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75% Real-Rpg. System of the Eminence. Metamorph! / Chapter 9: Chapter 6. Operation X

Chapter 9: Chapter 6. Operation X

When the doctor came out and said that his parents' condition had stabilized, Alex and I breathed a sigh of relief, but it was too early to rejoice. Since then he said that they could not fully cure my parents in their hospital, since they simply did not have the necessary equipment and specialists of the right profile. All they can do is support life in them, and it is not clear how long.

- But what to do then, doctor?! - I asked. - Who has what we need?! If the question is money, then I... - I wanted to say.

- Young man, it's hard for me to say it, but in our country there are no such technologies. The only place they could be operated on and saved is a clinic in Germany... But it will cost just a lot of money, "the doctor said weary and somehow sad. He was very sorry to tell this to this guy, but this is real life and he will most likely not have time to find the right amount of money, if he has such money at all, and the operation must be carried out within two, maximum three days, then their body will begin to refuse and soon they will die.

- How much money is needed, doctor?! - I asked impatiently, although I understood that the amount would be rather large, but at that time, I was least worried.

- In our situation and urgency, including flight, there will be about two hundred thousand dollars.

"For everyone," he finished me off.

"Doctor, but they have different injuries, can't you help someone here?" Alex asked.

"This is true, but the young man's mother has a damaged spine, and we also do not have the necessary devices for the operation..." the doctor replied.

But I no longer heard them, I desperately thought where I could quickly get such money. The question is that this is an unbearable amount for our budget, even if you get into debt and take out a loan, I did not care, since I just had to find them, and I will find them! Without wasting my time, I asked the doctor where my parents' belongings were. I had to get my father's notebook there. Maybe there's someone out there who can help us. After getting to things, almost immediately I found the book, it was in the blood and I even slightly turned over, but with the effort of will I again suppressed this feeling.

Quickly looking at the names and names of my father's relatives and colleagues, I could not find anyone suitable, and they simply did not have time to ask everyone for a penny, and they could not give much. But I still called someone, they sympathized with me, but when I asked about how much they could borrow, they immediately translated the topic and I hung up in anger. If there is no hope for them, then turn to the state! He left Alex in the hospital and explained where I was going and why. He listened to me, but only shook his head, not believing that they could give me such money. But I probably wanted to believe that they would enter my position and be able to issue a loan, even at furious interest. Having reached the state bank, one of the largest in our country, he approached the customer service window and asked me to bring me to someone who can issue a large loan. Yes, I know this is naive, but I still have to try to calm my conscience from what I planned to do in case of refusal. The girl behind the window looked at me with doubt, clearly not believing in my ability to pay interest on a large loan, but I was still able to convince her to help me. I was asked to wait on the couch in the lobby of the bank and go in the door opposite when the inscription "Enter" lights up. I said that the matter did not tolerate delay, but they did not listen to me and said to wait.

Minutes flowed one after another, but this damn inscription did not light up, and inside, as I could see, a clerk sat and did something with reproach at the computer, even licking the tip of the tongue from diligence. Twenty minutes later, I asked the same girl if everything was fine with the inscription and if it had broken. To which I was answered:

- The inscription is in perfect order, young man, just Vladimir Viktorovich moved away.

— Girl … Are you sure he's gone?

"Yes, I'm sure there is no one there," she told me firmly, looking with honest eyes in my face.

Perhaps they are specially taught this, I thought, to lie with an honest and innocent expression on their faces.

"Well, then you probably won't mind if I check it myself," and without waiting for her reaction to my statement, he quickly went to that door and, turning the handle, went inside.

