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91.66% Real-Rpg. System of the Eminence. Metamorph! / Chapter 11: Chapter 8. The recovered nightmare

Chapter 11: Chapter 8. The recovered nightmare

There was no zombie on the stairwell of the sixth floor, but in one of the apartments I was able to notice a couple. The door to it was open, and there were several zombies inside - a man and two children, a boy and a girl of eight years old. Thinking, I decided to interrupt their torment and, having grasped the bat more conveniently, entered the apartment, fortunately, during the transformation into zombies, they did not react to me in any way. I wanted to know their levels, and the information I needed "surfaced" above their heads: the children were of the first level, while the man was of the second! And this despite the fact that very little time passed after the start of the zombie apocalypse, which meant that zombies could also gain levels, and then they will probably become stronger and more dangerous. With quick blows, he demolished their heads, for starters, to a man who was probably the father of these children. It was more difficult to kill the children, but, looking into their dead and frozen eyes, he nevertheless gained determination and demolished their heads. Even in a state of zombies, I became uncomfortable. Looking a little at those killed by me, I realized that if possible it would be necessary to find another weapon with which the brains would not fly in all directions. After a couple of seconds, balls of light flew again from the corpses of the zombies, which flew in my direction. A slightly larger ball flew out of the man than usual by about a third, it can be seen that the amount of "experience" received depended on the level of zombies killed by me. Caskets and books did not fall this time, which slightly upset me, but next to the corpse of the girl I saw a small black coin, leaning over, took it in my hands.

[Survival coin: 1]

The information in my head came up after I had a little bit of a coin in my hand. I don't know how valuable it is, but it definitely won't be superfluous. Put her in his jeans pocket. Looking around, I saw a long knife lying on the floor in the living room. Apparently, the man thought of protecting them, but he could not use it against his own, albeit dead, but children. I decided to take him with me and check something out. Having left the apartment, covered the door behind me, I think I will return here later, perhaps something will need to be taken from here, because access to the stores will now be very problematic. I looked at the remaining endurance, and her indicator did not please me at all, there was only 7/17 left. At this rate, it will soon be over. After thinking a little, I decided to put two points of characteristics into this indicator.

- Distribute characteristics into endurance! - I said aloud.

Looking at the stamina indicator, I saw that now it was equal to 9/19! He noted to himself that if you distribute the characteristics, then not only its maximum quantity increases, but also the stock at the moment. I decided to go down to another floor, since I saw several zombies there, who stupidly fought their bodies into another apartment. Looking there with his special vision, I saw that another girl was sitting near the door and holding a bat I knew. Looks like I didn't get a gift from the system alone. You'll have to keep that in mind. He quickly approached one of the zombies and demolished his head with a bat. After he dealt with the first, the other decided to "rest" in another way. He still continued to bang his head against the door of the apartment, not paying attention to the fact that he would be gathered already left this world. He approached him from behind, tried on and stabbed him in the head with a knife, breaking through the skull almost through. He immediately collapsed to the floor, and I remained waiting and closely watched the corpse. After a few seconds, a ball of light flew out of the first corpse, but I closely follow the zombies killed by a regular knife. Even after three minutes, the ball of light did not fly out of it, which means that experience is given only if you kill zombies with weapons from the system! And it was bad news, both for me and for all of humanity. After all, although we can kill them with cold guns and firearms, we will not be stronger from this. I hope the system will provide stronger and deadlier murder weapons, otherwise it will be very difficult for us to survive. A white box appeared near the murdered beaten zombie, it can be seen that my luck today has not yet exhausted itself. Having picked up the box, he took it in a backpack to the rest, after which he knocked on the apartment where the girl was.

