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34.69% RE: Black-Light / Chapter 17: CHP 17: Quick Thinker...

Chapter 17: CHP 17: Quick Thinker...




'Naruto wasn't joking... This is delicious...' How can mere soup and ramen be this good? Does the guy have some sort of magic stove in the his kitchen? It's ridiculously tasty... 

"Alright, You were right... The ramen here is amazing." 

"Haha! See!? I told ya' so, believe it!" I heard him say. But the moment he did, I felt a wave of memories rush in my head. I could remember it, all of his quirky mumblings when he felt happy...

'Believe it...' I recited the words in my head a bit, but it goes to show how special he truly was... No wonder Naruto had converted so many people... He really was a ray of sunshine, it just shocks me how people could hate him now.

But, I've had my fill, and I don't think I can just take his blood and leave like this, knowing full well I could try and help him out of his situation, even if it was, just a bit...

"-Well, I've had my fill... I need to head back to my place and train, I'm already feeling rusty..." I quickly placed down my chopsticks, and the money for all my food.

"Wait? You train?" Naruto asked. 

I nodded. 

"Do ya' really need to? You look plenty strong already..." Naruto said to me. And, to be honesty, I'd have to agree with him. I was very lean, and pretty shredded too. Although I wasn't overtly muscular, I still had decent sized muscles that were very much impressive in comparison to a normal person, and being broader had helped support that.

And, pretty much being more conditioned than anyone I've seen, at least according to my own memories and what I've seen so far, people here weren't shredded or ripped, but that didn't mean they didn't look that way, it's just that their genetics likely relied on another source for their immense strength, rather than their own physical prowess...

"Still... If you can grow stronger, what's the point of not doing so? What if I were in a situation that requires me to have strength I could have, rather than what I had at the moment? That's the ninja world for you... You always have to train, because your enemies won't just sit back and do nothing..."

I hope that taught him something, but at this point, Naruto was likely lazy and wouldn't train for anything other than jutsus, given his personality...

"Well, I guess you're right... Right now, I have a sensei and he doesn't really allows us to, ya' know, train up, or give us any advice. So I'm pretty much left in the dust on what to do until he gives us some missions..." Naruto seemed bummed out when he said that...

'Hmm... Actually...'

"Hey, kid? How about you come and train with me?" This was great idea. Since he has no one at this point to help him, I can train him. Plus, I'd also help him when it came to his strength growing, and I'd likely have the chance to get his DNA too. This was a win-win scenario, if it plays out well.

And, the moment I said that, his eyes looked as if they were stars instead...

"R-Really!? Y-You'd train me?" Naruto asked, as if it was a dream. The offer was sudden, but he was gullible enough, he'd take up the offer.

"Sure, but don't get too excited. I'm mainly a taijutsu user, so we can only train physically... So, you still up?" I had to make sure. However...

"Though, I'm sure you'd say no since you do-" I got interrupted immediately.

"-O-Of course!!! Training with someone, is definitely better than no training at all, believe it!" He said with the biggest smile yet. Though, this was too quick... He needs to work on his trusting capabilities... This, was way too easy.

"Kid... Why did you decide to trust a stranger? You know, I could do bad things to you right?" I couldn't resist asking.

He didn't respond for a bit, and I was starting to wonder if I hit a small nerve of some kind...

"Well... It's kinda hard to explain, but... It's just that... You sort of gave off the same vibe as mister Ichiraku..." He told me, but was that it? Was he basing his little trust on a mere vibe?

'That's, hard to believe... Is he some kind of empath?' Because of my instincts being way beyond that of a normal person, I can somewhat gauge someone's emotions/feelings towards others, and myself. Though, it wasn't that powerful...

'Still, I'd work with that, it isn't like I'd do anything bad to the kid...' This was just one way of my plan working out in my favor...

"So, when do we start?" He asked me. I only smiled towards him...

"Now..." I could see his happiness fade into the darkness... And, it would only get worse the longer he stayed. Still, I was going to have fun making this kid into a new creature... And, a small gift to help him out too...






We both made our way back to my place, with Naruto still getting the gazes of genuine death thrown at him from everyone at every angle. Are these people actually, adults? At least be a bit low-key about it...

I sighed a bit, "We're almost there, just a few more minutes..." I told him, and the moment I did, I saw his expression brightening just a bit more... Poor kid, it's gonna change soon...

After a few minutes, we made our way back to my place, luckily, I had a bit of forestry beside my home, so we could find a clearing in there and train a good chunk without anyone to really bother us both...

