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66.66% Project Slogical / Chapter 2: The Experiment

Chapter 2: The Experiment

While Shawn is waiting for the junior discoverer to arrive, he is fixing himself up a little shelter. The shelter is a make-shift tent made out of grass,rock,and sticks. After about 3 hours, the junior discoverer arrives at the island. They introduce each-other.

"Hi, I'm Tasha." She said.

"I'm Shawn." Shawn responded.

After they introduce each-other, Tasha goes to find materials for her shelter. Since Shawn's is already built he offers to help her find supplies. She accepts the offer.

2 years prior...

It is the year 2010 and the United States government is experimenting on hybrid genes. The genes they are fusing are those of human beings and scorpions. They called the experiment Project Slogical.

After about one month, they were ready to begin the study/project. They went to the Florida State Hospital to gather "volunteers". After the volunteers were collected, they put them in cages at a secret facility in Southern Florida. One by one they would preform the procedure that fused the two genes together. Each test subject would be fused with a different scorpion gene.

After all of the subjects have been fused, they government ordered choppers to take them to the island. Within 2 hours, all of the subjects were loaded onto helicopters and being flown to the island. After 45 minutes, all of the choppers arrived at the island and when they went to unload all of the subjects, they were already starting to transform. They unloaded them and flew away.

4 days after that, all of the subjects were mating with the opposite gender. The males mated and then went to search for food while the females sat by their eggs. The eggs would hatch within 2-4 weeks.

6 days after the mating took place most of the subjects were starting to grow their scorpion tails. Each subject had a 3-5 foot long tail with a stinger at the end. The stinger contained deadly venom but the stinger wasn't grown enough to penetrate human skin. Each subject had a different amount of venom in their stinger.

If stung by one of these creatures, the intense pain from the venom rushing through your blood-line could lead to very serious injuries or even possibly death. After about a month with the venom in your blood-line if you don't die, you will transform into one of the creatures. Once you start to transform, you will go through life all over again. You will go through all of the stages of life. The baby stage, the toddler stage, the teenager stage, and the adulthood stage.

Going through these stages isn't the most easy-going thing in the world. It comes with a lot of pain because you lose your appetite, making you really skinny. You will be starving until the venom inside of your blood-line adapts to the new eating schedule. Once your body gets used to the new eating schedule though, the pain will slowly decrease.

Present Day:

Shawn and Tasha are still in the woods looking for supplies. After about 3 hours they had enough to build her a shelter. They get back to the main part of the island that is away from the creatures. They start setting it up, when they realized they will need more sticks. It is already basically pitch black outside so Shawn tells Tasha she could sleep in his shelter since it was big enough for the two of them. Tasha is hesitant at first, but after they hear the creatures running around and making strange noises she agrees.

They slept pretty good until about 4 Am. This is the time when the creatures hunt for their food. They go around the whole island looking for anything to eat. The creatures stumble across the make-shift camp that they were sleeping in and started attacking the shelter. Both Shawn and Tasha woke up to the noise. They were both really scared. They didn't know what to do. They started arguing because Shawn wanted to go face the creatures and Tasha wanted to stay in the shelter hoping they will eventually give up and try to go find other food sources. They decided with Tasha's plan. The creatures were attacking their shelter for about 4 hours. They eventually gave up around 8 Am.

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