This bank worker jumped sharply from the spot, apparently from surprise, spilled a mug of coffee on himself, spraying his pants, and jumped out the door with a loud howl. Probably, carried to the bathroom, I decided. Sat in the client's chair opposite his desk. After only a minute, the girl ran into the office with the guard, but, seeing that I was sitting calmly and waiting for myself, turned around and left, taking with me a guard looking like a walking closet - and where only find such? Ten minutes later, this unlucky employee, whose name was Konstantin, judging by his badge on his shirt, returned to his office and asked me what I was doing here. To my honest answer that I am a client and have been waiting for him for quite some time, he did not find anything to answer. And, looking viciously in my direction, he sat down at his workplace, where a few minutes earlier I laid out his unfinished solitaire and even broke, apparently, his record. Slightly reddened, apparently, due to the fact that he was burned after playing at the workplace, he still asked me what I wanted from the bank.

"I would like to take a loan for a large amount, for ten years with a minimum interest rate," I expressed my need to him.

- What amount are we talking about? From 300,000? Or maybe a million? - he entered his path and began to work with a client, that is, with me, and not lay out solitaire during working hours.

- You offend me, I would like to take a loan for about twenty five million rubles, - I decided to take more, whether there are few other expenses to come, and looked at it with expectation.

"What's the matter?" Business or maybe investment in real estate? - he decided to probe the "soil," because I did not look wealthy enough.

- No, I would like to take a loan for personal needs - I, of course, could lie that for business or something, but this lie will be revealed very quickly, since I did not have any papers certifying this.

- Please forgive, but what is your monthly income? - he decided to clarify the situation.

"I'm a student," I just replied. What a job, if I'm just out of a coma.

"Then there's nothing we can do for you... Although, maybe you have a guarantor with a monthly salary of 350 thousand? Then we could give you a loan - with some notes of contempt in my voice, he asked me, although at first he did not show this, it is clear that insolvent customers are not important for this bank.

I figured out if I had such a friend, and turned my head negatively.

"No, no..." I had to admit.

- Well then all good, here's my card to you, if suddenly there is one, call immediately - and handed it to me. Ignoring his outstretched hand, I silently left the office and the bank.

N da … And here I fell through, I thought, but I decided not to despair and visited a couple more banks before they closed, because it was already in the evening. But there was only one answer everywhere that without an astronomical salary or without a guarantor with the same loan to me would not be issued under any conditions, as I understood. Having left the last bank in which I had just been politely sent, I sat down on a nearby bench and stared at him with an empty look, as it might seem from the outside. But I did not just look in that direction, but I looked there with the help of my abilities, which I discovered to me: the location of the guard, the location of the security cameras and the code of the locking lock, which had just entered some representative, as it is customary to say, man. The most representative in it was a huge beer belly. I also looked at where he was doing the key and the card. With the help of which he closed a huge armored door to the vault after the wire through the reader. He put them in his safe in his, therefore, office and, locking him with another key, closed the door and left the bank, leaving the key in the upper secret drawer of the table.

It is easy to guess that I needed money and a lot, and there was little time, and I decided to go a short way, since here it was no longer to sentiment and integrity, but the question of life and death. If the state can't help me, then... I'll take whatever I need this time! It's easy to guess I decided to rob the bank. Once again, staring at the location of the safe, through the door of which my vision for some reason did not see. I tried to figure out the ways of my entry into the bank and, no less importantly, an emergency departure from it, since if they catch me here, they will put me far and long. After about half an hour, raw, and it's still mildly said, I had a plan ready. I wanted to wait for the night when all the extra bank employees left, leaving only the guard at the post, who, apparently, as now, will sit and stare at the monitor screen, enthusiastically laying out solitaire. For some reason, they are all on it moved, that ham clerk, that guard. Although there may be such specifics in this job that employees have a lot of free time that they kill in this way?

