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25% Railroaded [Honkai: Star Rail] / Chapter 5: Call to Adventure

Chapter 5: Call to Adventure

"All power is truly power over yourself."

- Aldous Huxley


I keep my grip tight around Herta's mouth, my other hand steady as I press the plasma pistol against my chest. The cold metal bites into my skin through the thin fabric of my shirt.

"Let's be crystal clear," I say, my voice low and dangerous. "This isn't the real you. The great Herta wouldn't be caught in such a compromising position."

I knew this wasn't the real Herta, but one of her many dolls - formidable, but not possessing the full power of an Emanator. That knowledge was key to my plan.

"I know about your dolls," I continue, my tone icy. "Dozens of them, scattered across the universe, letting you be everywhere at once. But hear this, Herta. If you try to call for help or use your powers, I'll know.1 And if you dare go against my requests..."

I let the threat hang in the air, heavy with unspoken consequences.

"I'll end it all," I state, my voice devoid of emotion. "The moment I do, the Stellaron within me will destabilize. Without a host to keep it stable, it'll trigger a collapse. Your entire space station will be obliterated in the blink of an eye."

Immediately, she stiffens in my arms, her body rigid with surprise. Her eyes widen, and I realize it's not fear for herself I see in them, but alarm at the potential destruction of the space station.

Good. She understands the stakes.

Releasing her mouth, I point towards the giant artifact at the back of the office - a portal shaped like a three-petal flower. Blue light pulses from it, humming softly. "Your Simulated Universe," I say, my breath hot against her ear. "Quite the packed project, isn't it? Screwllum. Stephen Lloyd. Even Ruan Mei. All trying to unlock the secrets of the Aeons. Their creation, their purpose, their very nature."

I feel her mechanical body tense against mine. The classified nature of the SU isn't lost on me - if I know this, she must be wondering what other secrets I've uncovered.

"How is it you know about the Simulated Universe?" she whispers, barely audible over the machinery. "That information is highly classified. Only a handful of people even know it exists, let alone the names of those involved."

"My sources are my own," I reply coldly. "What matters is that I know, and I'm not afraid to use that knowledge."

"What do you want?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

I meet her gaze steadily. "I want you to listen to my proposal. It's in both our interests. Because if you don't..."

The silence speaks volumes.

"I have an offer," I continue, my tone unyielding. "Your project? I want it to succeed. And I'm going to help you make that happen."

"Help me?" She asks, disbelief coloring her voice.

"You need a test subject for your Simulated Universe. Someone to interact with the Aeons?" I press the gun tighter against my chest. "I'm your golden ticket to the Chocolate Factory, Herta. I'll enter your little playground and gain their favor for you."

She laughs, a short, incredulous sound. "And how do you expect to do that?"

My eyes narrow. "Think, Herta. What's the Aeons' modus operandi with sentient species? They ignore them. They ignore anything and everything that doesn't remotely connect with their Paths. Do you think you'll have any luck attracting their gaze here? If I know you as well as I do, I bet neither you nor Scrollum made any compromises when it comes to coding the underlying logic and behavior of the universe. Your simulated Aeons are meant to behave just like the real ones. Who says they'll act differently?"

That's how the Simulated Universe was supposed to operate according to the lore of the game. It's a streamlined and customized version of how the world of Honkai: Star Rail worked, but it functioned just like the real thing.

"But what if someone hosting a seed traced to Nanook entered your simulation? What if their identity was set to that of the Aeon of Trailblaze, Akivili within the simulation by an administrator? What then?"

Understanding dawns in Herta's eyes. I can almost see the gears turning in her mind.

"With me as your subject," I whisper, "you'll gain insights into Aeons that no one else has ever dreamed of. You'll make groundbreaking discoveries, all while exploring the capabilities of a living, breathing Stellaron host."

Despite the situation, her scientific curiosity is piqued. The chance to study someone like me is too tempting to ignore outright. Sure enough, she remains silent, the conflict evident in her expression. Knowledge wars with pride, curiosity with fear.

Finally, she nods once, a sharp, decisive motion.

I release her, stepping back, the pistol still at the ready. "I'm glad we understand each other. Now, let's discuss the terms of our arrangement."

Herta turns to face me, her eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and excitement. "You're treading dangerous ground, boy," she hisses, her voice low and venomous. "But I can't deny the potential in your proposal. It intrigues me. If you can truly deliver what you're promising..."

I smile, a cold, calculated expression. "Oh, I can deliver," I say, my voice laced with quiet confidence. "And when I do, you'll realize the value of our arrangement, Herta. Count on it."

