, armor or other treasures to raise their tiers.

Infuse 25% of mana

Cost: 50 stamina points

Cooldown: 1day


<System Updated>

WTF! This…..this…..skills! I'm given an opportunity. Oh God, I'm going to be strong, no not just strong but stronger or even strong'er.

And this Body Evolution, if I'm right then I can confirm my guess.

This is the real blessing, big brother is sent by the heavens to help me.

Mastamaynd21: Big brother, thank you. (*bows*) I'm extremely grateful to you, I can't repay this kindness you've been given to me.

Trufdor: Our brotherhood is more priceless, don't mind it too much. I'm going now.

Mastamaynd21: let me send you off big brother.

Trufdor: (*nods*)

Narrator: Mastamaynd21 send Trufdor off. When Trufdor came out of the house, Mastamaynd21 sincerely bowed towards Trufdor. Trufdor kindness towards him cannot be repaid.

I will need to find a way for big brother to make his own body. Wait, big brother, I'll repay your kindness.


I'll first arrange my things inside before I confirm my guess about the capabilities of my system, and I'll try this meditation skill I have. I have so many things to do.

I need to grow stronger. Yes, I'll break free from this reins.

Narrator: After clearing his thought, Mastamaynd21 went back inside the house. He went inside the kitchen to start cooking for his dinner. He lowered the root and it started flowing out water. He removed the [Snakes Meat x47] inside his inventory and washed it up. He removed an arrow from his quiver and pierced the meat. He's going to have to barbeque all the meat he collected. He's afraid that the meat might go rotten if he forgot to cook it. He burned some lumbers that were stored inside the kitchen until it turned into charcoal. When the lumber turned into charcoal, he placed the meat above it and started barbequing the meat. He placed Sushi on the table to let it sleep well, his pocket is not comfortable for this little buddy. Now that he had a home, he won't let the little thing to just stay inside the pocket all the time. When he finished cooking the snake meat, he places it on the table. Eating his fill, Mastamaynd21 obtain a total of 54xp. Doing his chores, washing the dishes made him missed his family. He's not as heartless as what he looks like. His face just looks like a person who doesn't have something good to do.

Mom, dad, I hope you're living fine right there.


It's getting dark now.

These flowers are interesting. It smells good, and it lights up when it gets dark.


*lay down the hay*

Hmmm, my first time to have a comfortable sleep in this world.

Good night Sushi, good night self.

*tears of joy*






Fire…..I was hugging fire.

Even my tears can't extinguish it.

These flames burn even the very soul. I can't save this person and this person and that person too.

This person I'm hugging.

My arms got burned. But I didn't care. Mom, Dad this ain't funny at all, please stop surprising me anymore. This is desperation. My brother, I failed to protect you from harm,


I'm also near the spot of the explosion, why didn't I died. All of the people I know, my family and to those I didn't know, all died except me.

What so special about me?

The fire stopped burning, I can only see their dark-gray hue.

Then they crumbles and turned to dust.

Let me die as well.

*grabs gun*

*shoves it to the mouth*


Aw, my back hurts.

I feel numb.

I was shot by a tranquilizer. Why can't you people let me die?

*stops moving*

Now, I can't move. I think I lost my limbs.

Wait, what are you doing?

Why are you carrying me? Where are you going to bring me?

Stop this now.


Let me die…..


I don't have anything anymore.


*tears flowing*



Why won't you people let me die? *crying internally*


Why? Why? Waaaaaaa...wait!

Ahhhhhhhh, what a nightmare.

Why I'm having this nightmare?

Never mind, it's just a dream. That ain't true.

*sigh* *tears flowing*

Ehh, why am I crying? Eh!!!!!


Damn, this ain't good at all.


*rubs eyes and nose*

Well, that's a sad dream, maybe I was crying because of it.

Yes… Yes…


Forget about that dream, geez why am I so affected.

It's not my life! It's just a sad dream.

I'll just take a bath, and wash this face-up.

*went to the bathroom*


My first bath.

Ahh, I feel refreshed.

A handsome man needed a lovely bath every day.

But, am I gonna use this clothes again? It smells so bad now.


I'll just wash these clothes and dry it up with my {Burning Desire of a Masochist}.

*washes clothes*

*dried the clothes*

This is better.

Hooooo…..what would I do now?

Hmmm, then I'll confirm my guesses first.


Ohh, good morning Sushi, you're awake.

Sushi: *stomach growls*

Here, eat your fill.

*place [Sushi's Blood Storage]*

I still have some left-overs last night that will be enough.

