"He's a good boy, you know that better than me," I said.
"I don't care. He could be freaking god and I'd still hate him."
"Seeing as you still sometimes don't like my brother, I'd say that's not too bad."
"At least your brother doesn't snatch other people's daughters away."
I stared. "You're serious."
"If you're going to make fun of me - "
"Gus, no one is taking Sapphire. She's just going to start her own family, and we're going to be a part of it. Plenty of the boys have gotten married, what's the problem?"
"They moved away."
"Grim is still here."
"Don't talk to me about that recluse trying to build a moat around his 'castle,' I'm already embarrassed to call him family."
"It's not a...okay yeah, the moat thing is weird, and he should visit more often, but Sapphire won't be like that."
He snorted. "Yeah right."
"Where are you getting off on this?"
"Do we need our parents?"
I blinked. "Our parents are dead."
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