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75% Raundon (BL) / Chapter 9: Bad boy

Chapter 9: Bad boy


The moment they saw him walking in the lobby, this group of girls from his class heads toward Kaz. It was a Monday morning. A new school week was just about to start.

"Good morning," Kaz greets them and meets them with a smile.

"Is it true you are dating Jake from second grade?" one of the girls boldly asks. Kaz has to stop when these girls blocked his way.

"It is," he says. That answer sort of silent the people close around them. Except these girls who just get even more excited. "What? Are you curious?"

"But isn't he scary?" "How did you end up with him?" "Have you done it already?" was the attack he gets after admitting it so straightly.

Kaz sure had mentally prepared for their questions. Even if some seem to be quite bold. But he didn't let that abash him. While wearing his smile and answering, Kaz leads the girls to move with him toward their first class. They could chat while walking. "Jaxen isn't that scary. He is nice. I like him so I asked him out," now he looks at the girl who asked that TMI question. "And that's not your business, you naughty." But Kaz being this honest and talkative only made them even more excited. Girls kept going all the way to the classroom, leaving him alone only after Daren showed up, taking his seat in front of Kazs desk.

"Okay girls, move, move," Daren says. When they scatter, he turns to look at Kaz who just calmly searchs his phone and opens it. "You really are dating that guy now?" He was amazed this player really made a move on a male, and Jake of all. But somehow he wasn't that surprised overall. You could expect anything from Kaz. Since from Darens perspective Kaz wasn't your normal everyday-guy anyway.

"I am," Kaz just answers. "You all are making quite big fuss about it."

"Kazuro..," a voice of a girl speaks from the side. Alishia was sitting on her seat, trying to take Kazs attention. When he finally looked at her, she too rushs to ask about the topic. "You and Jake?" Kaz sets for just humming to her.

That very moment Carlos also walks in the classroom. When he sees Kaz, he stops his steps. And turns to sit on his own seat in the front row, without greeting the others.

"Wooow, we just got ignored," Daren says quietly. Normally the three of them would change some words before the class starts. Now, that was a blow.

Alishia also saw that, but ignores it and shows a smile to Kaz before totally living him alone. "Good catch. Jake is nice. I cheer for you."

Both guys were looking at her. "Wow, unexpected ally appeared..," Daren whispers, then looks toward Carlos again. Already sensing this day would be damn heavy between his friends here.

- - - -

On the other side of the building girls weren't so overly happy about this sudden new. "You can't steal our Kazuro!" one of the Jaxens classmates crys to him when Jaxen admit the rumour him dating Kaz was true.


Jaxen was sitting at his seat, leaning on his desk, head resting on his arms. This has been going awhile now. By now he has been called a thief, a criminal, unfair, scumbag.. Girls were furiously accusing him trying to steal their Kazuro who belong to everybody. And after all this shit, Jaxen started to regret making this THIS public in the first place.

"You will ruin his innocent image!"

"Innocent image..?"

"Why you are doing this to us?!"

".. Doing what?"

"Isn't this enough?" Milo sighs then. First he was very amused of this new attention his friend has draw upon himself, but even he has to admit this was getting out of hand. Milo should stop this before Jaxen gets seriously mad. "Let the man take a break. Class is about to start."

"Did that player have an innocent image..?" Jaxen mumbles. "What innocent that guy has.. making me suffer this much.."

"That's what you get when you catch everyones favorite," Milo points out while correcting his sitting pose. "And even sucked his face in front of everyone. Admirers can be scary, I tell you."

"Jake! Is it true what I heard about you and that womanizer?!" Ted speaks out loud the very moment he step inside the classroom, not even checking first was the main guy actually in yet.

Jaxen trys to low his head even more.

He was already so exhausted and the day has just beginning..

- - - -

The double hour of math was finally over. Since the classes start hour later than usually on Mondays, the lunch break would be next. Kazuro was planning to find Jaxen and go in the canteen together, buy him lunch. Since they couldn't spend time in school last Friday, he wanted to make sure today they would make up to that time.

"You wanna come?" Kaz asks from Daren after packing his bag, being ready to leave.

