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12.67% Rain of Sins / Chapter 9: A Slippery Slope: Ch 4

Chapter 9: A Slippery Slope: Ch 4

A Boeing 747 (passenger jet) uses a gallon of fuel per second, and gets 0.2 miles per gallon.

A flight from New York to London is approximately 3461.2 miles, this means we burn roughly 1,730,510 gallons of fuel per trip.

I felt this fact needed to be shared.

That is all.

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

Also whaddya know, it took me almost two weeks to write this, it's almost as if I should only post a chapter every two weeks and stop trying to do these one week stunts

(And with my WiFi going out, just now finally being fixed, causing an extra week of delay, we're technically back on my original schedule)

-Rain of Sins-

-A slippery Slope: Ch 4-

Some people might think the words 'Bakugo' and 'quiet' should never be put in the same sentence without an 'is not' between them. The evidence for this claim was many, the young pyromaniac was loud, boisterous, and made his presence known everywhere he went- Not to mention his quirk wasn't exactly subtle either.

However, this wasn't because he couldn't be quiet, and was instead tied to a much larger aspect of Bakugo as a whole. His ego. Simply put, Bakugo loved his ego, and his ego was boosted by people knowing he was there. Simple math, simple solution. 

But while Bakugo loved being the center of attention, he had long since accepted that if he was ever to be the number one pro hero, he would also need to know how to act in a more discreet fashion.

Of course, this didn't make the sight of him silently stalking down the street any more unnerving.

Bakugo sneered as he was forced to quickly dart behind a wall to avoid being spotted. Just because he could be quiet didn't mean he liked doing it. Being forced to sneak around like a rat pissed him off, and, as per usual, it was all fucking Deku's fault!

Last week it came to Bakugo's attention that the idiot still hadn't withdrawn his application to UA. At first Bakugo had simply ignored it, if the idiot couldn't understand that he wouldn't pass the entrance exam that wasn't his issue, but with his attention drawn back to the quirkless nobody, well… 

It didn't fucking make sense!

In the short amount of time Bakugo had stopped giving a shit about Deku, the idiot had changed his whole act! It wasn't anything big enough to be noticeable to the average passerby, but to Bakugo, who had been pestered by the idiot since they were kids, it stood out like a sore thumb.

The idiot had stopped cowering to the sides of the hallways with his head tucked down like a turtle, instead weaving through the crowds of students like an actual fucking human. He had somehow managed to stop completely falling apart in a normal conversation, and had managed to tone down his stutter. He didn't pay anywhere as much attention to any laughs or jeers directed his way, acting like he was too absorbed in his fucking journal to hear them. And speaking of his stupid ass journal, he had always been noting down things all the time, but recently he had turned the dial past 100% and had gone off the fucking deep end with the stupid thing. Hell, Bakugo couldn't think of a single time he had seen him put the damn thing down!

The little shit was getting more confident. 

The UA entrance exam was creeping closer every day, and the one person who didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of actually passing was getting more fucking confident!

Basic deductive reasoning concluded that he had found something that made him more sure he was gonna pass. But if something could give Deku a fucking shot at passing, and Bakugo, who was already set to dominate the exam, could get ahold of it… 

Not even his mounting anger could keep a maniacal grin from his face as he imagined, not just blowing past his opponents, but completely obliterating their scores.

Of course when he asked Deku nicely about it- read as "Yelled at, and intimidated", the quirkless student screamed and bolted.

So now Bakugo was doing what any normal person would do, stalking Deku until the idiot either A: led him to his goal, B: started muttering to himself and revealed his secret that way, or C: wandered into an alleyway or someplace where Bakugo could corner him, without the idiot running like a complete wuss.

Things were going smoothly, if a bit slow for Bakugo's taste, until Izuku sent a glance at his phone's clock, let out a quiet "oh shit" as his eyes widened, and bolted down the sidewalk like a madman.

Bakugo followed in suit, letting out a curse and dashing after Izuku, continuing his cursing spree everytime his target turned a corner, making him lose line of sight for a few seconds.

And so for the next few minutes passersby were treated to a young teenage boy panicking as he sprinted through the streets, closely followed by another much more pissed off teenager chasing after him, while also swearing up a storm that would make any mother cry.

This continued for quite a bit, each second a tick on the proverbial time bomb that was Bakugo's mounting anger. Thankfully however, doomsday was avoided as, just before Bakugo snapped and used his quirk to fly ahead and tackle the idiot, Izuku promptly collapsed on the ground with a loud exclamation of, "I'M HERE!"

This sudden stop caused Bakugo to slam his feet down to slow himself, promptly go from max speed to zero, trip on said feet, and follow Izuku's example of nose diving into the cement.

Shaking his head and blinking a few stars out of his vision Bakugo pushed himself up with a scowl while Izuku let out a string of "I'm not late! I'm here on time!" and similar phrases.

Of course said scowl morphed into a smirk once he actually registered what he had heard. Deku was "here", meaning he had led Bakugo exactly where he wanted. Finally, after being forced to quietly follow and then chase Deku through the streets, his persistence would pay off.