When there's only one security guard left in an empty building and after he makes a round all over the bank building, how do I know that? Well, he will not, sit sitting all night long, for sure he has some kind of plan to inspect the protected area. Which he must adhere to, since it is clearly not possible to completely hack here, cameras are everywhere. Immediately after his first round, I plan to enter the bank through the roof ventilation, after which I will make my way through it to the office of the bank manager, where I will pull out a card to open the safe from his table and, with a quiet boot, passing the cameras and the guard, I will get to the safe. Using the card from the safe, I will open the vault and pull out the amount I need or more as it goes. Before night, it was still decent time, just went the ninth hour, and therefore I decided not to sit in front of the bank building and flicker in front of the cameras, but to go prepare for the operation, which to myself I called "Operation X."

Where should I go if you had to buy a variety of things and, I would even say, specific things to rob? That's right! In some huge supermarket, where if you want you can find everything that you like. But before that, in order not to run from section to section, I decided to make a list of everything that I might need and call Alex, find out how things are with my parents. He called and found out that some lawyers had come to the hospital and demanded a meeting with my parents, hinting that they had received a large amount of money. Due to the fact that we drove into the oncoming lane and created an emergency situation, due to which the driver of the jeep suffered, the one because of the accident with which my parents are now on the verge of life and death! He received a concussion and requires a million rubles as moral and physical damage. From such a question, I fell into a full stupor for a moment and could only convulsively squeeze the phone. But, hearing a suspicious crack at the ear, he immediately stopped squeezing him and, sighing deeply, asked Alex the following:

"What did you say to them?"

"What could I answer them?" Your parents are like relatives to me at all and, having heard that this scumbag also requires money from them, after what happened to them, frankly, I could not stand it and kicked these scumbags out with kicks, "he gloomy answered me.

This is yes, Alex could easily do this, a veteran of several border conflicts, who was written off due to injury, was fast for reprisal if he was taken out, which, fortunately for very many, was quite difficult to do.

"Did you know who they were coming from?" I asked quietly and quietly.

- Yes, from a certain Konstantin Valiartovich, some bump from the department under the government.

- So, Kolya, we expect big trouble. These will not refuse their pie and will lead us to a court that will deliver the verdict they need, and we will not be able to do anything about it, as if there was little that had already happened, "he said quietly.

- When the hearing is scheduled, they did not speak? - and for good luck put his fingers down - a lot depended on the answer to this question, if not all.

- Yes in a week, in the District Court on Belogorodskaya.

— Yes … They worked quickly. Okay, Alex, I need to step back, I'm still trying to get a loan here and maybe I can even do it, "I told him.

"God help you, Kohl, God help you," Alex said and hung up.

A little sitting on the same bench next to the bank, I got up decisively and, going out on the road, spoke along the way, telling the driver to take me to the nearest hypermarket that he knows. I had to buy. Sitting in the back of the car, with the help of a pencil that I took from the driver, I wrote down a shopping plan in a notebook. Trying not to forget anything that I may need even purely hypothetically. In my head, all the watched films on a similar theme, as well as the books read, scrolled with great speed. I tried to come up with the "perfect robbery" at least in my thoughts, I put my thoughts on this subject on paper. After some time, the driver stopped somewhere on the side of the road and said that we had arrived. Having paid him the amount, I got out of the car and went to the huge building opposite, clutching a piece of paper in my hand.

I planned to buy, surprisingly, the following things: clothes in dark tones, gloves, a hat, a rope, black glasses and some other trifles. I counted, of course, most of all not on them, but on my abilities, for the good of seeing almost everything that happens in the bank and at any distance in it, I had the opportunity. I put all the purchases in a cart and moved from department to department. It took me no more than an hour to buy everything planned. Paid at the box office. All purchases took about seven thousand rubles, which was quite acceptable. In addition, I still bought products and other things, so as not to cause suspicion with my specific purchases. I got back to the bank by public transport, and at about eleven in the evening I was already in place. He took a place near the bank, where I was not visible on the cameras, and passers-by would hardly get into this dead end either. It was from here that I planned to climb the wall, and get to the bank itself on the roof of the house adjacent to the can. There, as I saw before, was the entrance to the ventilation shaft, through which I will penetrate. As I could see, the path was blocked by just a grille covering the entrance to the mine, and nothing more, no matter how amazing. Apparently, bank leaders are not very afraid of robbery and penetration into it from this side, it is not clear, however, why. The edge of non-frightened idiots is like me, but, I think, after my, as I hope, successful robbery, they will think about the safety of their clients' deposits.