"No, I'll head to the store with my sis. She promised to treat," Daren calls, but nods toward Carlos who was also about to leave without saying anything to his friends, packing his stuff. "Ask Carlos. He looks like he needs to eat for his depression."

Kaz straightens his back and gets moving. "Carlos. You have lunch with you? Or canteen? You wanna come with me?"

But Carlos remain silent. Kaz walks next to his seat, looking at the guy who was clearly ignoring him. "Yo. Why you are avoiding me?"

"I wait you to come in your senses," Carlos finally speaks.


"If you are tired of girls and wanna try something new, sure, do what ever," guy starts, now actually looking at Kaz. "But whats the deal with choosing that guy, ha? Was he the only gay guy you could find?"

"Hey, Carlos. Cut it," Daren has to take part of this now. That just now was incredible rude.

Carlos turns to look at him. "What, you agree, right?!"

"Okay," Kaz sighs and walks past the guy. "I think it's non of your business who I'm seeing. If that's your reason to ignore me then be my guest." This was quite cold from Kaz too. Normally he would have just showed his smile. Try to clear this right away. But about this even he didn't have patience.

His ignoring act just made Carlos more irritated. "Did you stand for him earlier because you were already secretly seeing him? What you see in that guy?? That fucker even bully Alishia!"

"He didn't bully me!" now Alishia speaks out loud from the back of the classroom where she was talking with her friend. "Just shut up already!"

"Oh, NOW you are talking to me!" Carlos waves his hand toward Alishia, showing a very nasty smile.

"What Jake said was just true! That you didn't wanna listen to me is why I broke up with you! That's nothing to do with Jake! Wake up!"

"Hah, yeah, sure," Carlos tsihs and takes his bag. "Is he that good of sucking or what is this? Are you all blind?! They should have expel that queer for good!"

After he turned his face back toward Kaz, the second thing he realized was the classroom moving around him. All of a sudden he was lying on the floor, hearing this quiet humming inside his head. After some seconds to clear his head, Carlos sees a figure calmly walking on his sight.

Kaz knees down, eyes locked on Carlos. Having this extremely cold look on him. "I don't mind what you say about me. But don't badmouth him, okay?"

Carlos was just staring the guy, feeling very confused at the moment. Kaz gets back up and turns his back on Carlos, suddenly realizing something and looks at the guy on the floor again. "Oh, right," he searchs his pocket, takes some bills out and counts, leans down and grabs the others hand, giving a money pile straight on the others palm. "Here is five hundred for hospital charges. Get that face checked."

When he gets back up, Kaz simple takes his bag from the floor where he drop it earlier. "Don't fucking ever talk to me again. We are done," he silently adds and walks out of the classroom. Acting extremely calm.

No one in the room dared to speak a word for a while. Only Daren moves to check his friend, who now raises his hand to hold his head. Guy was clearly very numbed still.

"Whatta fuck happened..?" Carlos mumbles, realizing just now the pulsing pain around his face and on the back of his head.

"I think he just broke your nose with a roundhouse kick..," Daren clears. "Come on. Lets get you up to sit. You feel any dizzy?" While he was checking the others wound, students around them start to act lively again.

That was very unusual act from Kaz, who was known to avoid troubles and fights. A handsome smile and a flirty appearance were what was expected from him. Always being super friendly and nice to everyone.

Not looking that serious.

- - - -

"Jake.. Hiding in the classroom doesn't help you here. They will just come to you," Milo pokes Jaxens head. Guy was still on his seat, feeling so tired, doesn't want to hear any more questions or accusations.

"I have had enough of drama.."

"Wow, he is really here..," someone speaks quietly on the back and some girls start to giggle and whisper.

"Your guy is here," Milo notes smiling when he also sees Kaz standing on the doorway. Looking as handsome as ever when guy showed that smile of his.

Immediately Jaxen pushs himself to stand up and looks toward the younger guy. Sigh. Even if the annoying fuss was all because of this guy, seeing him cleared that all away. Hell no, this guy was worth it all.

"You want to eat together?" Jaxen asks smiling when he walked next to Kaz, putting his hands on his pockets to not make any unnecessary moves to create more for people to talk about.