— Hey! Is there anyone alive? I killed all the zombies! - slightly raising my voice, I completely wheezed towards the closed door. And watched the girl closely. When she heard my voice, she stood up and looked in the eye. Waved back to her, trying to smile kindly. From behind the door, at the same moment a woman's scream was heard, after which the girl ran away and locked herself in the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

- Uh... - did not immediately understand her reaction to her beloved. And only then he realized what she saw, looking at her door eye. And there was a tall curly guy with very pale skin, sprayed with blood and brains all over his clothes. It's not to mention that I didn't know what my face looked like right now. I decided to finish with the zombie murders for a while and return back to my apartment, especially since the time of my transformation has almost come to an end. There were only twenty minutes left before the reverse transformation, and there were only seven pathetic units left. In addition, it was necessary to see how Tanya was there, suddenly she had already died and turned into a zombie, enough time had passed since her possible infection. Without wasting time, I looked at the lower floors and saw that there were still zombies, both in the entrance and in the apartments. Today he set himself a plan to completely clean his entrance from them, not counting, however, those that were locked in the apartment. Going upstairs, I went into an apartment that belonged to a man I killed with children. The smell in the apartment probably stood the same - in a state of zombies, my sense of smell was completely lost. I think they should have a mirror in the bathroom.

Going inside the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror with some trembling. A spilled zombie looked at me from there! The iris of the eyes was completely black, and when I looked myself in the eye in reflection, it seemed that I was looking into the black abyss. It was death from them. The transformation time has passed unnoticed for me, and the system has asked me to choose whether to continue using the Transformation skill or not. Chose "no". Again I experienced unpleasant feelings in my body. Watching my body change in the mirror, the iris became lighter and lighter until my eyes acquired a wonderful green hue and became like two precious sparkling emeralds. What the hell is the green tint? My eyes were brown and blue all my life! So, all right! Fuuh, we need to calm down. Changing the color of the eyes is the least of my problems at the moment.

He shook his face with cold water and came to his senses a little. Now you need to act according to plan, so as not to think about anything else. Slightly washed away the traces of the zombies I killed from my body and clothes, after which he left the bathroom and this apartment, on the way capturing a bundle of rope from it, which he saw on the balcony, he lay next to the ski equipment. Apparently, the deceased man was fond of hiking and climbing, however, now he will not need it. He sighed hard from these thoughts and climbed to his floor. By the way, I hope she didn't dig in the bags on the balcony, where I left the money looted yesterday from the bank, covering all the bags with a plaid. True, now I think they have lost all their value. Eh … it turns out that the whole operation of yesterday was simply done in vain. Yes, all my plans can now simply be thrown into the pipe.

Legonko knocked on his door, as I saw, Tanya was in the kitchen and gaining water in five-liter canisters and, judging by her appearance, she was not going to turn into a zombie, which somewhat surprised me. Hearing a knock on the door, she turned off the water and headed to the front door with strong excitement on her face. Looking in the eye and seeing me there, she quickly opened.

"Thank God!" You're all right! I already thought something had happened to you! Why have you been so long? She began to bombard me with her questions, it was only worth me stepping over the threshold and closing the door behind me.

- Tan, everything is fine with me! I cleaned several floors of zombies, so I lingered - I began to answer her questions in a calm voice.

"You're so strong, Kohl! I forgot to thank you for saving me! Thank you very much! - after which she hugged me firmly and began to cry again. She did not stop her tears, realizing that she still needed time to finally recover, if at all possible in current circumstances.

For a couple of minutes we stood hugging, after which I slightly moved her away from me, grabbing her shoulders. Carefully looked in her face, looking for signs of infection with a zombie virus, but could not see anything suspicious.

"Tan, how are you feeling?" Is everything all right? - I asked her, carefully looking into her eyes and tracking the reaction.

"It's okay. Why are you asking? - she bewildered asked me.

"The thing is that I saw scratches on your hands..." I began, but looking at her hands, I saw absolutely healthy skin on them, without a trace of those scratches that were before. With surprise, my mouth opened slightly.

"Oh, you mean those scratches?" When you left, a message jumped out in my head that offered me a gift. When I agreed, I had a little m in my hands... flask! As far as I realized, this was some kind of medicine, which I, thinking a little, decided to drink right away, and then something began to hurt me a lot and my head became dizzy, "she quickly told the information that interested me. Then she smiled pretty cute.