*went to kitchen*

*eats left-overs*



Ahh, now I don't have any food left, I need to hunt something later.

But, first, let me try this {Spirit Evolution} skill.



I'm ready, I'll let the spirit essence flow and be absorbed by my soul.

[Magical Status: Absorption]


*30mins later*

+1Soul's Path Points.


If I want to receive the +2 Stat points of Spirit stat, I needed 25hours to obtain it.

It is one day and 1hour to be exact.

Now that I receive the +1Soul's Path Points, it becomes one day and 30mins.

But if I really wanted to be strong, what I need is to level the {Spirit Evolution} up, and maybe its absorption rate will be increased or something.

Okay, next I need some stone, or something heavy.

Let's go, go, go, go.

Oh right, Sushi you want to join me?

Sushi: *shakes head* *continues sucking*

Okay, please guard our home then.

Sushi: *nods* *shows muscle*

Goodbye Sushi, I'll be back at noon.

Narrator: Mastamaynd21 headed outside to search for heavy things. But before he went to the forest, he first bowed to the Ancient Tree. Equipping his [All-purpose Knife], he charged deeper inside the forest, without the monsters noticing his presence. He was becoming one with the forest, he was like a shadow passing by. He stopped in front of a huge stone boulder.

Hmmm, this is fine. I hope this is useful for the Body Evolution.

Let's cut a big piece of this thing.



This is enough for now.

Wow, this thing is very heavy. This is what I need.

*stores the boulder piece to the inventory*

And now for my second confirmation.

Let's hunt.


Hmmm, I need to prevent myself from attracting a crowd of monsters.

The trees are the best place to be safe from ground monsters.

*climbs tree*

Well, I'll just practice my archer skill here.

Narrator: having completed his first priority, he then continued to his second. Climbing the trees, every now and then, he would climb up the trees to activate his {Search} to find suitable preys. He continued doing this, till he found a Wild Fox. The fox was only a level 1 monster.

For some unknown reason, I'm a little angry about foxes. Yes, you'll be my target.

*aims arrow*

Hoooooo...I need to focus. Carefully watch the movements, don't do it hurriedly, when you see the right time, release it.



Bull's-eye! I hit the head with just one try, I'm actually pretty good in archery.

Narrator: with his patience, Mastamaynd21 aimed his arrow with great precision, hitting the target's head. The fox was able to run a little distance before dying.


I know it. I'm actually right.

My second guess is now confirmed. The weak-spots are still there, nothing is really invulnerable, except for higher levels I guess. They might have godlike powers that let them live even being hit right in their weak-spots. But this is still a very important information to know.


It's almost noon, I'll go back now.

*climbs down*

*picks the fox up*

This fox will be my lunch.


You're in good hands now. Muahahahahaha

Narrator: bringing back the dead fox with him, Mastamaynd21 went back to his house.

*door creaks*

Sushi I'm back.

*eyes narrowed*

This leech don't know anything than sleeping and eating, I'll bring this leech to battle some monsters.


Let me fill [Sushi's Blood Storage] a little with this fox blood.

Well, forget about this damn leech, wait and see what I'll make you do Sushi. Muahahahaha. You'll be crying milk, a rotten sticky milk. Kekekekeke.

Sushi: *shivers while sleeping*

Anyways, I'll skin this fox to remove its fur from its meat. And wash the fur up before I bask it under the sun.

This fox fur can be used as a tailoring material, I can turn this into a lot of things.

I wonder if I can make shoes out of it, I just only need a sole and I can make one.

*skins the fox*

Then wash this fur. *washes* and set this thing outside to let it dry.


Skinning this beast furs are tiring, *sigh*

You fox made me tire like hell, face your judgment. Now, chop, chop. But before that, the first thing to check and remove to the beast body is inside the stomach.


Hahahaha, even level 1 beast still have this thing.

Let's devour this thing up.

'+2 spirit points' here I go

*consumes [Spirit Essence: Mortal (!)]*

+25Soul Path Points

Wait? Why?

25 soul pa….path points

This, why the hell is this happening.

Don't tell me. Don't tell me, this is part of the changes of the system update.

The [Spirit Essence] was already nerfed. I only used a single spirit essence, now this damn update nerfed it.

Argh...…. Pffffff (mumbling curses)




*heavy breathing*

Narrator: Mastamaynd21 was not feeling good. Seeing the [Spirit Essence], once a useful thing being downgraded by the system update. He can't accept it that, he minced the fox meat to pieces. Burned the head, tail, and the innards to dust. He was so angry that he cough twice a handful of blood.