Her eyes narrow, hands moving to her hips in a show of defiance. "Out with it, then. What exactly do you want? I hope it's more than just credits," she says, her tone scathing. "It would be utterly disappointing if you've gone to these lengths for mere money."

A humorless chuckle escapes me, echoing in the tense silence of the office. "Money is part of it, yes. But that's just a byproduct of what I'm really after."

Herta raises an eyebrow, curiosity overtaking her. "And what exactly might that be?" she asks, impatience clear in her voice.

"I want you, Herta. More specifically, I want you to be my fixer."

"Your... fixer?" she repeats, confusion evident in her tone. "Elaborate on that."

"I need access to you," I explain, my gaze never leaving hers. "Your resources, your vast information about the universe. I've decided to travel with the Astral Express, and having Madame Herta herself as my personal connection could prove invaluable."

Her eyes narrow to slits. "And why would I agree to such a thing?"

I lower the plasma pistol but keep it ready. "I'll make it worth your while. I won't abuse this connection or drain your resources. We both know your wealth is virtually limitless anyway."

Herta scoffs, rolling her eyes at my statement.

"Your network of dolls makes this possible," I continue, pressing my advantage. "Any one of them can communicate with me when needed. And I'm prepared to set conditions to ensure mutual trust."

She leans forward slightly, her interest piqued despite herself. "What conditions?"

I take a deep breath, steeling myself. "I'll return to the station via your personal Space Anchor every week, without fail. I'll enter your Simulated Universe and face its challenges head-on. You'll get valuable data not just on me, but on the Aeons and our interactions."

I pause, letting that sink in before continuing. "There's more. While here, I'll work as your assistant. I'll help Asta and Arlan with whatever they need. Your personal errand boy, at your beck and call. They can report my activities, ensuring I'm keeping my end of the bargain."

Herta's eyes widen slightly, a mix of surprise and intrigue dancing in their depths. "You'd go to such lengths?"

I nod, my expression grave. "As long as you uphold your end, I'll stay true to mine."

Herta leans back, her eyes narrowed in thought. I can almost see the calculations running through her mind, weighing risks against potential rewards.

"One question remains," she says, her voice laced with skepticism. "Why would I need you as an errand boy? As you've pointed out, I have hundreds of dolls at my disposal."

I expected this. Time to close the deal.

"Don't insult your own intelligence," I say, my tone firm but not mocking. "You and your dolls are engaged in groundbreaking research, pushing the boundaries of science while navigating IPC politics. Asta keeps this station operational, and Arlan safeguards it. They shouldn't be burdened with menial tasks. As for my credibility, consider this a trial run. You risk nothing by giving me a chance."

Herta studies me silently, the tension in the room palpable. Even through this doll, I can sense her brilliant mind at work, weighing the risks against the potential scientific breakthroughs my proposal offers. Finally, she speaks, her voice carrying a hint of grudging respect. "You make a compelling case. We'll see if you can follow through on these grand promises."

I extend my hand, my gaze steady. "Do we have a deal?"

Herta eyes my outstretched hand, her expression unreadable. Then, with a resigned sigh, she grasps it firmly, sealing our agreement.

A small, satisfied smile plays on my lips as I finally holster the plasma pistol. The air in the room shifts, the immediate danger dissipating, though an undercurrent of wariness remains.

"Now," I say, my tone lighter but still all business, "about those resources we discussed. If I'm to be your errand boy and test subject, I'll need proper equipment. A suit, perhaps? Something that can withstand inter-dimensional travel and combat. After all, it wouldn't do for your new asset to get damaged, would it?"


Dan Heng stands outside the station's platform, the Astral Express looming behind him, ready to depart. Himeko, Welt, and March 7th are by his side. It's been some hours since the three of them spoke to Xander.

The docking platform around them is crowded with activity. Ships of all sizes, from small shuttles to large cargo ships, are lined up at the edges of the platform, their metal hulls shining in the light. People hurry about, some carrying bags or equipment, others talking to one another, the sound of engines and hydraulics permeating the air.

March 7th's eyes shine with hope as she speaks. "I really hope he comes with us. He seemed so alone, like he could use some friends."

Himeko sighs, her expression thoughtful. "I don't think he will, March. But I understand where you're coming from. You must empathize a lot with him and his current situation."

Welt adjusts his glasses, a frown on his face. "I must confess, I don't entirely trust his story. Some things just don't add up. Why would the Stellaron Hunters implant the Stellaron in him and then leave unannounced? Moreover, who is this person he referred to with silver hair? Why are the Stellaron Hunters looking for them? Why would he bring up this particular fact after I mentioned he hosted a Stellaron within him?"