"What didn't I need to do?" she asked with slight concern, seeing a thoughtful expression on my face.

"No, you did the right thing! I'd even say you were very lucky. Because... - after which I told her about zombies and their virus, which they can infect living creatures, I hope it spreads only to humans. Because if animals or insects become carriers of zombie infection, then everything alive on this planet will die out very quickly. From the news that she almost became a zombie, she was very pale and even began to shake her slightly. I had to hug her again and start calming her down. But I could not tell her about this, she should be aware of the dangers that await her on the other side of the front door. He sent her to further fill the canisters, since she was almost finished, and asked her to cook something to eat, from what was in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, he went into the hallway and took the backpack that he left there. It is time to deal with my trophies and see what I got interesting this time. I started, of course, with the most interesting, namely, with a black book. He took her in his hands and I again had in my head knowledge of what she could give me.

[Level 1 Skill Book: Increasing Agility. Passive skill. Increases your agility by 2 units.

Do you wish to study?]

- Yes, I wish to study! - I immediately confirmed, without having to think for a long time. Any reinforcement now was only in the plus.

After that, the book broke up with black smoke, which again flew into my head, in the area of ​ ​ my forehead, and I felt a pleasant cool, which swept all over my body. Looking at my characteristics, I really saw that the indicator of my dexterity increased by 2 units and became equal to 26. While sitting and resting on the couch, I saw how my stamina began to slowly make up, and in half an hour after returning to the apartment, it increased from 7 to 13, which pleased me very much. Yes, and I became more vigilant to feel myself than before. Quite smiling, I took out all the caskets and put them on the coffee table, which I moved to the sofa from the other end of the room. There were exactly three of them, taking one of them into their hands, did not immediately open it, but wanted to find out what it was. Almost immediately I had information in my head about this.

[White treasure box. There may be equipment inside this box that you can use, but there is a chance that it will be empty. Test your luck!]

This is how, it turns out. I can't get anything out of her... I hope the system of the sad Korean random is not built in here! He opened the box with some excitement. She flashed a white light and disappeared, and a suit appeared in front of me. Looking at it, I saw information about German. After I received the "Eyes of Perception," the information I needed could now seem to "hang" over the selected object.

[Protective suit (level 1 equipment), + 1 to all characteristics. The suit is able to block the spread of infection from zombie to 5 levels 3 times. Does not protect against zombies above level 5. You can wear with other protective suits, but bonuses will not add up. Durability 3/3. Cost - 50 MB (Survival Coin)]

"Super!" I rejoiced and immediately decided to try it on, undressing to my underpants. Something he resembled a diving suit, and was, apparently, dimensionless. Wearing it, I was surprised to see how he immediately adjusted to my size. And I definitely became stronger, according to the sensations! He was completely black and now tightened my figure tightly, and I could even put my other things on top of him, which I immediately did. Thanks to this suit, now I should not have been so afraid of infection from the zombies outside when I was in my usual appearance, and not in the transformation into zombies. With some anticipation, he opened the next box, but she, lit up, simply disappeared, leaving nothing behind. Suppressed a slight disappointment from this and opened the next box. When she lit up, she also disappeared, and in her place an apple appeared in a transparent bag. He took him in his hand with interest and was pleasantly surprised by what he saw.

[Health apple. Outside the battle, it allows you to restore the 4 of the endurance point in 5 minutes. Cost 15MB.]

Thanks to him, I can, in case of need, quickly make up for my stamina. Although, to be honest, I expected a little more from the opening of these boxes, but I was glad for what I received. Especially to a suit.

— Kohl! Go eat! - called me from Tanya's kitchen. Quite smiling, I got up from the sofa and headed to the kitchen, trying to get through to the phones of relatives or Alex on the way, but there were only beeps everywhere. He tried to drive away unpleasant thoughts that my parents could have been dead already, and perhaps turned into zombies. I can't get to the hospital across town when it's full of zombies, even though I can turn into zombies and try to walk to it. Especially since I didn't know if they were there. What if Alex took them to his cottage in the village? Remembering his small house there, he found his home number on the phone and called there, listening to long beeps and not hearing an answer. My mood, no matter how I tried, still crawled down. Looking at the numbers on my phone, I saw Igor's name from the hall and decided to dial him, suddenly I could even contact him. A few seconds after the call, someone picked up the phone.

