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100% project overwolf / Chapter 1: chapter 1
project overwolf project overwolf original

project overwolf

Author: Jack_Doolin

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: chapter 1

Lycan syndrome is one of the the great mysteries of our history due to how diverse it is. We are  unclear if it is a mutation or, a disease or something entirely different. The problem in identification lies in the infecteds mental state. Often those whose thoughts are that of anger and revenge and blind range when bitten tend to turn rabid this occurs in about 20% of cases the subject becomes extremely aggravated and unable to revert to human leading ultimately to the need to be put down. Rarely those in this state termed "under wolfs" are able to be captured but it is very rare for them to rise above underwolf to a more stable state. The next level which is what you would call average or just "lycan" occurs in about 80% of cases. these subjects report generally having had survival and fear style thoughts at the time of "infection" (used to refer to the time surrounding the the subjects biting probably not an actual infection). these subjects will generally remain human and rarely go out of control many will only revert if cornered and scared for their life and will often revert to human after the danger has passed. These subjects live in a monitored communities with other "irregulars" and are not considered a direct threat. Then the final group less then 1% of 1% are referred to as "over wolfs". in these rare instances the subjects infected with lycanism report an almost symbiotic relationship with the ability to channel and converse with what they call the "wolf" inside them. allowing them to accomplish inhuman feats of strength and speed. "over wolfs" tend to transition back and forth at will. An important note with "over wolfs" however is that in some instances "over wolfs" revert to "under wolfs". it is unclear why this happens though some believe it happens to those who lose the ability to contain the "wolf".

Dr. Simmons PHD. mystical afflictions.

1700 local

Newhalem, Washington

Tyler felt the wheels touch down on the helipad and woke up from his nap. "Hay finally awake Huntsman?" Huntsmen Tyler "long blade" Dean, looked over at his friend. "yeah night stalker good to go" he looked around the the helicopter. This was a five man squad recently put together the only one Tyler knew was John or "night stalker" there line of work was reputation mostly. your call sign was who you were more than your name. Tylers title of Huntsman was a rare one, given only to those given extensive training by International specialists in dealing with Irregulars. Most were based on deed or skill night stalker was impeccable at finding the targets in any conditions. "Long blade what's the SITREP?" tyler had gotten his name not from a deed accomplish or a skill he had but for his choice of gear. Silver weapons had long provine effect against a diverse array of Irregulars mostly in modern times silver bullets was the normal answer and while everyone still carried a blade they were more silver laced daggers. Tyler's instructor was a traditionalist however and tyler was trained on the long sword forged of silver laced meteorite steel which he kept on a sheathed on his back. Tyler toggled his radio to respond " command this is longblade we are on scene about to contact the locals will advise of any unexpected developments long blade out". the crew chief opened the side door and the team departed pistols were chambered and holstered each man or women had his own personal taste. tyler prefered and old colt .44 magnum revolver becuase in his mind anything smaller just wouldnt do when being charged by an angry Were, Vamp, or God knows what else that goes bump in the night. the teams rifles were standerd issue AR-15s, or so you might think on first glance but they were actually chambered in 50 beowolf becuase again stopping power. John the teams marksman carried your classic M82 barrett. as the blades stopped the crew chief gave the signal and they stepped out onto the helipad. holding onto his hat just off the helipad was a man in uniform who ran over as soon as the team stepped out. " deputy Willson whatcom County shierffs department" the man said holding out his hand. Tyler took it and gave him a sold hand shack " huntsman dean and these are squad mates ". Willson noded to each in turn. " welcome and thanks for showing up so quickly lets talk in my office."

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