/ Book&Literature / Purple Days (ASOIAF)

Purple Days (ASOIAF) Original

Purple Days (ASOIAF)

Book&Literature 17 Chapters 27.9K Views
Author: executionner

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From one day to the other, Joffrey Baratheon wakes up a changed man. Far from the spoiled boy-child known to the court of King's Landing, the Joffrey that comes out of his room three days after the death of John Arryn walks with the stride of a veteran commander and leader of men. A scholar, a sea-captain, a general, a lover. This is the story of how he became that man, and how he came to know his purpose through a cycle of endless death and rebirth that saw him explore both his self and the known world from Braavos to Sothoryios and from Old Town to Yi-Ti... and beyond.

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Author executionner