"Who is this?" Please help us! - I heard immediately after calling a female voice on the verge of hysteria.

"What happened to you?" This is Nikolai, Igor's acquaintance in the hall! Where is he? - I asked her, striving with my confident voice to calm the girl. Apparently, I am lucky to communicate with representatives of the fair sex, who are in a state of hysteria. Meanwhile, he sat down at the table, giving Tanya a sign that I needed to talk. She just nodded at it and even left the kitchen with her phone in her hands.

"He's r... Wounded! He was bitten by one of these things! When he tried to protect me! - she answered me with a crying voice.

"Who are you?" And where are you? - I asked her.

"I'm his sister Marina! We live on Panfilovtsev Street house 2, apartment 38, eighth floor. He's unconscious and bleeding! I tried to bandage him, but it didn't really help. If you can, then help us! - she asked me.

I thought a little about what to do in this situation. As it turned out, they lived only twenty minutes from my house.

"How long has Igor been bitten?" I asked her.

"I don't know, maybe 20 minutes ago... We were coming home from the store, to... - already crying, she told me.

— Marine! Everything will be fine! Tell me, have you already received a gift from Sistema? - I asked her.

— Gift? What gift? - she asked perplexingly.

- Marina, do what I tell you now, okay?

— Yes … Okay! - she answered.

- Close your eyes and try to imagine that you want to receive a gift. Presented?

- Oh, yes! Something appeared in my mind! - she said in surprise and even stopped sticking during the conversation.

— Good girl! And now wish to receive this gift! - I told her, and I myself measured in anticipation.

After a few seconds, another surprised exclamation was heard.

- Yes, I got it! This is some kind of bat, living in iron! - she quickly told me.

"Unlucky," flashed in my head.

— Perfectly! Now, in case of need, you can protect yourself and your brother! - I said in a calm and confident tone, not letting her understand that she received not what I hoped for.

"Thank you!" But you can come to us? I am afraid that Igor may not last long! - she told me and again began to stick.

— Marine! Listen to me carefully, here is what you urgently need to do: do you have a rope in the house? You need to urgently bind Igor! Do you hear me? - I asked her, but then the call suddenly interrupted and a hiss was heard from the tube. I tried to call Igor back, but for some reason the call did not pass.

"Damn it!" I cursed again. I hope she heard me and will do what I told her. I figured in my head, can I break through to their house and help with something? To be honest, there was nothing to help them, and they are still relatively safe at home. And while he was killing zombies, I heard shots coming from the street. I would not like to get under the "friendly" fire. If Igor turns to a zombie, then I hope his sister can cope with this. Meanwhile, Tanya returned to the kitchen.

"Can't you reach anyone, too?" she asked in an upset voice.

- Yes, the telephone communication for some reason does not catch, - I answered her, looking on the screen of the phone, where instead of the communication strips it was written: "There is no signal."

"Okay, let's eat, I'll have to do something else later," I told Tanya.

For lunch, or rather for a snack, we had several sandwiches with sausage and cheese, as well as a mug of hot black tea. While we were eating, cries of pain and calls for help again rang out of the street. Hearing them, Tanya flinched and ran to the window to see what was happening in the courtyard.

- A-a-a!!! - shouted someone's male voice from the street, after which he quickly fell silent. To be honest, the appetite from this is almost completely lost, but I forced myself to skimp several sandwiches and drink a mug of tea. I'll need some more energy today. He also got up from behind the kitchen table and went to see what was happening there. Looking outside, I saw about thirty zombies running around the yard, in pursuit of several living people who, apparently, tried to break into their entrances and to their home. But they were quickly surrounded on all sides by a zombie crowd, and almost no one managed to escape from this environment. Nobody ran into our entrance, but three people ran into the next one, who were very lucky to do this.