He decided to wait for the onset of deep night and still observe the place of his interest. Once an hour, the guard got up from his seat and passed through all the floors of the bank, and there were only three of them. He started from the very top, climbing there by elevator, and then walked down to the first floor, inspecting all the rooms and doors leading to them. After that, he again sat in his place and continued to lay out solitaire. The closer the appointed time, namely, three in the morning, the stronger my heart began to pit, and the cold sweat began to flow along my back. With difficulty, but with the effort of will, I managed to keep myself in a more or less calm state. It was three o'clock in the morning. I realized this because the guard got up and began his tour again, as he had done every hour before. I changed into bought clothes in advance, not forgetting to catch on themselves also a cook's net specially bought for this business, which they needed so that the hair would not get into the food when cooking.

He also pulled a hat over his head, thereby hiding his face. In it, I made two eye holes, wearing dark glasses in front of it. He put a backpack on his back, in which he put old things and several bags for carrying prey. Having carefully examined the sides, he began to climb the wall upstairs, the good of the protruding brick ledges in it was enough for this. Climbing upstairs, under the light of the celestial light, he began to make his way to the hole I needed. Once again near I carefully looked at the penetration site, I could not find any traps or hidden cameras. The screen covering the ventilation hole was screwed onto RUST bolts! Which I, with a small current effort for myself, was able to unscrew without any problems. However, I tried to do everything as quietly and invisibly as possible. Climbing inside, put the grille back. Then he also carefully began to move along a rather narrow, but quite passable iron vent for me, although I had to drop onto my stomach and move forward with a crawl. Carefully examining all the passages around with his X-ray vision, he found nothing suspicious. In about half an hour, he reached the office in this way, apparently, the director of the bank. He had a camera in his office, but this individual seems to have turned her on his own so that she would only record the entrance to the office, and not what was happening inside. Once again, I was amazed at how spiteful they were about security, which, in principle, was only in my hand. Approaching his table, using a small push on the bottom of the table on the side of the right leg, he opened a secret niche. There, as I saw before, was the key to the safe door in his office, the code closing it I also saw and remembered when its owner was going home and closed the safe before leaving.

If you think, I was really lucky to see all this, apparently, this time luck turned to me and a series of strange and dangerous incidents, as I hope, passed. Inserted the key into the safe and entered an electronic code to open the door. With a slight hum of working mechanisms inside, the door opened. Opening it wide, I saw inside the keys, a card and packs of banknotes! There were a lot of such packs and everyone was 5,000 rubles each, there were already ten such packs, and this is a minute already five million rubles, almost a quarter of the amount I needed! A little regretted that they were not here in sufficient quantities for my needs, then I would not have to climb into the bank vault. I did not take all the cash, put it in my backpack, other papers lying in the safe. Neatly closing the safe behind him on the same code, just as quietly climbed back into the ventilation shaft. I intended to leave it almost near the safe door leading to the main vault. It was on the ground floor, and I was going to open it and take the right amount of money at the moment when the guard went around again, it took him about 15 - 20 minutes. I intended to finish with everything in ten minutes maximum, although I did not know what was waiting for me inside the safe itself.

Fifteen minutes later he crawled to the first floor, to the place I needed, and began to wait for the guard to go on another round. It was just almost four in the morning and I had to wait a little bit. And so he went up and headed for the elevator, going into it, pressed the button of the third floor. The elevator doors closed slowly, and he began to climb upstairs. Having waited twenty seconds, gently with the force of his hands he squeezed the grille out of the slots, it was not even screwed here, erupting, quickly went down, since there were only two meters to the floor, but he put the grille next to the wall. At this very moment, I became visible on the cameras, but the guard who would have to react to this was doing a round up, so I need to hurry and do everything possible to not leave behind any evidence pointing at me.