X -40hp X (Fatal!)

X -40hp X (Fatal!)


Breath…'s still fine. I still have my skills, I'll get strong in no time. Yes, yes, don't care about it. If there's a will, there's a way.

This is just a small change, I'm not going to be too much affected by it.

This is just the start.

Now, what do I do with this minced fox meat?

This fox meat smells a little.

Hmmmmp, *covers nose*

Maybe the cucumber can remove the smell, it removes harmful physical status. And this smell is harmful as FUCK.

Let me see, these utensils.

Hmmm, there is a single metal with the group. This one is a metal pot.

I'll check if there are some spices here.

I forgot to check it yesterday, I hope there is something useful.

Hmmm, there are good smelling herbs here and this blood colored ginger here.

Let's look at this ginger.


[Bloody Ginger]

A good agent for the smelly air. Even pungent stench can turn into aromatic fragrance.

Expire: 2years


Hmmm, a good one. I won't need to waste another cucumber. And there's this [Sea Tears], an alternative of salt.

And some spices that I can use. I didn't know that I have a lot of this stuff here.

Ahh, big brother is really a good person.

I'll try my best and make this fox meat as edible as possible.


Narrator: Putting all his wrath on all foxes, Mastamaynd21 tried his best in making the best cuisine possible for fox meat. With glaring eyes, he placed every spices and herb to make the meat better. He didn't cook anything for how many years and he became a little bit rusty, but his knowledge in the field of cooking is still inscribed to his memories. Boiling the [Bloody Ginger], adding a little bit [Sea Tears], adding the spices and joining the fox meat, making the broth to be rich in flavor. This will also remove the meat's smell slowly. Adding some herbs with a nice scent, the broth became fragrant and lovely. Mastamaynd21 sweat was pouring endlessly, he carefully wiped his sweat, afraid that it might fall into his work. This might be tiring, spending some stamina is fine when you have a wonderful meal after it, and all is worth the sweat. After finishing the small stuff, he closed the lid and let it boil for a while.


This fox meat does not only have a bad smell, its meat is as hard as rubber.

I'll boil you damn fox to hell, let's see when your strength will last. Muahahaha.

I'll leave you be, for now, I still have things to do. *stretches arms*

I'll do this outside.

Narrator: Mastmaynd21 was not afraid that his food would go bad when you have a bad ingredient you won't expect the best. After all, he was not a chef, he can't make miracles happen when it comes to food. Chefs might even make a wonderful meal out of dung here. What he needed for his cooking was time to make that meat soften. Equipping his [All-purpose Knife], he removed the boulder out of his inventory.

I can make a lot of things out of this boulder, maybe I'll prioritize in making the small ones before the bigger one.



Tadda, I made two small dumbbells.

Let see….


[Stone Dumb-Bell, lvl1]

(Abnormal, Tool)

One of the reasons why people in Stone Age have ripped bodies. Only effective to the Mortal Form level individuals.

Equip: Add 1hour to the Strengthening duration

Equip: If equip two [Stone Dumb-bell] at the same time the Strengthening duration will decrease by 1hour


That's why it's abnormal, I don't know anymore. Everything is turning into much more complicated things, I'm tired of thinking. Geez.

Lastly, I'll make the bigger dumbbell.






And I'm done.

Lemme see you.


[Heavy Dumbbell, lvl1]

(Airhead, Tool)

One of the reasons why people in Stone Age have ripped bodies. Only effective to the Mortal Form level individuals.

Equip: Decrease 1hour to the Strengthening duration

Equip: Adds additional 5 Body Path points every time the Strengthening duration ends.

Equip: Every time the Strengthening duration ends, receive Physical Status: Low Hygiene (!).

(Low Hygiene: Weaken 10% of stats and have a very pungent smell.)


Hahahahaha, so I can become strong using this too.

But this Low Hygiene status is not a good addition to this tool.

Damn, this thing is dangerous. I'll not use you for now. What I'll try is the two [Small Dumb-Bells].

I'll keep the other one here.

*puts the [Heavy Dumbbell] near the house entrance*

Now, lemme try you up.

*uses [Small Dumb-Bells]*






Three thousand forty-one…..


Five thousand and one…..

*2hours later*

+4Body Path Points

+60Body Evolution Points

My first guess is now confirmed. Muahahaha.

I can now see a little glimpse of my very bright future.


Hmmm, what a lovely scent.

I think it's now ready to be eaten.

*places the dumbbells*

*walks to the kitchen*

Let me see.