— Horror! This is just a real nightmare! - said Tanya, turning to me, with tears in her eyes.

- Yes, it is! But we will definitely survive! You just need to get stronger! - I tried to calm her down as much as I could. From my words, she hugged me again and we stood for a few minutes in a hug next to the window, and I could perfectly see how several zombies enjoyed their meal.

Yes, you're right! Kohl, please protect me! - she said, raising her lovely dark eyes on me, after which she looked at me strangely and resolutely kissed me on the lips. Although I was surprised, I did not resist this, realizing that she needed faith that someone could protect her. Although, perhaps, I justified myself so much. But Tanya was good with herself, she had a slender figure, a beautiful face and rather long dark hair, falling down to her shoulders. Having kissed a little more, I interrupted our kiss with the effort of will. Tanya only looked at me perplexly, her eyes were slightly clouded.

"This is not the time! While it's light, I want to clear our entrance from the zombies, "I said in a soft voice.

"I have a computer in my room, turn it on and watch the news about all this, if the Internet is still working," I decided to switch it to another task.

"All right," she said, after which she retired to the side of the room, blowing her fifth point. And, I'll tell you, there was something to look at. As far as I was aware, she regularly went to the gym and to group fitness programs. My gaze escorted her until she disappeared from sight. Understand me correctly, I am only nineteen years old and hormones are burrowing in me, it will be difficult to abandon such a temptation, and I did not really want to do it, to be honest. After standing a little, he calmed down a little and tuned in to a further battle with the zombies. I think this time I am transforming into a zombie, and I will not return to the apartment until I clean the whole entrance. Having taken a backpack along the way, he did not distract Tanya, who was already doing something at all behind the company. Told only:

- Tan, I will close the door behind me. - She just washed something to me in the affirmative in response. Apparently, she was able to believe in me and that I could protect her. Otherwise, I would not react so calmly. It was even nice. Accepting her grumbling for consent, he went out into the corridor and, looking through the entire stairwell with his gaze, made sure that everything was calm there. Came to light. Coming to the same zombie as the last time, he tried to apply the skill of Transformation on it.

[Verifying that you can use the skill... Validation failed. You cannot double-use the Transformation skill on the same creature.]

Unpleasantly surprised by this news. The restriction was quite annoying and my, not yet fully formed idea to create a certain warehouse for corpses, so as not to kill every time, if necessary, in the transformation of the next zombie, just smoothly waved me a pen. Unless you can do disposable burials if I suddenly need them. He went down to the floor below, to the other zombies I killed, and applied the skill on one of them. This time it worked out, and it worked as it should. After waiting for several unpleasant minutes of transformation, he went on to clean his entrance.


It took me about an hour and a half to completely clean all the remaining floors. Once I had to relax a little to make up for my sifted stamina. During this time, I killed about ten more zombies and raised my third level, distributing two points of characteristics, still in endurance, and now, together with the necklace and suit, was equal to twenty-two! Which is almost a third more than I originally had. By the way, it will be necessary not to forget to ask Tanya what her performance indicators are, something tells me that they should not be very high. I wonder how much higher my initial rates are than ordinary people? And these incomprehensible signs of the question opposite my class and in skills make you wonder what is hidden there that the system could not determine them. Although, perhaps, for everyone it shows and this is the norm. My prey was only two white boxes, two survival coins and not a single skill book! Which pretty much ruined my mood. But, having cleaned all the floors, and also having made sure that in all apartments where there were zombies, the doors were locked. I sighed with relief: the first point of the plan, which I built in my head, was completed. The survivors were also on the second floor, a small family consisting of a husband, wife and daughter of fifteen years old. During the entire time I cleaned zombies on the floors, no one came to my aid. After making sure that everything was in order, the effort of thought canceled the transformation. It turns out that it was possible to do so. I talked a little with the surviving family through the door, they did not want to open it in front of me in any way, and I can quite understand them, because I did not know all the neighbors in the house and they most likely did not know me either. The man was called Sergey, but he was slightly cowardly, as it seemed to me. On the way back to the apartment, he also knocked on the girl on the fifth floor, she did not answer for some time, but then she came to the door, and we talked a little. As it turned out, her name was Anya and she was a student from the suburbs, and in our house she rented an apartment with her friend, and only returned from the institute when it all began. A little reassured her that at the moment it is more or less safe in the entrance, and also said that I live on the ninth floor in apartment No. 255, and she can turn to me if she needs something. Uncle Andrei from the eighth still sat at the door and, judging by the nearby bottle of vodka, drank mercilessly. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid in that state. He rose to himself and, opening the door with his keys, went inside. After dropping his backpack in the hallway, he walked into the room.