"What the fuck?"

-It wasn't exactly what he was hoping for.

In front of him wasn't some secret training ground, it wasn't a hero agency, it wasn't even a gym, it was…

"I came all the way out here, for a weird ass building in the rats ass of fucking nowhere!? Deku, you fucking idiot!" 

Izuku, having realized Bakugo was present with his initial outburst, was too busy panicking to respond properly, the fact he had just led Bakugo of all people to the lab, despite all the warnings and precautions Ujiko had practically drilled into his brain, really didn't help.

"Just when I thought that maybe you had finally fucking gotten your shit together, you pull this bullshit!" Bakugo seethed as he stormed towards Izuku, dragging him up by his shirt. "What are you hiding!?"

"Wh-Wh-What do you mean!"


Izuku, to his credit, took a moment to think about Bakugo's words before tilting his head and letting out a confused, "Huh?"

Bakugo, to not his credit, was Bakugo and took that in the way only Bakugo could. 

Obviously Deku was both ignoring him, playing dumb, and treating Bakugo like he was an idiot all at the same time. AKA: The insult of all insults.


"Good Question!"

Izuku blinked.

Bakugo blinked.

And then something grabbed the back of Bakugo's collar and dragged him off Izuku.

Caught off guard, and completely unprepared for any form of counter attack, if this could even be called that, Bakugo tumbled backwards and stumbled about before steadying himself and sending a burning glare back towards Izuku.

Standing in front of the teen was a short pudgy man with a rather large mustache and a pair of shitty goggles- at least in Bakugo's opinion.

"A very good question indeed!" The man said with a cheer. "Who do you think you are? Going and assaulting one of my employees like that, and on my own private property no less!"

While the young explosion quirk user was still trying to decide how exactly to respond to the sudden appearance of the man, Ujiko brought up a hand and fiddled with his goggles. A soft blue light flashed from them, so small and quick to dim that Bakugo dismissed it as a glare from the afternoon sun without thinking twice.

"Hmmm…" Ujiko's eyes seemed to shift ever so slightly, looking in Bakugo's direction, but not actually at him, subtly moving back and forth almost as if he was reading something hanging in the air.

 "Katsuki Bakugo, age 15, quirk type: emitter, quirk name: 'Explosion', top marks in all his classes, applied to take the UA entrance exam two months ago, hasn't applied to anywhere else, and overall has forgon the 'don't put all your eggs in one basket' lesson to instead place his entire future on the, admittedly quite large, chance of him getting into UA." Ujiko's eyes settled back on Bakugo. "Did I get all that right?"


"How do you think I did?" The scientist responded with a calmly raised eyebrow,

Bakugo tore his eyes from Ujiko and glowered at Izuku, completely missing the doctor's smirk as he did so.

"Regardless of 'how' or 'why' or any other interrogative word, I do know. And I know a lot of other things too!" Ujiko waited a half second for Bakugo to refocus on him before continuing. "For instance, I know of UA's zero tolerance policy for advanced misdemeanors, delinquency, and infractions. Which, despite your personality…" Ujiko adjusted his goggles. "You've surprisingly only been marked for minor ones in the past. Very interesting,if I do say so myself!"

Ujiko continued to smirk as Bakugo fumed .

"I feel that I should make it clear any further actions against my business or employees can, and will, be reported with all necessary details and information to the proper authorities." Ujiko fiddled with his goggles again, causing the blue glare to disappear. "The cards have been laid out before you Mr Bakugo, do with them as you will."

Bakugo opened his mouth to yell, clamped it shut, ground his teeth, clenched his fists, raised his head high, "Tch"ed, and then stormed away with his hands in his pockets.

Izuku watched his childhood friend walk away with wide eyes, Ujiko had just talked down Bakugo . Like, actually made him listen with words! Izuku hadn't thought that was possible!


Oh right. He started sweating as his thoughts were drawn back to the situation. He had just led someone to the lab, one of the very few things Ujiko had told him to never do.

"So that was the Bakugo fellow you mentioned before, huh? I must say I'm not very impressed." The doctor stroked his mustache as he began muttering to himself. "it's a bit sad actually."

"M-Mr Ujiko?"

"That ego of his is going to be a problem for him in the future, especially with a quirk like that… He's like a bus with no driver…"


"One that's heading full speed towards a waterfall… with spikes at the bottom… dynamite covered spikes! Doomed to kill everyone on board in a fiery, gruesome death..."

"M-Mr Ujiko?"

"... I really need better analogies." 

The scientist was dragged from his musings by a tug on his coat, causing him to turn to Izuku, who thankfully hadn't heard his mumbled comparison.

"I-I-I w-want to s-s-say-"

"Spit it out kid!" Ujiko punctuated with a light chop on Izuku's head. "A man of science doesn't have time to waste stuttering like a buffoon!"


"Hmm? What for?"

"W-What do you mean 'what for?' I-I led him to the lab!"

