Upon hearing this, they didn't panic, but were pleased. They bowed to Wang Shouzhe and said, "Thank you, Fourth Uncle/Fourth Brother." Doing this work not only spares them from being reported to the family head, but also earns them some Merit Points.
Finally, Wang Shouzhe's gaze landed on Wang Lillian and Wang Luoqing.
Both girls looked at Wang Shouzhe with a bit of fear, ready to accept whatever he had to say.
Wang Luoqing was the ninth of the Luo-generation; unless something unusual happened, she was likely to be the youngest of her generation.
Of course, it wasn't impossible for Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai to become youthful again and give Wang Shouzhe another little sister.
Now that the family is in better financial situation, there was less economic pressure, and the birth rate has risen considerably compared to the past.
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