Kaz smiles back and leans his head on the doorway. "I wanted," he speaks quietly. "But I might be in trouble so that might ruin it." Guy was looking somehow uneasy.

"What? Have you also had your share here? Your fans are merciless," older closes his eyes and lets out a deep breath. "All morning it's just been nothing but annoying cry how I stole you from anyone.."

"Stole me?" Kaz smirks. "In our class, more like, girls love the idea about us. Even Alishia told me you are a good catch."

"What am I? A fish..?"

Kaz hums, but then lows his smile. "But I had a fight with Carlos. If you can call that a fight."

"Are you okay? Did he say something?" Jaxen rushs to ask. Kaz was kind of avoiding to look him in the eyes now. Jaxen himself has used to some people being rude about his sexuality, but this was probably new for Kaz. Even if the young man doesn't usually seem to be so minding about such things, what other people would speak behind his back.

Kaz hums. "I got angry. And.. I probably broke his nose."

".....You did what..?"

"Damn, Luna will so scold me from this..," Kaz sighs again. Now that he was calmer again he started to regret what he did. He was in serious trouble now, wasn't he?

"Kazuro, are you serious here..?" Jaxen asks carefully, growing a bit worried right now. "You broke his nose? You hit him?"

"No.. I kick him.."

"YOU KICKED HIM!? Just now??" Jaxens voice gets more louder when he realizes this guy has just beat up his friend. "Where is he?"

Of course Jaxen would be as angry too.. Without daring to look toward the older guy, Kaz clears his throat and points behind him. "Classroom 125.. Downstairs.."

After hearing that, Jaxen fastly looks toward Milo who has walked closer by now after hearing their conversation. "We will need some cold packs."

"I have," Milo calls and turns back to search his bag. He was into parkour and was always prepared. Cold packs were the must to keep in his daily gears.

Being sure they would have some with them, Jaxen finally looks back to Kaz, touching gently on his hair before walking past him. "You, with me."

- - - -

Carlos was still in the classroom, sitting on one of the desks, holding a paper under his nose. The bleeding didn't seem to totally stop.

"You need to go to the hospital," Daren states when he hands more paper to Carlos. After he helped Carlos up, the nose started to bleed. Otherwise guy seem to be quite fine since he was furious about what Kaz did. "It needs to get fixed. Should I call someone from the teachers office?"

"No hospitals," Carlos just tsihs annoyed.

"Let me see that," a new voice was talking next to them. Carlos opens his eyes and sees Jaxen standing in front of him, meeting with his eyes. Older guy determinedly moves Carlos's hand away and makes guy lean his head behind. "Keep your head up to stop the bleeding. Keeping it down makes it just worse."

"How bad is it?" Milo asks when he also walked in the classroom. "Should we take him to the hospital?" He holds the blue ice pack, ready to be used.

"Well, it is misaligned," Jaxen clears while slapping Carlos's hand away when guy tried to shoo him away. He totally ignored guys intents to struggle back.

"I don't need your help," Carlos finally spits out. Being both very annoyed and confused why these guys were suddenly here.

"Do I look like I care what you think you need..," Jaxen calmly says while he searchs his phone and makes a call while Milo checks the face next. "Daniel? Can you give me a ride to the hospital?" young man asks straight when his call was answered.

While he explains the situation, Milo holds the ice pack against Carlos's nose and eye. There was small slide red wound on guys cheek too, so the area around the eye was also a little reddish. But the nose has got most of the damage. Eye was just fine.

"We are calling Daniel to give you a ride. He is a senior, has a car," Milo clears their intentions here. "That doesn't look serious but it needs to be realign right away. The faster the better. It's damn skewed."

"Who fucking asked your help?" Carlos kept his stubborn and rude attitude. These guys were the reason why he was now in this situation! But just like Jaxen, Milo too ignores his words, looking actually very unconcerned.

These two were extremely calm and consistent on what they were doing. Neither of them didn't care why this happened, but how to help from here. That's what Daren was thinking while he was sitting on the desk next to Carlos, watching the olders. He himself should be moving already, his sister was waiting. But he didn't want to leave just yet, when Carlos might start to act big, even when there were older students now to help him.

