/ 奇幻 / Raphiel: Chozmono's Reckoning

Raphiel: Chozmono's Reckoning Original

Raphiel: Chozmono's Reckoning

奇幻 20 Chapters 10.6K Views
Author: Desperat

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When Raphael was betrayed, Let was born. When the two souls became one again, nothing changed, even though Let saw himself as someone else, he knew that he was Raphael at heart, but that was no excuse to suffer again. Let knew that he needed more power, so he started working.

At one point, Let started to run out of ideas, and that's when he remembered the novels he had read before. Let decided to create a game, which would provide him with the inspiration and energy he needed. He decided to name the game after his other self, to honor his other self.

In the game, players controlled a slime-like alien in the Andromeda galaxy, but no one knew that everything was real.

(If you're looking for a novel where the main character dies, you're in the right place, but I'll warn you in advance that the story starts about 2 months before the main character creates the game.)

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Author Desperat