"Sorry. That's not who I am," I said, pointing at my cell. "Flynn just tends to bring out the devil in me. He's coming because I asked him for help. If Daryl calls, please stall him. He's not expecting to see me until Tuesday, so I'm hoping his colleague Howard doesn't catch up with him before I do."
"I hope you know what you're doing, Valerie. I think Flynn still holds a torch for you," Mom said.
Kayden smiled at me and stood to place his hand on my shoulder. "You need to give Flynn a break, Valerie. He's always tried to do the right thing by you. Jeez, think about it. You call him after two years, and he drops everything to come straight here because you yell, 'Help'? That doesn't say he's still holding a torch for you, it's more like a bonfire. The guy is a huge rock star, did you forget? How many rock stars would do that for a woman? They use and abuse them, normally, from what I hear."