*open's lid*

Oh my, this...hehehehe…..*gulps*

I can't take it any longer.


This scent, the meat's color, and the broth. What balance?

*stops furnace fire*

Let me taste the soup.

*pours a little soup*

Hmmm, let me have a try.


Arrrrrrh *holds neck*, Bruuuuuuuaaaah, *cough* *cough*

Water, water...…

Bruuuuuuuuuaaaaaaah *vomits*

*pale face*

I let my guard down. This fox meat is cursed. I was distracted by the smell, but I didn't expect this to have such a strong flavor.

Huuummmmmmmmmph *covers mouth*


Bwahhh, Eeeek, it tastes like shit, pweh.

I was too focused on the smell. The taste contradicts the lovely fragrance.

What the hell did I just cooked?

Narrator: Mastamaynd21 never expected this to happen. He opened his mouth wide, letting the water run through his mouth to remove that hell of a taste. It was sticking hard to his mouth. He want to cut his tongue off. He didn't know what to do. He had turned rusty, or maybe there's nothing to turn rusty at all. Noticing that the taste was still lingering, he get the [Bloody Ginger] out of its container and chew on it. Enduring the burning feeling, the [Bloody Ginger] produce inside his mouth, he covered it while chewing it every now and then. After a minute later, the taste was gone. A sighed of relief left Mastamaynd21's mouth. He was grateful and much more he was so hungry. He vomited so much that even his intestines shit storage was flush out of his mouth. Now, only his stomach was being burned by his acids. Desperate, he cut the [Eternal Green Cucumber] open, and ate its juicy flesh, slurping its insides up. Mastamaynd21 burped so hard, even though he only ate that small amount of the cucumber's flesh. That's the strongest ability the [Eternal Green Cucumber] have, it's a real lifesaver for Mastamaynd21. He ventured out, far away from his house and place it in the forest. He had a sinister smile engrave on his face. He was sharing the curse meat on the monster, who would be attracted towards the smell of this dish. Mastamaynd21 was laughing like a crazy person, he was imagining the faces of the monsters and beast that will be trapped by this things.

Muahahaha, I don't want to be alone suffering from this tribulation. Let see how many beasts I would fool because of it.

This is why foxes were all called sly. Even their meat is as sly as them.

Tsssk, tsssk, that's why I hate foxes. They're too immoral. Look at me living as a normal person and was being schemed by the fox meat.

I can't accept this.

Let me see what will fall for this meat schemes.

Hehehehehe, muahahahaha.

Narrator: Mastamaynd21 brain turned rotten after tasting the food he cooked. He patiently waited for a single thing, to fall for the evil lovely fragrance. He patiently waited until a shocking scene appeared in front of him. What appeared was not a 'what' but a 'who'. A thin, pale face girl wearing modern clothes came out of the forest. The girl had drools dripping out from her mouth, sniffing like a mice that saw a very tasty cheese. The girl charge towards the wooden bowl showing her canine teeth laughing sinisterly with red eyes, she devoured it like a devil. Slurping, munching, and consuming large amounts of the miasmatic broth not caring about the taste. Mastamaynd21 was very shocked. That was an evil's food, to eat it you needed to have a strong stomach or you might be an evil yourself. The glaring eyes of the girl shock him so much that he thought it was one of the cannibals of some gore or horror movies. The girl bit the fox meat so hard that you might thought this girl devours mountains and boulders. Finishing her wonderful meal, she immediately fell unconscious. She either had not eaten in a long time or the food started kicking its evil effect, Mastamaynd21 don't really know. Climbing down the tree he was staying, he went to the girl's side. When he got near the girl, he saw her satisfied smile on her face, clearly, she is starving for a period of time, making her act like a ravenous wolf. Mastamaynd21 don't want to leave this girl alone in the forest, she might become a meal to those dangerous beast inside the forest. Carrying the girl, he slowly strode the forest heading towards his home.

She's light.

She might be lost in the woods for days.

Poor girl.

Oh well, I feel bad for you eating that food. As a compensation for what I did, I'll let you take the bedroom for today.


Author's Note:

• PP – Path Points

• BEP – Body Evolution Points

• SEP – Spirit Evolution Points

Author's Thoughts v.0

I was stuck in thinking about how to insert the stuffs about spirit and body improvement, hahaha. Now, I think its fine. I thought of changing some stuffs like editing some chaps, but I remember we have a system here friends, everything's is possible so I made the system updating part…. And nerfed the [Spirit Essence] so that it'll make sense when it comes to the {Path} part.

Key_To Key_To

I hope you accept my changes.

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