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57.14% Re:Living The Peaceful Life Inside A Book / Chapter 4: Shopping

Chapter 4: Shopping

Getting out of the black sedan, Ji RongXue pulled up her muffler to cover half of her face in an attempt to keep out the cold. She was sensitive to cold so she couldn't help but shudder a bit when the cold air hit her face.

The driver took the car to the parking lot and mother Ji held Ji RongXue arm and led her inside the huge shopping mall.

The mall had many floors and the whole exterior was made of glasses. Each floors were categorised into different areas and the interior designs were also designed accordingly. There were many exquisite decorative pieces and beautiful potted plants set up around the whole place. There were separate doors for entrance and exit and there was a huge circular empty space with some resting benches at the centre.

At the left and right side of the resting space were escalators leading up and down, there were also elevators at the back. Countless people were going up and down the escalators with shopping bags in their hands. Since the new year was only a few days apart, the mall was filled with a festive atmosphere as many products related to new year were sold.

Ji RongXue looked at the sight before her calmly but if one looked closely, they'd notice that her eyes were shining especially bright right now. She followed mother Ji around the shops and looked around curiously. The first floor was a gifts and souvenirs area so mother Ji first wanted to buy the new year gift there.

Ji RongXue wasn't particularly interested in new year gifts but she still obediently followed her mother around to look at this and that. Just when she was fiddling with a cute cat doll in boredom, she heard a piano play from the resting area. Her head instantly turned to that direction as complicated emotions flooded inside her heart.

She placed the cat doll from where she took it and quietly listened to the piano music. It wasn't really a professional play but the song was very soothing and brought forth a warm feeling in people's hearts when they listened to it. She couldn't help but hum along with it as she was completely drawn to the music that she missed for so many years. nostalgic. How many years has it been since I last heard a piano play? Five years? Maybe seven? I wonder how I even managed to do so.

Her feet suddenly moved on their own as she walked towards the direction of the music.

I want to hear more.

Her steps picked up the pace along with her surging emotions.

I want to play it.

She was now completely absorbed in her desire and longing to play the piano after being deprived of any musical instrument for so many years. She couldn't control her emotions that she kept hidden after finally hearing the beautiful notes that she'd always missed.

When she got to the resting room, the music also ended and the person playing the piano also got up and went away amidst the cheerful applause from the surrounding people.

Ji RongXue looked at the small piano at the centre. It wasn't a piano from some famous brands and it wasn't as big as those that she had played before but it still had the ability to draw her closer. To her, all musical instruments were equal. She didn't look at the brands and their price tag, she only looked at their essence, which was music.

She finally stopped near the piano and looked at it for a long while. Her eyes very gentle and warm as if looking at her precious baby.

I missed you.

The crowd drawn from the previous play hadn't yet scattered when some people noticed her suddenly approaching the piano and then quietly standing in front of it as if at a loss. Some couldn't help but feel curious about what she was trying to do. Was she also going to play?

The girl looked very young. She had half of her face hidden under her white muffler but the beautiful peach blossom eyes left in display were enough to draw gasps from a crowd of people. What beautiful pair of eyes!

More and more people started to gather when they saw her suddenly move and tenderly touch the piano lid then slowly move to sit down on the leather stool. She sat on the stool properly, her back straight. She then took off her gloves to display a pair of beautiful slender and fair hands.

As her hands touched the black and white piano keys, the whole scene looked very picturesque with the contrast of her fair hands and the keys. People started to take a few pictures of her at the side and made a circle, leaving a wide area in the middle around the piano.

Just then, the soft and crisp sound of the piano keys rang out under the young girl's hands. At first, it sounded very disjointed as if she wasn't used to it. Like a beginner, she fiddled around with the keys making intermittent sounds that couldn't even be called music.

The surrounding people couldn't help but look at her in doubt. Her whole manner was like a professional pianist but who could've thought that she was actually just a total beginner! They were a bit disappointed and shook their head, planning to go on their way.

Ji RongXue was completely focused on the piano. She felt like she was finally back to her younger days when she was still learning to play the piano. At that time, she was still unfamiliar to it and she curiously played around with the keys. She was very delighted to hear the notes flowing out of it everytime she pressed on the keys. She felt as if she was in her own enclosed space where the music notes were dancing around her as the centre.

Thinking back to those peaceful days then thinking about her new chance in life, her heart was full of happiness and joy as if she was finally able to get reunited with her beloved.

She quickly familiarised herself to the feeling of playing the piano and her hands paused. Then with a light inhale, she raised her hands in position and the air around her completely changed as the first note dropped in the air.

The soft note rang in everyone's ears which sent a jolt to their hearts. They immediately looked at the girl playing the piano again and stopped in their tracks to listen to the music.

A melodious music was played as the girl swayed her body along with the rhythm as her tender fingers gracefully danced around the keys. The notes flowing out of the keys seemed to speak about a young girl's beautiful dreams and her hope for her future. It seemed to show her innocence and her youthful playfulness. It made everyone who heard it smile imagining an image of a young girl, still shy and pure like a flower bud, daydreaming about her life.