Himeko turns to Welt, her brow furrowed. "Do you think he was lying?"

Welt nods slowly. "I believe he did lie about some things. However, I did not get the feeling he was being dishonest about not knowing how he got here or why he was in the station."

Dan clears his throat, drawing their attention. "From what I remember of our interaction while rescuing the researchers, he seemed genuinely confused about his whereabouts and how he ended up here."

March chimes in, her voice filled with empathy. "Isn't it natural for him to lie about something if he doesn't feel he can trust those around him? He said it himself, we're all strangers to him. We should help him feel like he can actually open up to us."

Dan thinks to himself that March's perspective might be a bit naive, but at the same time, he takes comfort in her being such a genuinely good person, always considering others' feelings. He decides to address Himeko directly. "Given that you think he won't join us, would you be against it if he did?"

She shakes her head. "No, I wouldn't be against it."

Dan raises an eyebrow, pressing further. "Wouldn't you be afraid of having a stranger, a potential enemy, within the Express?"

Himeko meets his gaze, her expression confident. "No, because I know that even if that were the case, he wouldn't be able to do anything. Xander can't take command of the Astral Express without me, as I'm the train's navigator. Only I have the know-how for operating it alongside Pom-Pom. Moreover, if he were somehow able to overpower March, you, and me, he still wouldn't be able to move a finger with Welt inside the Express."

Dan nods, acknowledging her point. Mr. Yang is tremendously powerful. The fact that he alone was able to safeguard the rest of the space station while the Legion attacked, all while they were occupied with the Doomsday Beast, speaks volumes about how true that is.

Welt's eyes twinkle with mischief, a small smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Well, if our esteemed hypothetical new member tries anything suspicious, I could always conjure a black hole inside the Express to deal with the problem."

March's eyes widen in shock, her mouth dropping open. "Mr. Yang, that's so mean!" she exclaims, her voice a mixture of disbelief and amusement.

The group bursts into laughter, the tension in the air dissipating with Welt's dark humor. Even Dan can't help but chuckle, shaking his head at the absurdity of the idea.

As the laughter dies down, Dan finds himself lost in thought, considering the possibility of another member joining the crew. He's grown accustomed to the current dynamic, the sense of familiarity and trust that he's developed with Himeko, Welt, and March. It's a feeling he cherishes, especially after being banished from his homeworld.

The thought of someone new joining their ranks, potentially disrupting the delicate balance they've achieved, makes him feel a twinge of discomfort. He's come to rely on the stability and companionship that the Astral Express provides, a safe haven in the vast expanse of the universe.

However, Dan knows he's in no position to object. After all, Himeko and Welt had every reason to deny him the chance when he first encountered them, but they didn't. They saw past his guarded exterior and recognized the good in him, offering him a place to belong.

As he stands there, surrounded by the people he's come to care for deeply, Dan knows that he'll support whatever decision Himeko and Welt make regarding Xander. If they believe that he deserves a chance, just as they gave him a chance, then he'll trust their judgment.

Dan's thoughts are interrupted by the sound of murmurs and footsteps approaching. Looking up, he observes as people on the station's platform step aside, making way for the man of the hour. He's taken aback by his new attire and fit, a stark contrast to the casual clothing he had been wearing earlier after leaving the infirmary.

Xander now dons a dark coat that falls just below his knees, black with light gold triangular patterns running across, ending in two separated coattails. Underneath, he wears a black zippered turtleneck beneath a midnight black vest with subtle zigzag patterns. A well-fitted shoulder holster contains what appears to be two heavy handguns on each side. Charcoal gray fingerless gloves, black pants, and dark combat boots covered by dark gaiters complete the ensemble. At his side, a sheath for a short-curved sword catches Dan's eye. Both the sheath and the handle of the sword are black in design, with triangular patterns and lines of white running across them. The shape reminded him of the swords back at the Xianzhou Luofu.

Xander's expression is unreadable as he stops a few feet away from the group, his gaze sweeping over each member before settling on Himeko. The silence is palpable, everyone waiting with bated breath for his next words.

"When are we leaving?" Xander asks, his voice calm and measured.

March's face lights up with excitement, her eyes sparkling. "This is wonderful! I'm so glad you're joining us, Xander! And look at you—your outfit's so cool!"

Himeko and Welt exchange a glance just before the red-haired navigator turns to Xander, her brow slightly furrowed. "Has Herta been informed of your decision?"

Xander smiles, a hint of mystery in his eyes. "She's very pleased with our new arrangement, yes."

"Arrangement?" Himeko asks, curiosity piqued. "I noticed you seemed quite uncomfortable with the idea of her running experiments on you earlier. What changed?"

