The Dungeon of the Damned, The Death Pit, The Boneyard, those were just a few of the names that Professor Kal had heard the adventurers call the dungeon he was about to enter. He was standing in a long line directly in front of the massive mausoleum that served as the entrance to the dungeon. Able to get a closer look at the finely carved stone structure, he was able to read the ancient language adorning it. For all of the word's elegant calligraphy, they only stated the name and station of the one entombed there.
He didn't recognize the name but knew that the language used was only spoken a few hundred years before he even went underground. The other odd finding was that the mausoleum was built for a nobleman of a defunct nation far away on the eastern continent. He took out his notebook and began to scribble down his many hypotheses on to how this structure was teleported across the vast ocean, and to why it was used as an entrance to a dungeon.
What hidden secrets are hidden away behind the dungeon’s walls?