"Ahh," Ujiko nodded in understanding, "Well it's a good thing this isn't the lab then."


"If you were going for the lab then I'd say you were about, oh I don't know, a block or two off?" Ujiko let out a chuckle. "Which is a bit understandable, really, all these warehouses look the exact same."

"Wait…" Izuku took a moment to think. "If this isn't the lab then why are you here, a-and what was all that about private property?"

"Well that's quite simple really, you're always early, and this time you weren't" 

The doctor nodded in confidence while Izuku's brows furrowed trying to remember if that was actually true, he could have sworn he had made sure to be exactly on the dot to avoid a repeat of- but his thoughts were interrupted as Ujiko gave him a pat on the head and continued 

"Something very important must have happened to get in the way of science, so naturally I dispatched a team to help!" Ujiko sighed. "Unfortunately all the lab's scientists were actually busy doing their jobs for once, and Yuyara was on break -and heaven forbid she actually do something productive on break." The doctor smirked as Izuku chucked a bit at that. "And the property bit well, that bit… that was just bullshit!"

"M-Mr Ujiko!"

"What? It worked like a charm, stop fussing!" Ujiko waved his hand dismissively while turning and beginning the walk towards the lab.


"Hmm?" turned his hear with a lazily raised eyebrow

"I-I" Izuku swallowed "Thank you for helping me"

"Anytime kid" Ujiko smiled 

"M-Mr Ujiko..."

"Besides I don't much care for bullies," The doctor said with a cough, "They're just cowards too afraid to actually be a villain!" Turning back to the road, he began walking again. "Now come on, we're way behind schedule, and I still have something really important to show you!"

"Yes sir!"

And so the apprentice sprinted after the master, unaware of the shapes that slithered through the shadows, watching after him as they had done since Ujiko named him his successor all that time ago.

-Chapter: End-

Remember that fact at the beginning? Yeah, it's just straight up not true, New York to London is almost twice that length. But even if you ignore that, the math doesn't even make any sense! 

Always double check things before you take them seriously- I got the top fact from a "fact of the day" article, something with several thousand users, and it's just straight lying to people.

*Sips Hot Chocolate*


*Sips Hot Chocolate*

Ahhhh Bakugo, bull headed and stubborn as his is, would definitely see Izuku simply getting so caught up in his work he stops paying attention to -and forgets about- things that would cause him to panic, as proof he was growing a spine or knew something Bakugo didn't.

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

Next chapter things are going to start happening, and then the chapter after (maybe the one after that, this chapter was supposed to be longer, but that last bit was just too good to cut off) we hit the entrance exam.

I originally wanted to hit it at chapter 10, but eh, 11/12's close enough.

Now *rubs hands together* Comment time!

" Smilesfornone : Thanks for updating. Love the story so far. Hope it keeps going. I always try to check up on stories I like. So thanks. "

Thanks bud! I put a lot of effort into writing, I'm glad you enjoy it

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

" Vividsk: Imma be real, I really like how you wrote Ujiko as someone who has some semblance of morals and his characterization is joy in and of itself "

We don't get to see a lot of Ujiko in the main series (I think he's gotten like 2 frames in the show, and even then it was only a side shot), so anyone who wants to write him in a fanfic has to rely on the wiki… which also has almost nothing on him.

So I took what I could gather from the wiki, what we know he does for All for One (The nomu and keeping the guy alive when his head practically got blown off by AllMight), and weaved them into something that I felt was faithful to the series while also fun/interesting to read. So it really makes my day to know I'm doing a good job, thanks!

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

" TheGreatBubbaJ: Oof. "

Oof x2

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

" 9Fiction9Addict9: Thank god we're past the sad izuku arc. I know your suppose to feel bad for him and stuff but I honestly just wanted to beat him up lol. This awakend the inner bully in me, I hope your happy. "

See, I could do that thing where I get all defensive and start whining and junk, but here's the thing. I relate to this comment 100%. I have wanted to slap Izuku before as well, and just have him be, ya know… Not a complete wuss all the time.

I mean come on! You literally just punched a serial killer, who hunted pro-heros as sport, into the dust not a week ago and you're back to flinching away when Bakugo starts yelling? Buddy, you've gotta have more confidence in yourself!

But that's why I used ~Character Development~! Now we can start having Izuku actually start doing things , and then when we hit the entrance exam in a chapter or two, things will actually start happening ! (Thank the lord)

So yes. I am very happy.

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

" PuppyCake: Happy Birthday! 18 feb "

It was the 19th, but I don't really care, I'm thankful either way! Thanks a ton! :D

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

"Kite Kit: Awesome chapter! Aw, poor Yuyara, she doesn't deserve that. Bakugo's awful. Someone please shoot him and free our smol bean from his torment."

No, no shooting Bakugo, he is needed for plot, wait until plot is over, but not now, plot is important.

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

Aaaaaaaaand that'll be all for today! Stay safe, wash your hands, always wear your seatbelt, and I will see you all in two(ish) weeks!

-Next Chapter: Mar 29-30th~ish-


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