"Okay, we are leaving," Jaxen states out loud after ending the call. He grabs Carlos from his left arm, making him stand up while turning to look at Milo. "If we are not back before the break ends, note the teachs."

Jaxen walks toward the doorway, but, of course, Carlos remain still. Older guy sighs loudly, now actually showing his annoyed look. "If you can't walk yourself, do you want me to carry you? Trust me, I will."

Carlos grins disgusted. But in the end he follows Jaxen. He too wanted to fix his face. Even if he couldn't stand the people helping him here.

"I'll see you later," Jaxen speaks to someone when he walks out of the room. Touching his shoulder once, then walking past him.

It was Kaz. He was leaning against the wall just outside the door, calmly turning his look on Carlos who was the next walking out. Immediately Carlos moves his look away and fastly follows the older guy.

Milo walks next to Kaz, eyeing him. Young man was looking quite lost at the moment.

"You had all the right to do that," one of the girls whispers smilingly to Kaz when the group of girls past them. "He act like a freaking idiot.." Kaz just shows a slight smile back, doesn't say a word.

"Just to be clear here, that wasn't right thing to do, no matter what," Milo clears then, still eyeing the youngers appearance. "It's okay to get angry, but to kick someones face like that was unnecessary. Jake will definitely yell at you later."

"I know..," finally Kaz speaks, looking awfully worried. "Was it bad? His face?"

"Done by one kick, yes, it was," older clarifys, not trying to polish his words. But.. What he didn't say out loud was how impressed he actually was. That was one clean and powerful kick if he could break a nose just like that.

- - - -

They met Daniel at the parking lot, next to older guys car. With a calm voice, after first greeting Daniel and apologizing the trouble he has caused by making him help here like this, Jaxen guides Carlos to get in on the backseat. 

But really Daniel didn't even mind here. Jaxen wasn't a person to ask favors without a good reason so there was no way he would have refused. All he needed to know was that some kids were fighting and now there was a brat with a broken nose. As their schools olders, he must help his juniors.

"This doesn't change a thing," Carlos states out when they have driven a few minute in silence. "I will make sure he gets fired from school after this."

"That's only fair. Non school approves violence," Jaxen calmly agrees, leaning his head on the back of his hand, staring out of the car window. Saying nothing else.

That answer only leave Carlos more abashed. So instead of staying quiet, he decided to let his anger mode out. He was the victim here. "You think I won't?"

"There is no way you would not," older keeps. "Go ahead. That brat deserves it. What ever you said to make that soft guy angry enough to kick you must have been something lame anyway. Be glad you get rid of him like this. Good job."

"Someone kicked him?" Daniel has to ask. He realized Jaxen growing annoyed and you didn't want to make this one mad in the moving car so it was better to cut their little chatting. Step in. "It wasn't a fight?"

"Apparently it was one kick right to his face. Kazuro has learnt karate since he was seven so.."

"Kazuro? Aah, it's that handsome guy from the sophomore year," oldest finally recognizes. "Was it true? You made him your boyfriend? Pretty bold."

"How the hell even you knew..?" Jaxen sighs, glaring Daniel.

"Jake. Everyone fucking knows you in our school. And that handsome guy. You have any idea how much the girls in our half are crying now? Mari talk about it the whole weekend. You seduced their new pet."

"Can't you all get real hobbies or something.. Who cares who I date.."

"Then..," Daniel says and looks at the young guy behind him from the rearview mirror. "What exactly did you say to him?"

Carlos glances angrily at him, then moves his look away. Doesn't answer. So Daniel looks at Jaxen next to get his answer. But guy just waves his hand. "Kazuro didn't say. And I was already heading to this guy before he could explain more. So please, enlighten us, what did you say?" now Jaxen turns to look at the youngest guy.

No answer. Jaxen sighs. It was pretty clear to him that the reason has something to do with Jaxen himself. "I understood your fight was because of me? So whats the deal here? Have I done something to you? For the guy whose face and name I hardly even know you seem to dislike me quite a lot." Still no answer. "Feel free to hate me for no reason. But don't spite him for that," Jaxen keeps. "He doesn't need any more unjust people in his life."