He quickly ran towards the vault, immediately inserted the key and walked through the reader with a card, also entered the code, and exactly the same as from the safe at the top. See, the boss was afraid to forget the code if there were more than one. After entering the code and turning the key, the door began to slowly open, and it was of impressive such dimensions - three meters in height and width and about half a meter in thickness. As soon as the door opened enough, it quickly penetrated through the hole and looked around. In front of me appeared a medium-sized room, where there was cash on the tables, stacked in packs, and along the walls on both sides there were small safe doors, put in a row. Probably, the bank's customers kept their values ​ ​ in them. He did not look at the sides for a long time, but immediately ran to the tables, but before starting to fold packs in a backpack, he carefully looked at them and at the table with his special vision. This time I managed to see something interesting. Under the packs of money was, apparently, some kind of sensor and, most likely, it reacted to a change in the weight of the banknotes that lay on it. But he did not cover the entire area, but only in the middle of all laid out packs...

I was no longer surprised by this, and there was no time for it. He quickly threw packs that lay on his sides into his backpack, and also found that small bags lay next to some of them. Which, apparently, if they were hit or incorrectly removed from them packs of banknotes, should have "exploded" with paint. It can be seen that they did not quite spit on at least some kind of protection of the entrusted property. Carefully avoiding these two traps, he quickly filled the backpack behind him with bundles of banknotes, and there were packs of dollars. I decided to take everything that was, and there were exactly thirty packs with a face value of one hundred dollars and one hundred bills in each of them. After all, it will be necessary to lead parents to Germany, and there for the most part it is the green currency. In rubles, he scored about fifty million, did not even count, he simply threw them into his rather spacious backpack and bags until they were completely filled. There will be no extra money, because in addition to an urgent expensive operation, it was necessary to pay for an equally expensive postoperative period for them. I managed to fill everything literally in eight minutes, with some regret I looked at the cash left on the tables.

But I decided that time was already in the cut and it was time to get out, especially since I had already scored enough for all the nearest necessary goals. He quickly ran towards the exit and also quickly began to close the safe deposit box, with the edge of his eye he saw that the guard was already on the second floor and was soon to head to the first floor. Having done all the manipulation of the door in reverse order, he did not wait until it completely closed, but ran towards his way out of here. The siren never worked, even when I quickly climbed back into the mine and closed the grille behind me, after which I crawled at a rapid pace towards the exit on the roof of the building. The edge of his eye continued to watch the guard, he, still in no hurry, went down to the first floor and moved to his workplace. And even when he sat down for him, he did not notice anything strange and continued to lay out his solitaire. I saw this, already getting out of the building and even screwing all the bolts on the grille back. At a fast pace, he began to move along the roof of the building, trying not to catch the eye of anyone, and especially the cameras.

A couple of times jumped from the roof to the roof of a row of houses and moved along them away from the bank. The heart again began to beat furiously, and the hands began to shake from the stress experienced. I still couldn't believe I did it! Quite far running away from the bank, he went down and quickly changed clothes, after which the clothes he used for robbery decided to take with him and burn at the first opportunity. He decided to get back on his way so as not to use the services of taxis or private traders, avoiding the attention of rare passers-by who were on the streets at that hour. In about two hours I was able to get to my apartment. Closing the door behind him, slid light on it. Slowly, but I began to release nervous tension and gradually calmed down a furiously knocking heart. After a little break, he wrote a text message to Alex that he got the money and needed to organize everything for his parents as quickly as possible. In the meantime, I intended to sleep for just a couple of hours, because I would need a fresh head. After setting the alarm, he fell on the bed and immediately cut off.

Kin77777 Kin77777

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