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Re: Life After

Author: CooQoodoille

© WebNovel

New life

The valley which used to be full of pure white flowers, was now filled with corpses and was covered in blood.

"It's time huh?"

An old man touched his chest that now had a bloody hole in it.

"The hell are you saying old man?! Do you think you can get away with what you did?! Give it back! Give me back the life that you took! Give her back to me! Give her back!!"

With eyes crazed with rage, a man used his dagger to stab the old man once again.

The old man simply smiled as he looked at the other.

James. That was his name. He used to be a pure hearted man who didn't even know what the word evil was like. Yet here he is now, eyes full of unrestrained rage, as he stabbed him over and over again.

Reaching his end, the old man's life flashed before his eyes.

He was but a young man who was once been called an otaku. He was living his life as how normal otaku's lived theirs. But a day came when he suddenly died due to starvation and dehydration.

'Ah. That's right. I forgot to eat. If I didn't forget to drink as well back then, would I still end up in this place?'

The next thing he remembered after his supposed 'death' was 'him' possessing a body that was not his. At first he was excited with the thought. But as time passed he realized that in this world, he is considered as nothing but average. From his looks, his status, as well as to his talent. If there was one thing that made him better compared to others then that would be the fact that he was very hardworking. Studying everything and basically just anything. As long as it can help for his survival he learnt it.  He mastered the sword, the blade, halberd, daggers, as well as guns.

From being an ant he became a tiger. The 'him' who used to be useless became a man who can make others tremble at the mention of his name.

All was great till the day came that he reached the end. He can no longer improve. His body's talent became his curse.

Disappointed with his outcome, he started turning into someone he couldn't even recognize.

He will kill anyone that crossed him. In the beginning it was just a few. But as time passed he started killing like there was nothing else better to do. He killed sinners, innocents, men, women, the old, and even the young, drowning himself to the deep dark abyss wherein he can no longer see even a ray of light.

The old man looked at all the people surrounding him. They were all looking at him with rage evident in their eyes.

He is now dying, yet he felt no hatred towards these people. In fact what he felt was nothing but gratitude.

'Finally. It is finally the end' he smiled as he felt his final breath leave him.


[Traveler found]

[Binding soul....]

[Bind successful]

[Requesting transfer....]

[Transfer approved]

[Searching world....]

[World found]

[Requesting transfer....]

[Transfer approved]

[Initiating transfer....]

[Transferring in 10..9...5...2..1..]

[Transfer successful]

[Searching new host....]

[Host found]

[Requesting compensation....]

[Compensation approved]

[Binding to host....]

[Bind unsuccessful: Host too weak]

[Finding alternative....]

[Alternative found]

[Applying alternative....]

[Application successful]

[Binding soul....]

[Bind successful]

[System message:

Dear traveler,

Due to an unforeseen accident during your reincarnation, your soul was sent to the wrong universe. To make up for it, the universal system will not reset your soul's experience during your second life.

Unfortunately, the universal law forbids the knowledge of a different universe so the system will have to remove your memories of the world you just came from. But please do not feel disheartened, the system will send you back to the world of your origin and restore your memories of it.

Good luck and may you have a great life!]


Feeling his surroundings, the 'old man' felt odd.

'Where am I?' he wondered.

He knew that he should already be dead. He starved and was dehydrated after all.

A few minutes passed yet even without doing anything he felt his energy leave him.


'Ah. Where is this now?'

He knew that he fell unconscious. He didn't manage to see the place that he was before but his instincts was telling him that this is a different place from before.

Lying on the grass, the 'old man' tried to push himself up as he realized that the world seemed to be bigger than what he knew. He looked down and saw his chubby, tiny self as a sudden thought struck him.


'Ah. I'm a baby? This should be what they call reincarnation right?'

He felt quite odd. If he was still the 'him' from before, the first reaction should be jumping for joy right? Yet the only thing that he felt instead was disinterest. Like everything  that just happened was not even worth mentioning.

The 'old man' raised his head as he reminisced his past.

He was called Alvie. A twenty-five year old shut in who's leeching off his parents. Everyday he would stay in his room reading manga doing nothing else aside from it. He can't even remember the last time he went out. Was it a month? A year? He has already lost track of it.

'Ah. So where am I?'

He looked around seeing nothing but grass. He tried using his chubby arms to push himself up, yet he failed. His legs was simply too weak to support him. Once.. twice.. thrice... Failing three times, he gave up.

'Hmm~' he hummed as he started crawling his way around.

After what seemed to be an eternity he finally found a place to rest. Not that he needed it anyway.


A house came to view. Crawling for more than half an hour, he finally reached the house. Wait, nope. It was a simple straw hut. It was three meter tall and was four meter wide.

He swaggered inside without a thought. The door wasn't closed anyway so why not?

There was nothing inside except for a wooden chest at the corner. He opened it and saw that there were different kinds of cards inside.

'Ah. What are these?'

What he saw were four kinds of cards. The first kind was called a character card. For the record, he didn't invent the name. It was as if there's a part of his brain that was telling him that it was what the card was supposed to be called.

A character card was a palm sized card that was colored white at the back while having an image of different kinds of monsters at the front. There was a Hydra, which was a nine headed dragon, Kitsune, or a nine tailed fox, Fenrir, a giant black wolf, and a Griffin, which was a half eagle and a half lion.

The second kind was a weapon card. As the name suggested it involved weapons.

Unlike the character card, it was black at the back while it presented different kinds of weapons at the front. The cards were as follows; a pair of pistols, twin blades, twin daggers, a halberd and a wide sword.

The third kind was a monster card. It was a golden colored card that was empty at the front.

The fourth one was a storage card which was gray at the back, while the front of it had nine boxes inside.

And lastly there was a red colored card that was called a warp card. The image at the front was an old and simple brick house.

Rummaging through the wooden box, he found a total of four character cards, five weapon cards, three empty monster cards, ten storage cards that each had nine empty boxes inside, and eight warp cards, one of them had an image of a house while the rest was simply empty.

He didn't know what to do with all of it so he put it back where he took it and went back outside like nothing happened.

'Ah. What do I do?'

He laid down outside and watched the  clouds as it passed by. Little by little his eyes turned heavy as he once again fell asleep.


"How do you feel?" asked an old lady to the young woman in front of her.

She sighed.

'So unfortunate!'

The old lady was called Tina. She was

the only doctor here in foothold 23. In front of her was a beautiful young woman called Eris. From what she heard, Eris was a girl from a prosperous foothold but unfortunately she ended up here in foothold 23, which was basically nothing but a wasteland, turning her into a scavenger.

She was born with a good life yet she dropped to the bottom all because she fell for the wrong man!

'Pity! A real pity!' she sighed once more.

"I'm alright Doctor. Thank you."

Eris smiled. She knew what the old lady was thinking but she had no regrets. After all, if not for that 'unfortunate' event where she met that man, she wouldn't be experiencing the happiness she's feeling now. She wouldn't have fallen for him and she wouldn't be carrying his child as well. He loved her, that in itself was true. Yet in the end, with just a word from his parents he still decided to leave her for someone else. Life that came after was hard but having this seed inside of her made her happy.

Her current life may be harsh, yet she's still satisfied.

"Alright. I will visit you again next week. Remember. Don't work too hard!" Tina stood up as she reminded her.

Sending her off, Eris looked at the sky while touching her not so obvious little bump.

"Hey, I'm pregnant now. I don't know where you are but I promise you. I will never let him be like you. A man with no resolve, he will never be like you!"

With a heart full of determination she swore on the stars.

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