"Kohl, is that you?" an excited voice heard from there.

"Yes, it's me!" he answered her.

Tanya still sat at the computer and, apparently, actively corresponded with someone.

"Well, how are we, Tan?" I asked her, approaching her from behind and looking into the screen over her right shoulder.

- Bad, Kohl, very bad! There are very few survivors! Almost everyone from my job doesn't answer... According to some reports at the forum dedicated to the System of Exaltation, one of the survivors has already managed to create it, it is reported that 60-80% of all people turned to zombies! At least in areas where people were able to find this forum and answer. Some saw troops trying to enter the city, but could not drive due to terrible congestion and abandoned cars on the roads. And zombies, apparently, are very sensitive to sounds, and our military equipment is very noisy... So zombies began to flock to them from all the areas where they tried to drive, they greatly slow down their path while they kill them.

- It is clear, things are still shit than I thought, - I extended.

- There are several centers of resistance in the city, near police stations. And in some other places... Maybe we will try to break through to them? - she asked, hopefully looking into my eyes.

- Today we certainly won't be able to break through, and I don't think that we can and tomorrow. We need to leave the city in a good way. But I can't do this yet, I need to find out how things are with my parents, and only after that you can try, "I decided to immediately indicate my position to her.

— It is clear … How's it going at the entrance? You didn't see my parents there? I don't know if they were at home when it all began, "she asked and looked me in the eye with hope.

"No, I didn't. You have the door closed, do you have the keys to the apartment? - I asked.

"No, no... I forgot them at home today! Therefore, I was next to the apartment when that man attacked me... - from her memories, her eyes fell back. Oh, it's pretty hard for me to see women's tears, to be honest.

"Okay, I think I'll go while I shower. The pipeline seems to be working, checked in other apartments. Did you manage to fill all the canisters? - I asked her.

"Yes, I managed, it really doesn't smell like you," she told me, sniffing a little.

- Here with my zombie you kill and also you won't smell flowers! - I tried to joke. Tanya just smiled a little at it. After collecting some clean things from the linen closet, he went to the bath. We need to clean ourselves up, relax and wait for the night. I think to carry out a small raid for groceries in the supermarket when it will be dark enough not to fall under the same "friendly" fire. While the collected water was coming down in the bath, he decided to look at his characteristics at the moment. I concentrated on my desire and almost immediately I had the necessary information in my head.

Nikolay Savikov. Level 3

Class -???

Rank —

Force 25(26)

Dexterity 26(27)

Survivability 18(19)

Endurance (SP) 8 (21)

Spirit (MP) 13 (31)

Firmness 15(16)


— ???

- "Transformation" (active skill level 3)

- "Eyes of perception" (bonus passive skill)

- "Increased dexterity" (passive skill level 1) [+ 2 dexterity]

Apparently, in parentheses my parameters were indicated, taking into account the things dressed on me. Having removed the novice necklace, he was convinced of his guess. In principle, I was quite pleased with what I saw. Completely undressed, got under hot jets of water and relaxed slightly, I don't even know if these benefits of civilization will be available for a long time. A couple of minutes later, as it began to wash, the door creaked and a thin figure of a girl pulled into my bath. I think the bath will be delayed, I frowned quite to myself.

Kin77777 Kin77777

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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