Xander shrugs, his expression giving nothing away. "She drove a hard bargain. I'll be teleporting to and from the station once every week for a few hours. I hope that isn't an issue."

Himeko shakes her head, a smile on her face as she studies the man's new attire. "Not at all. It's clear Herta's fascinated with working with you, considering she gave you access to the station's Space Anchor. Plus, your new attire and weapons speak for itself." She pauses, studying Xander's face. "Any details on what she'll be working on with you?"

Xander's smile turns enigmatic. "I'm not at liberty to say. You'll have to ask her."

Dan observes the exchange, noting Xander's tight-lipped responses. It's clear he's keeping his cards close to his chest, unwilling to divulge more than necessary.

Himeko, sensing the need to lighten the mood, claps her hands together. "Well, let's put that aside for now. We haven't had the chance for formal introductions, have we? Let me do the honors."

She gestures to Welt, who steps forward with a polite nod. "This is Welt Yang, our resident expert on all things Stellaron-related. He's also our most seasoned member."

Welt adjusts his glasses, a small smile on his face. "A pleasure to have you on board, Xander."

Himeko then turns to March, who bounces on her heels with barely contained excitement. "And this is March 7th, our resident photographer and adventurer extraordinaire."

March beams, launching into a rapid-fire list of her likes and dislikes. "I love taking pictures, exploring new places, and trying new foods! I don't like sitting still for too long or being bored. I hope we can be friends, Xander, and that I can help you feel at home here!"

Himeko chuckles, gently placing a hand on March's shoulder to calm her enthusiasm. She then gestures to Dan, who steps forward with a slight incline of his head.

"This is Dan Heng, our mysterious lance expert, and all-around reliable guard."

Dan rolls his eyes at Himeko's words but meets Xander's gaze just the same, his expression neutral. "Welcome to the Astral Express, Xander."

Finally, Himeko places a hand on her chest. "I'll take a page out of March's book. I'm Himeko, the navigator of this fine vessel. I love coffee, tinkering with robotics and machines, and exploring the boundaries of space and science. I dislike closed-mindedness, bureaucracy and red tape, and disorganization. It's a pleasure to have you join us on our journey."

Dan watches as Xander blinks, his eyes scanning the group again, but his gaze lingers on March and Himeko. The silence stretches for a moment, and Dan can't help but feel a sense of unease.

Finally, Xander speaks, his voice flat and devoid of emotion. "I'm Xander. Things I like and things I hate… I don't feel like telling you that."

March 7th comically face-plants on the floor, her legs sticking up in the air. Surprisingly, her skirt doesn't fall victim to the laws of gravity, staying upright, something which no one questions somehow. Himeko sweat-drops, her smile faltering for a moment. Dan and Welt remain muted, neither surprised by the man's response.

He continues, seemingly oblivious to the reactions around him. "My dreams for the future… never really thought about it."

March, who was just getting up again, drops back down to the floor with a thud.

"As for my hobbies…" He thinks about it for a second. "I have lots of hobbies," Xander concludes, his tone still flat.

Himeko smiles awkwardly, her eyes darting between Xander and the prone form of March. "It's, eh… nice to meet you," she manages to say, her voice strained.

Dan and Welt exchange a glance and don't miss a beat. "Same here," they say in unison, their voices equally devoid of emotion.

Dan can't help but feel a sense of déjà vu as he watches the scene unfold. Xander's guarded nature reminds him of his own when he first joined the Astral Express. He knows all too well the walls that one can build around themselves, the desire to keep others at arm's length.

There's a wariness in his eyes too, Dan thinks. That's the look of someone who has been through hardships and has learned to trust cautiously, if at all.

As the group prepares to board the Express, Dan falls into step beside Xander, a silent show of what, he hopes, feels to the man like support. He may not know his full story, but he understands the weight of the unknown and the burden of a past that cannot be easily shared.

Together, they step onto the train, ready to embark on a journey that will test their resolve and forge bonds stronger than the stars themselves.

But just before they do…

"It's insane I managed to catch that reference,"1 Xander mutters under his breath.

Dan looks at him, confused. What reference?

  1. Xander doesn't actually know. He's bluffing. He hopes that his threat of blowing up the space station by shooting himself will be enough to stop Herta from even thinking about calling for help or using her powers, just in case his warning is true.
  2. The English version of Honkai: Star Rail is known for having a lot of pop culture references, taking from movies, famous quotes, anime, and more. Xander noticed that March 7th and Himeko introduced themselves the same way as Team 7 from Naruto. That's why he answers like that. He's copying Kakashi. "Copying", ha!

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