After that Jaxen didn't say more. Neither did Daniel. They drive toward the hospital in silence the rest of the travel.

- - - -

Carlos didn't ever come back to the next class. And when their PE class was about to start, they heard Carlos has get the remain day free to rest. He wasn't allowed to make sudden movements so attending this very class was a no no. Doctor had send him home.

Kaz was now sitting against the backwall in the sport hall, eyes closed, being incredible low-spirited. He has been so ever since Jaxen went to take Carlos to the hospital. Well, feeling like this empty and lost was very familiar to him. Usually he was like this at home when he was alone. But he hasn't felt like this for a long time now. Not after Jaxen came in to his life. Still, Kaz couldn't shake this remorseful feeling of letting himself get that angry all of a sudden. He was never angry. At least not enough to actually do something like hitting someone.

Because it was a rainy day once again, they were vahing the class inside the hall again. This time too, there was also two other classes sharing the space with Kazs class. And one of those classes were Jaxens.

When the older was heading back to school, the first thing he did during their drive was let Kaz know the situation by texting him. It did take under a minute a doctor align that nose and put a protective bond on it. The bleeding had mostly stopped in the car. Nothing major have happened. The swelling and a reddish area around the eye would totally vanish during the next week or two.

Now Jaxen was back, heading to the hall with the rest of his class. He leaves Milo behind and walks straight to the other side of the hall, searching Kaz. And when their eyes met, Jaxen could easily see how uneasy Kazuro was.

But that guy of course wasn't alone. Some girls were sitting with him, trying to cheer him up. And damn, did that somehow annoy Jaxen, how close they were.

Kaz stands up immediately when the older arrives. Waiting Jaxen to say something. He himself doesn't dare to speak yet. Seeing this guy acting this cutely charged.. Now every reprimanding words Jaxen had plan to speak out just vanished away. He will leave that to his mother. Scolding Kaz from this might be impossible to Jaxen after all. "How I can be mad at you if you show we that face, ha? I told you, he is fine.."

Finally Kaz smiles a little, but doesn't drop his worried look. "I'm sorry.."

"Yes you are."

Younger sighs and lows his head. "Thank you.."

"You're welcome."

- - - -

And really, when Luna heard what happened in school, her reaction wasn't what Jaxen was expecting. Instead of making a rolled egg from Kaz, she took it very calm. And actually just said pointed out she might have done the same. People make mistakes. This was one of those moments.

Maybe it was because of Kazs extremely worried appearance that Luna didn't want to rab more salt to his wound. She could already see how sorry Kaz was feeling from the bottom of his heart. Seriously, it didn't take a lot to see something like that was very extreme from Kaz to do. This young man was not a person to do such lightly. And when he himself was quite shocked what he could do, there was no way Jaxen or his mother wanted to make things even worse. This brat already knew he had done wrongly.

So when the evening came, Kaz was still feeling uneasy, but still bringing his usual smile in front of Luna. Making it look like he had suddenly forget everything. But because one of the first things Jaxen has learnt from his lover was his forced smile he used to hide his uneasiness, older guy didn't buy this act. Kaz knew his handsome smile could hide everything. Be polite and nice, people will accept you. This was probably because it has worked through his whole life. Against the random people around him who he didn't have a real connection.

But against Jaxen Kaz couldn't act. No, he didn't even plan to act. After all, Jaxen knew he was god damn honest. That's what was in common between them. Both of them weren't afraid to show how they feel and what they want. But Kaz was fast to back off if the outside world didn't respond as he had thought. Jaxen definitely wasn't.

When the older guy walks back to his room after seeing his mother out, Kaz has already dropped his smile, staring the note on the board, clearly in deep thoughts.

Yeah, that face Jaxon has seen. The very morning when this guy was looking at the sunrise, sitting on his bike, waiting if Jaxen would need a ride to work. Back then Jaxen thought young man was just tired after driving around, meeting with his friends. Or girls. Kaz was like a lonely cat until then. Wandering around at nights, searching a company, then going back to his hide alone. But give him a loving home and attention, he will be loyally next to you. Now that's a dog.

