Yitian woke up and sat up.
"What are we going to do Beloved is still sore with us?"
"Did you have to tease him like that?"
Yitian rubbed his eyes.
"I was angry. Who knows how long he's been in the imperial city without letting us know?"
"Still it only made things worst. He is Sheng Zihang's firstborn which means if he stayed in beast valley all this time he must've had a good reason to and I'm sure Yan'er had something to do with it."
Yujin sat up and continued:
"You remember how eloquently father would speak about Atlas. There's no way the person he described to us would just abandon his family."
Yitian looked at his brother.
"I know but how were we supposed to know who he was when we made those comments? He didn't want anyone to know that he was alive for a reason but we saw it as him hiding."
Yitian passed a hand through his hair frustrated. Yujin said:
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