/ Fantasy / Princess Andorra's journey

Princess Andorra's journey Original

Princess Andorra's journey

Fantasy 1 Chapters 4.0K Views

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a beautiful maiden was raised by her step mother, she was I'll treaded by both her step mother and her half sisters, educated she was, but had to be a village for some reasons, she was a friend to the princess in their village, and a handsome rich guy also from the village, they all went to the same schools throughout until university. The maiden and the princess were too close that they spoke about everything, the princess would buy clothes for her but her evil step mother would take those from her and give them to her good for nothing children, out of jealousy the princess framed the maiden for stealing the palace sacred staff, in action the chief ordered for the maiden to be bunished from the village. She walked miles barefoot, she was in the forest when she heard people scheming to kill a certain chief, she watched as they left, the direction they went in she followed, asked around for the palace in that area, she told the chief there what she heard, and indeed those people came as planned.

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a great journey of a poor princess, the journey of this author should also have a happy ending, or should I say beginning, this is way awesome, it gives you a clear picture of how rural areas in Africa are like

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