While in a university class one afternoon, student Chloé Masters meets the charismatic Professor Kemal Hakkan. Despite their ten-year age difference, the two are undeniably attracted to one another and shortly after their introduction, they begin a steamy love affair.
As they become closer, Kemal confesses a secret – he is the only human among a family of vampires. When Chloé expresses shock and dismay, Kemal assures her he has never had any vampiric traits, but that soon changes.
Once things progress, Chloé is out of hope until she hears about a supposed cure for vampirism. The good news is, it’s real. The bad news is the blood comes from the heavily guarded Ramsey wolf pack.
Will Chloé acquire the Ramsey Alpha Blood Cure for Kemal before she is forced to leave him forever, or will he turn her first … or worse?
Ramsey Alpha Blood Cure is created by S. Kline, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
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