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89.06% Re: Akimichi / Chapter 57: Legilimens!

Chapter 57: Legilimens!

-Ranke POV-

My name is Ranke, no family name, I served under Haido-sama as one of his trusted knights. It's just between us, but I was sure that I was Haido-sama's favorite.



With my graceful white skin which was not pale like the others'; my beautiful frilly blonde hair; and mesmerizing light-violet eyes, I was very sure that the others cannot even be mentioned in the same breath as the great I. Not to mention my chest and bust size are a tad more "bountiful" than theirs.

But, despite my succubus-like body, I was not chosen as Haido-sama's trusted aide because of that. No, aside from my look, I had great confidence in my strength.

In the first place, I was gifted with a talent in martial art and my strength was considered to be the upper scale of all of the knights under Haido-sama. I can even crack a boulder with a swing of my sword!


Again, despite all of my gifts, I was not able to contend with a girl younger than me! scratch that, she's even looked to be half of my a-

No, she's younger, just a little bit younger than me. Yes, A LITTLE BIT.

You saw nothing, you heard nothing, am I understood?



Okay, back to the topic. Where was I? Oh, right, the little girl.

That little girl was dangerous, she's nimble and full of tricks! On top of everything, she's able to utilize an illusion! It's like Kamira's power, a little colleague of mine.

That nimble girl held various unknown powers, I can't fight against her without plenty of preparations. As the cherry on top of my reason to run away, there were three men beside her, and I bet all of my money that they're stronger or not as strong as her!

So escape was my most viable option, so I whipped my legs furiously to get away from that damnable crowds as soon as possible. I love my life, and I plan to cherish it.

Though Haido-sama planted a piece of Gelel stone inside me that granted me power, theirs held too many unknown factors. With that in mind, the choice was obvious.



-Third POV-

"That thot surely can run fast." Ino gritted her teeth, she was angry because she underestimated her opponent resulting in her opponent fleeing.

Chouji shook his head, he ran just behind Ino to let her reflect on her own mistake, he shall provide just the minimal amount of help and consolation. Because although she's his girlfriend, in time of mission that meant nothing at all. If he pampers her, in the future her carelessness could cost her even her life, and they all knew that.

Not long after, Chouji; Gaara; and Kankuro decided to split to flank their target from other directions while Ino chases her directly from behind.

Chouji flickered ahead, Kankuro dashed on the wall, and Gaara rode his sand. Just minutes after they split, Chouji caught up with the unknown woman. Not letting her exploit more tricks, Chouji used an earth-style technique to almost instantly erect an earth wall right in front of her that made the unknown woman suddenly took a sharp turn.

Gaara was the second person to catch up and with a wave of his hand, sand was assuming a wave-like form that quickly cut another route for the woman to escape. In response, the woman suddenly spun her leg and kicked a shredded wall next to her then immediately slipped inside.

'F*ck, they're everywhere!' Ranke, the "unknown woman" thought in half-panic. 'Should I risk it and face them?'

She doesn't realize that a gaping puppet construct fell toward her from above in her panicked state.


The puppet closed its gaping maw as soon as Ranke contained inside it. "Got you, woman!" Kankuro grinned, he looked proud.


"Not so fast!" A hand suddenly punched through the puppet's gut as it ripped its way out. "Now you see me in this form, you need to die!"

A muscular figure could be seen standing on top of the remain of Kankuro's puppet, she stood at a height almost reaching three meters with bluish pale skin, and had a muscular body comparable to the hulk. On her head, a kind of metal rod was seen in a manner like the Frankenstein of the old movie.

"For the love of the sand, what are you..." Kankuro was shocked speechless, the woman he just captured went from a sexy temptress into a muscular lumberjack uncle in no time.

Chouji; Gaara; and Ino who just arrived was also surprised to see the transformation of the woman. Though, unlike Kankuro, they quickly snapped off of their trance and launched their moves.

A wave of sand swiftly flowing before clutched Ranke's body and limbs to hold her in place, an earth wall was erected by Chouji in front of Kankuro -who has still muttered 'My puppet...' continuously- to cover him before he was dragged behind by Ino. "Snapped out of it!"

"USELESS!" A shout accompanied by a blast of lightning and shockwaves stronger than before suddenly erupted, the metals wall around Ranke was bent, and the thick earth wall was crushed. Luckily, the four shinobis were not affected that much by the blast thanks to the earth wall shielded them earlier.

"You all forced my hand to use this power and assume this form, you have to taste the consequence!" Ranke gritted her teeth, she hated this form. Though it gave her immense power, it made her look like a hulking monster! The first time she transformed in the past, she bawled for a few nights thinking she had lost her beauty. Fortunately, she was able to control the transformation after quite a long time of gruesome training.

Ranke clenched her hands into fists, which charged with an immense amount of electricity, and lifted them to slam them to the ground. "[Plasma Sho-]"

Before Ranke could complete her move, her head was suddenly grabbed as she was kneed on her jaw by Chouji. That one hit had an immediate effect as it rattled her brain and stunned her, the electricity that she charged was dispersed into the surrounding. 'It can't be, they're this strong?' was the last thing that flashed inside her mind before she was stunned senseless.

"Shh, just sleep aunty uncle. I'll just call you that, you won't mind, won't you?" After Chouji said that, he looked at her for a second before he twisted his hips and slammed Ranke's head face-first into the ground with a reversed round-house kick to the back of her head with minimal amount. He almost pitied her, but hesitation was proven to be fatal in this dog-eat-dog world.

Gaara stepped forward with Kankuro after he was sure that Ranke was unconscious and reverted to her normal human form, "I'll secure the perimeter, she's a Yamanaka, right?" Gaara asked which earned a nod from both Chouji and Ino. "Then it will be easier for all of us. Ms. Yamanaka, could you search her memory related to the invasion, this ship, the one behind her, and the like?"

"I can." Ino curtly replied. Though she was actually eager to prove her worth as she made an almost fatal mistake before.

"Then please, do so." Gaara buried Ranke's whole body with sand, leaving only her neck upward. As an extra precaution, Kankuro injected her with a dose of paralyzing poison through needles. There's nothing wrong to be more cautious, right?

Ino approached the unconscious Ranke, she stared at her now-closed eyes. Ranke's complexion was a bit pale as a result of lack of blood flowing to her head, her lips were a bit darker in color as a result of the poison. All in all, she was quite pitiful to behold. Chouji standing beside Ino to protect her if an unexpected thing happened, heightened all of his senses to watch the surroundings.

With a soft inhale of her breath, Ino stretched her left hand and touched Ranke's forehead as she closed her eyes. "[Ninpo: Saiko Denshin]!" [1] (A/N: Legillimens!, lol XD)


"Guys? Hello!" Meanwhile, Naruto was currently lost inside the ship's ruin somehow. "Anybody here? Chouji-san, Ino-san, Gaara-san, and puppeteer-san..."

But, let's just ignore the Fox boy for now.

"Where are you, guys?!"


[1] Ninja Art: Psycho Mind Transmission

Don_Paw Don_Paw

Heyyo, what's up everybody?

I want to thank everyone who still supports me and this story to this very second. I want to apologize due to personal reason, I was forced to halt my writing before resulting in the current irregular and sloth-paced update comparable with mad

Anyway, I will try to update this story as often as I can. Worry not friends, I won't drop.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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