"By the way, where do you plan on going?" I asked Nine further so that the topic would shift to something else other than death.
Estelle was still trying not to let the tears spill by reining her emotions. I had not seen them for like two weeks and now she seemed to be more emotional than she usually was. I wonder if her problem is catching up? In the novel, she was dealing with the thing about her family but everything should have changed right? Is she dealing with the same problem or not?
I don't want to pry and I most definitely don't want to ask such personal questions. Especially if the said question is directed to the thing that only their family knows. That would spark some suspicion on my part.
"Back to where I came from," Nine replied breezily.
Okay, so where was that?
"You're not from Rosenthal?"
Nine smiled.
Double chapter today~ ^^