But just when everyone was immersed inside the beautiful scenery, the cheerful music suddenly changed and the sorrowful melody seemed to carry the despair and sorrow of the young girl who lost her everything. The powerful notes seemed to tell about her struggle in the society as she tried her best to survive in the cruel world with no signs of light in the darkness. It told about her unshed tears as she finally stood up on her feet with the stubborn will to live. About how she shed off her youthful immaturity and finally matured into a true adult.

The young girl turned into a mature and calm woman who had experienced the vicissitudes in life and became a strong individual who no one could look down upon again. But then the notes changed again and the melody became soothing again but it was different from the cheerful playfulness of the young girl from before and had the trace of calmness that was brought by the maturity in it.

The mature woman who had lost her everything arose from her ashes like a phoenix in nirvana and finally transformed into a true queen of the birds as she regained her hope in life and finally found the true meaning of her existence. The mature woman finally closed her eyes in relief and her face that had gone through numerous trials showed a rare and genuine smile.

It was finally over.

The beautiful music also came to an end like a soft whisper of the woman and it lingered in the air for a very long time. The surrounding fell into a few moments of silence as no one was able to extricate themselves from the rich emotions in the music even after it had ended. Only after a moment did they regain their senses and immediately looked for the young girl who had played the piano but when they looked over, she was no longer there.

It was as if she was an angel sent from the heavens to play such a heavenly music for the mortals. After the music ended, she immediately disappeared into thin air.

But of course, that was just what others imagined but the truth was that Ji RongXue finally came back to her senses after she had finished playing the music and was able to take in her surroundings. When she saw the huge crowd around her and the people at the upper floors who had stopped just to listen to her piano, she was shocked and feeling a little embarrassed, she quietly escaped from the spot and searched for her mother.

When she found her mother, she was also looking for her when she discovered that she had disappeared from her side. Mother Ji nearly fainted from her worry and searched around the shops they had been to before to see if she went back to look for something.

When Ji RongXue finally showed up in front of her, mother Ji anxiously grabbed her hands and looked at her from top to bottom to see if she was hurt anywhere. Only after confirming that she was alright did she start to reprimand her in a low but firm tone.

"Where did you run off to just now? When I looked for you after buying the gifts and couldn't find you anywhere, it gave me such a huge shock. It nearly scared this old mom to death!"

Ji RongXue guiltily lowered her head and listened to her scolding like an obedient child, even nodding along with her sometimes.

She said in a low and guilty voice after mother Ji was done scolding her:"I'm sorry, mom. I promise it won't happen again. I-I just got lost and ended up separating from your side. I only just found my way back."

She deliberately lied to her. She couldn't possibly tell her that she left her side because she was completely enamoured by the piano, right? It was too embarrassing for her to say it.

Mother Ji also saw that she was truly guilty and sighed. She patted her head and softened her voice. "It's alright. It happens sometimes. Mom was just worried so couldn't help but say a few more words. Next time, make sure to stay by my side all the time, okay?"

Ji RongXue quickly nodded her head like a chick pecking on grain and was finally let off with a few more words of reminder from mother Ji. They then proceeded to shop around, completely unaware of the waves brought by Ji RongXue's earlier actions in many people's hearts.

The video of her playing the piano which was recorded by the passers-by was somehow uploaded in the Internet with a very eye-catching title 'Shocking! A very beautiful young girl is actually a professional pianist!?' It gained curious attention and interest from the people and the view counts and likes immediately exploded after just a few seconds of hearing her play in the video.

The view counts and likes continued to increase like a tide as various comments expressing the commenters' shock and admiration started to appear under the post.

F1: Damn! That's such an awesome play! What's the name of the song?

F2: I also want to know! How come I have never known about such a beautiful music piece before?

F3: The little sister playing the piano is so beautiful! Especially her hands! Ahhh! I suddenly want to ask for her autograph.

F4: Dammit! I suddenly feel so useless after seeing such a young girl play the piano so perfectly! The piano play was really too good!

F5: Omg! I think I'm a fan of this little sister now. I just love it!



F500: No! Someone please help me. I can't stop listening to it!

F501: Me neither! This is just too beautiful! I can't stop my tears. QAQ



F1707: Hey, does anyone know who that little sister is? I really want to follow her and become her true fan! Please give me more of that heavenly music!

F1800: I think I'm in love! Mom, dad, I want to marry that little sister!!



Looking at the hot topic in Internet about the video of a young girl playing the piano, Qin Xu, who'd been scrolling through weibo in boredom to wait for his turn to play, whistled in shock after listening to the music.

He exclaimed in admiration. "Oh my god! This girl is so talented! I can't help but tear up listening to the music."