So this look on Kaz Jaxen didn't stand. He wanted to get rid of it. See him happy again.

Older guy walks on the bed, drops down on Kaz and pushs him down, finally making this guy look at him properly. Without saying a word, Jaxen touchs gently Kazuros neck, moving his fingers toward the lips. Finally he gives Kaz seducing kiss.

Having this kind of treatment from Jaxen could easily swipe away Kazs blue mood. He responses to the kiss, moving his hands around the older guy. When their kissing was about to get even deeper and zealous, Jaxen fastly moves his mouth on Kazs neck, sucking hardly, moving his tongue, biting. At the same time his hand has searched Kazs crotch, massaging slowly. This sudden combo made Kaz moan once. Having his neck biten like this was very new. And quite painful.

"What did he say to you?" Jaxen suddenly asks, stops his moving hand, slowly licking around the red area on Kazs neck. "Tell me. What made my gentle lover so mad he actually kicked someone on the face..?"

"That..," Kaz tried to speak but it became damn difficult when Jaxen suddenly sucks his neck again, forcing his hand inside of Kazs trousers, touching him. "He told me to come in my senses. Called you names. And..," Jaxen sucks a little stronger, making Kaz cry out a little, cutting his own words. "..When he asked were you that good of sucking.. I got mad. The way he talk about you.."

Damn, this guy was damn cute. Getting mad from something that minor. Jaxen has heard way more uglier words than those his whole life. But to get angry for him like that.. No doubt this guy liked him a lot. Even letting Jaxen touch himself this roughly without resist.

"Fool," Jaxen laughs a little, leans up to meet Kazs eyes. "Next time someone asks that, tell them 'Yes, my lover is that good'." He moves to sit up, moving Kazs trousers down a little, taking his front out, gently touching on the tip. "I can't let you grow mad everytime someone talks badly about us. So please, learn to tolerate it. And.." Before he continues, Jaxen takes his own front out, touching them both with the same hand while the other hand was moving inside of Kazs shirt, moving his hips a little, waving his body. "You are way too cute to play the role of a bad guy. Didn't you say I had that wipe. A bad boy character. Let me punch them and you just stand back. I like it that way."

Kaz moves his hand on Jaxens hand, helping the older jerk them together. This guy in front of him looked right now so sexy Kazs whole focus was on him only. He was definitely the kind of forgetting himself when adoring his lover. A word and hell yeah he would obey.

"And I don't like to see you that unhappy. Don't show that smile if you really don't feel to smile. That makes me wanna cry and I don't cry," Jaxen keeps, leaning down. Takes his lips against Kazs lips. "If you get in trouble, remember, you have me. If you get suspended, it's not the end of the world. And you have me. If they expel you, it's not the end of the world. You won't lose me. We will figure something out."

Kaz was staring the other in silence, smiling. He was afraid if he talks he really might cry. Since he was easy to cry. And just now Jaxens words sounded so lovely Kaz could feel this pain in his chest. He has felt extremely worried the whole day. What if they really expel him because of this? He has never ever done anything to disturb others.. All those thought have filled his mind.. And just a few words from Jaxen could sweep them away. Making him believe everything would turn out fine.

"Now. I want you to forget what happened," older suddenly says, kissing him. "Instead of sulking you should show how thankful you are for my help today. You can start with helping me loose a little. With your fingers. And mouth.."

Hearing that made Kaz excited in a nano second. This was the first time Jaxen actually allowed Kaz to do such. Since Jaxen wanted to move slowly with this straight guy, he has never let Kaz do the foreplay or even suck himself. If Kaz had tried to offer his help, Jaxen always yield and took control.

"Can you do it?"

Instead of answering with words, Kaz takes a strong hold on the guy sitting on him, swiching their places. His heart was beating so strongly from the excitement. He was totally under this guys seduction, whos eyes he was looking at now passionately.

That lusting stare said enough. Jaxen smiles, licks his own lips and pulls the younger guy closer from the collar of his shirt. "Then haste it.

I really want you in already.."

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