Atlas looked at Chuxiao and asked:
"Are you ready to admit the truth?"
Chuxiao smiled, it's too bad Atlas is so insolent, he would've liked to have him before ending his life. Oh well. He waved his hand and everyone looked at Atlas who was floating above the thrones shocked.
Yan smiled, he waved his hand discretely and the doors were slammed shut and then sealed. He won't let anyone interfere. He looked at Atlas thinking that he would be petrified, but he just looked amused.
He followed his eyes and they landed on the twins, they were looking up and they seemed just as amused. He ordered using the mind link:
*Chuxiao end him, can't you see how he mocks you?*
Chuxiao's eyes darkened, he unveiled his true face and everyone looked at him shocked. One of the ministers stood up and yelled:
"He is the dark mage!"
Chuxiao turned and smiled.
"I am and none of you will come out of this room alive."
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