One of his friend at the side curiously poked his head to the side and asked, "Which girl are you talking about? Let me see, let me see! Oh! This girl is really beautiful! Such a pity that her face is half-covered by the muffler. Damn it."

Qin Xu also nodded at his word and truly felt that it was a pity. "Aww, I really wish to see who she is. She plays piano so beautifully. I wonder if her appearance is also as beautiful as her music."

The other boys also gathered around to see what they were talking about and were completely captured by the music flowing out of the video.

They also expressed their shock and admiration.

Then suddenly, a boy at the side squinted his eyes in thought as he paused the video and looked at the close-up look of the girl thoughtfully. The others were dissatisfied by his action and were just about to scold him for suddenly cutting off the video when they heard the boy speak in confusion.

"Eh? Why do I feel like I have seen this girl before?"

The others were quickly drawn by his words and immediately perked up their ears.

"What? You know her?! Tell me quick! What's her name? Where does she live? Her age? Her size?"

A boy quickly jabbed at the guy who was asking enthusiastically.

"Shut up! Why the f*ck would you even ask for her size? Damn pervert."

"Aw come on! I'm sure you also want to know." The guy rubbed at the place where he was jabbed and muttered with a wronged look.

"Okay okay, stop speaking and let Xiao Lou speak first!"

Xiao Lou was the name of the boy who said that he seemed to know about the girl in the video.

The others finally quietened down and even Qin Xu looked at Xiao Lou eagerly.

Xiao Lou thought for a long time and finally remembered where he saw the girl in the video.

"Right! I remember! Isn't this girl brother RuanYu's little sister, Ji RongXue?! I've seen her a few times so I'm sure that it is her."

When his words fell, the boys were stunned and even felt like they had heard him wrong.

It was Qin Xu who first reacted to his words. His face full of disbelief. "No way! How could this girl be Ah Rong?! She is my friend so I know her the best. And I tell you, there is no way this girl is her!"

"But it's clearly her! Look, her eyes clearly matches her. Even her stature and height matches." Xiao Lou even took out his phone and searched for Ji RongXue's weibo account then compared the photo of Ji RongXue with the half-covered face shown in the video. It was really just like what he said, the eyes in both pictures matched almost perfectly. And the back view of the two looked very similar as well.

Qin Xu was suddenly left dumbfounded by the discovery then he hesitantly tried to deny it. "M-maybe, it is just a coincidence? How could this girl be Ah Rong? I've never heard about her playing piano..."

Just then, a cool voice came from behind him. "What are you guys talking about? What about my little sister?"

Qin Xu quickly turned around and looked at Ji RuanYu as if he'd seen his backbone. He quickly showed the video to him and asked. "Brother Yu, the girl in this video isn't Ah Rong, right? You are her brother so you must recognise her right? There's no way this is Ah Rong!"

Ji RuanYu didn't listen to his nonsense and just directly took the phone and watched the video. He was also quickly immersed in the music and was unable to get out of it for a while. Qin Xu called out to him from the side."Brother Yu?"

Ji RuanYu finally shifted his eyes from the video then looked at it again, now at the young girl playing the piano. He didn't even need another glance to recognise her. Surprisingly, it was really his little sister who was playing the piano.

How come I didn't know that my own little sister was so good at playing the piano??

His eyes deeply stared at the screen and he suddenly felt that he'd never really understood his little sister well. She was actually hiding her talent until now...

But why? What's the reason?

Seeing him still remain silent while his eyes stared at the screen deeply, Qin Xu finally couldn't stand his curiosity and nudged at him.

"Brother Yu? Do you think this is Ah Rong?"

Ji RuanYu raised his eyes from the screen to Qin Xu then expressionlessly nodded.

"Mm. It is Ah Rong."

Qin Xu was again dumbstruck at his answer.

He stuttered, "W-w-what? Ha..haha, brother Yu, please don't joke around. How could it be Ah Rong...?"

Ji RuanYu silently stared at him and asked, "What? You got a problem with it being my little sister?"

Qin Xu quickly shook his head. "No no no, I didn't mean that! No problem, I got no problem! I-it's just that..."

"It's a bit surprising. No, it's just astonishing! When did Ah Rong learn to play piano so well? Damn it! And here I thought we were best friends but she actually hid it from me all this time!" As he spoke, Qin Xu became even more angry for having been deceived by his best friend.

Well, even I, her brother, didn't know. So it's not surprising that he wasn't told either. Ji RuanYu thought in his head.

His little sister...really is shrouded in mystery. Wonder what's the reason for her sudden change?

He really has to have a new evaluation of his sister. Maybe a brother and sister heart-to-heart talk would be good?

YueYe YueYe

Mini theatre:

Ji RuanYu, coolly raising his brow: What? You have a problem with my sister playing the piano?

Qin Xu, shaking his head: No no no! I wouldn't dare, your highness! Please spare my life!

Meanwhile, Ji RongXue at the mall: A-achoo-! (Sniffle) Did I catch a cold?

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