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Quantum’s playground Quantum’s playground original

Quantum’s playground

Author: JD_Labs

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: First day back



"ZUUU! did you pack your things?" Her mother screams.

From the top of the stairs, Zu pops her head from out of her old room. The smell of fresh leaves and mint chocolate filled her nose.

"Almost! I just have to get my blankets!" Zu screamed.

Zu was Taiwanese. She stood about 4'11 in height and weighed almost 97 pounds. Her skin was pale and colorless with her hair being jet black and as dark as ever. This wad her last year in high school and her parents decided to let her share that year with moving in another family into their home.

But Zu was happy. She couldn't ask for a better life for she had a great 20 years living in this home.

Zu closed the door back and rushed to her bed. Her bed was covered with a flower decorated blanket and the same with the sheets. The three pillows were large and fluffy along with the stuffed animals Zu had sitting on the bed.

She's be moving out and letting the son of the next family sleep in this room while she moved into her sister's room.

Her sister was 18 and very very... very different from Zu.

People in school presumed Zu to be a nerd. Bullied and not able to stand for herself. She was short, top of her class, too nice to say no to anyone even if she tried while Kyoto ( Zu's Sister) Was different. That includes the height.

Kyoto was Zu's little sister. Standing at the height of 5'9, light skin, brown hair, and acted as if she were raised as a dope dealer. While Zu spoke Chinese to her parents, Kyoto kept it with the English slang. although both of their first languages was Chinese, Kyoto grew out of the Chinese accent and only spoke Chinese when she had to while Zu still sounded as if she had just moved from Taiwan and is just learning English. Zu also spoke to Kyoto in Chinese but Kyoto responded in English.

"COMPANY IS HERE!" Zu heard.

Zu's heart stopped. Rushing to get everything from out of her room, she slammed her luggage shut and ran out of the room, down the hall, and into the bathroom.

She began to search for a scrunchy. Opening the cabinets and drawers to see if Kyoto had left one in here by mistake.

Zu was barefooted. Her toes short and clean and tonsils painted white.

Just as Zu turned, she saw her mom rushing into the bathroom. "What are you doing? Put on your house-shoes. Company is here," she says calmly. Zu nodded.

Just down the hall from the bathroom was Kyoto's door with a poster of JuiceWrld on it. Zu steps up to it before hearing the sound of the family coming in. Laughter struck throughout the home with her father and mother greeting the family.

Zu slowly opened the door and lying on the bed with the lamp light on was Kyoto.

Kyoto wore too big sweatpants, a tight tank-top, and a due-Wrag that she somehow found a way to put on her head.

Kyoto looks past her phone with her knees propped up as she lies on her back.

"What, bitch?" Kyoto greets. Zu makes her way into the quiet room. Tip toeing as she could feel the nasty trash Kyoto had left on the floor when she ate in her room.

"Company is here." Zu opens. Kyoto drawer.

"Does it look like I give two shits? And what the fuck are you doing in my damn dresser, dip shit!" Kyoto turns off her phone and gets up to slap Zu's hand.

Zu backs away and balls her fist before throwing her arms to her side.

"I need a tie! We have the company over!" Zu proclaimed. Zu was too short to try and fight Kyoto. Last time Zu tried to wrestle Kyoto, she had ended up with a broken nose and a busted lip. Kyoto didn't get in trouble for it, Kyoto used the excuse that Zu was a "Short Fuck" and got away with it. Kyoto closed her dresser back.

"BITCH! I wear a fuckin' wrag on my head. Why in the fuck would I need a damn tie? Dumbass!" Kyoto yells.

"ZU! KYOTO! LET'S GO! COME SAY HI!" Their mother yells in Chinese

Kyoto and Zu stopped to listen.

Kyoto nodded and put a finger out while Zu had to look up at Kyoto. "Touch anything else in my drawer and imma beat that ass." Kyoto lightly tapped Zu's forehead just as Zu tried to hit back but Kyoto dodged it to make Zu look bad.

"You can't go out there looking like that!" Zu tried to say.

Kyoto stuck out the middle finger and walked out of her room. "Why is she my sister?" Zu mumbled before sliding her luggage into the corner of Kyoto's room.

Zu began to fix her hair using her hand as she walks out of the room and down the stairs. The sound of chattering got louder as Kyoto slowly made her way down the stairs due to her texting her friends on the phone.

she nearly ran downstairs past Kyoto, looking downward she could see the family.

African American ones. The boy was tall. Standing almost at 6'3 as too was the father. And the mother was short and very beautiful.

Zu steps on the floor quietly as her mom laughs and turns at Zu and Kyoto who had just made it to the bottom of the stairs.

"OOOOH MY GAWWWWD! IS THAT ZU!?" the woman screams.

Zu held her arms out with a big smile as the woman rushed over to her and wrapped Zu in her arms. "I haven't seen you since you were SOOOO little! Oh my goodness! How old are you now? Nineteen?" Ms. Hills asked.

Mr. Hills came up too, hugging Zu from the side as the son and Zu's parents joined to see the happiness floating around.

"She's still little," Kyoto commented.

Zu scowled at her for a quick moment before Ms. Hills laughs before looking at Kyoto. "Damn girl! How you get taller than your older sister?" She asked.

"I don't know. Some people just get the better jeans." Kyoto smiled and gave a side hug to both of the Hills.

"I am 20." Zu spoke English for the first time in a week.

"Kyoto is a big troublemaker." Zu's parents both laughed as the Hills laughed along with them.

"Anyways! Zu, Kyoto, this is Javier! He is 18. Might as well get to know him and you get to know them because you'll be roommates for a few months until we find a place we can go," John says. John being Javier's dad.

John and Zu's father met in the military and lived together for 3 years before they split. but they stayed in contact. And till this day, these guys are best friends.

Kyoto put put out a fist for Javier to bump. He did so before looking at Zu in which he had no idea how to greet.

JD_Labs JD_Labs

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