/ Sci-fi / Project Titan

Project Titan Original

Project Titan

Sci-fi 5 Chapters 6.5K Views
Author: MCobra00

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Twelve orphans, twelve genetically-altered humans, twelve societal outsiders - these are the Twelve Titans. Trained and experimented on since they were young, these twelve children were raised to become living weapons for the shady security company Justitia, a proclaimed organization dedicated to crime prevention and national security.

When their guardian was killed in a mysterious bombing, the Twelve Titans were forced to relocate to a prestigious estate where their care is now transferred to an eccentric doctor at the behest of their guardian's will. Saved from the nefarious plans that Justitia had in plan for them, the Titans are now able to have a chance to live "normal lives", something that is very new to them. They now go to school, associate with others and form friendships, and slowly assimilate themselves to modern society.

However, they can never escape the grasp of the evil organization. But Justitia is the least of their worries. More genetically-altered humans began to crop up. Past experiments and dark secrets reveal themselves. Rivalries and enemies are made. Betrayals and traumas abound. And at the root of it all is an organization more evil than Justitia and shrouded in even more mystery. And their target - the Twelve Titans. What does this all mean? This is the story of twelve orphans, twelve genetically-altered humans, twelve societal outsiders who were given special powers for the sole purpose of being living weapons. This is the story of the Twelve Titans.

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Author MCobra00