"Since we're here, let's find a spot in the forest to train, since it wouldn't be right to train in the open either..." I motioned him to follow me. And, he seems excited as well. I'm glad...

I'd have to far enough so that the Hokage can't just oversee us himself... He had an annoying technique that allowed him to view others from ridiculous distances, and being an anbu or somewhat, I knew the ins-and-outs of the technique, with its blind-spots as well...

Getting far enough away, and with a decent amount of space to get some work done, I stopped...

"Alright, this seems like a great spot..." 

"Yeah, it isn't that bad... So, what do we start with?" Naruto asked, clearly excited at the prospect of what we were going to do.

"First, I test where you are, and we go from there... Drop down and give me 25 push-ups first, and we'll see..." I instructed him. The walk back should have served as a decent warm-up for his body...

I saw him drop down onto the ground, however before he could even start, I spotted the shittiest form I've ever seen in my life... Whatever he was doing before this, was not considered a push-up...

"Stop... Stop... Just... Watch, me..." I dropped towards the ground. Getting into a perfect position. "Copy my positioning. Straighten your back to the max you can go..." I instructed him strictly, but without any harshness in my tone.

"Alright..." He mumbled a bit, and took a few seconds to get everything in order, but after doing that, I could see his arms trembling... Yeah, goes to show how hard a real push-up was, but with proper form, the effects should be twice as effective compared to what it was he did, at least for him.

"Good. You know what to do..."

He slowly descended, making his first push-up... But, realizing how long 1 took. We might be here for a while. Maybe he's just the type to show next to zero progress, yet gain massive increases after a break...





"*Huffs...* *Huffs...* I think I'm finally beat... No wonder you're so strong..." Naruto was gasping for air, but I'm surprised he survived that level of training for this long. One things for sure, he has a lot of stamina.

Every time I pushed him to the limits, he was back up after 10-15 minutes of rest. With zero to little fatigue at all... He could barely do 25 push-ups a few hours ago, and now he can comfortably do a little over twice that amount. It's actually a little scary how fast he progresses...

Despite his physiology being worse than mine. His bloodline likely naturally allows him to produce far less fatigue toxins compared to normal humans, and gain more muscle-density as well. If I had his blood...

I estimate that I could effectively triple my current gains if I maintain a constant regiment of hard, and grueling training.

Another thing I noticed was his CP. His reserves felt near bottomless, in fact, it's easy to call his amount infinite at this point. His chakra levels might be in the high millions by my estimations... This just shows how busted bloodlines, and talents are.

I can't imagine if Minato a civilian, was an Uzumaki, he might have been a walking 9-tails himself if he still alive, if not worse...

Still, I was very surprised with his determination at this age. It's borderline unrealistic to be frank...

"Not bad... You've impressed me immensely... In fact, you might be the most talented person I've ever seen when it comes to sheer improvement..."

I saw him smile brightly...

"O-Of course, I'm amazing! That's the least I can do if I'm gonna be the Hokage, believe it! Hehe!" He rubbed his nose. Didn't help much that he was covered in dirt, and sweaty...

'Before I forget...'

"Kid, follow me back, I'll get you something to drink before you go home, you look pretty thirsty..."

"Hehe... Thanks... But... I can't get up... My body..." Naruto said. I took a good look at him, realizing he was trembling. I couldn't help but chuckle for a bit seeing his arms dropping back down like a sack of wet noodles.

"I'll help you up kid." I quickly grabbed his arm by the wrist pulling him up.

"Ouch!-" Naruto yelped for a second...

"?What's wrong?" 

"I-I, don't know... It feels like a I got bit by a hungry, and super annoying mosquito..." Naruto shook his arm a bit, "It's just a mosquito, kid, it won't kill you..." I told him, but he gave me a pondering look, before agreeing...

"Yeah... But, I can't walk..." I grabbed his arms and put them around my shoulders while lifting him on my back, carrying him. I had really pushed him today, so it's expected.

"I'll carry you home kid, just tell me where you live..." Even though it might be an issue, I don't care that much. I'd be taking secret routes to get there anyway...

"I live in district 10, apartment 34... And... My name isn't kid... It's Naruto Uzumaki." He whispered. It sounded as if he didn't want to tell me his name, which is understandable; But, it seems like he noticed that I didn't really know it, because I'm acting as if I don't.

"Naruto... Maelstrom.. Not bad... The name's, Mercer, keep it a secret kid..." 



'It looks like he's sleeping...' Have a good night sleep Naruto, because tomorrow will be worse...










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