/ Fantasy / Quill Pen

Quill Pen Original

Quill Pen

Fantasy 35 Chapters 18.7K Views
Author: Yel_lue04

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"Impenetrable, that's how I always see it".

Varick, the youngest son of Rowan, walked around the walled city of Eragon. His emerald glanced at every corner of the walled city. Being in the middle of a great city made him feel small and the fascination with the great walls had haunted him for almost three decades. And so, he remembered a story.

Great men like Eragon, Riverdell, Oneison, Andor, and Eire attempted to unite the Land. Man cannot change the fate of the human race alone. These great men were once masters and leaders of their own villages but the slavery of Leuronna, a mighty civilization, is slowly devouring them. Eragon swore his oath to protect the justice of men.

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  1. Yel_lue04
    Yel_lue04 Contributed 3
  2. Yasou_21
    Yasou_21 Contributed 2
  3. Han_Il98
    Han_Il98 Contributed 2

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Author Yel_lue04