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46.26% Princess and her knight(Overlord AU) / Chapter 31: Attack cometh.

Chapter 31: Attack cometh.


The Time of the day was night time, a time in which places such a brothels thrived and gained Large amounts of money, it is a curious thing to be honest, did people simply do things that are "secret" at night because logically speaking night is dark and it is hard to see clearly so it made sense to do secret activities at night, or is there some type of Evolutionary incentive that drives humans to perform secret activities at night?

Regardless of the answer to that, doing things at night is certainly within Prince Barbro's favour, after all its hard to see in the dark as such the prince can partake in less than friendly activities without making a scandal or shaming the royal family, he can enjoy himself with little worry, however today was unfortunate as his enjoyment was ruined.

"worthless little whore!!"

He spar at the blonde haired, blue eyes slave at the bed, after he dressed himself and quickly moved to look himself in the mirror making sure everything was where it should, Royalty visiting a brothel was unheard of as such making sure he exited looking the same way he looked when he entered was essentially.

Today was supposed to be another day of him simply enjoying himself and releasing some pent up stress and blow off some steam, after the incident with his father, he still could not fathom that his father chose not to believe his word, how important could that stupid commoner be, he's just a lowly knight.

That whole ordeal had angered him to a great degree that he had to come here to enjoy himself for a bit, however that was ruined as well. He entered this place disguised and wearing a mask, the same mask that was placed on the nightstand. He came in and ordered his used Blonde-haired and green eyes female, as long as they were blonde and had green eyes that was a enough resemblance to Lakyus.

Once the order was confirmed he would go to the designated room and begin to enjoy himself however that was ruined because it turned out the eyes of the slave were not green but blue instead, he did not find this out until he was mid plough and that reveal completely shrunk his rod and he could no longer pretend to be having sex with the beautiful, strong noble woman that is Lakyus.

After having finished getting dressed and made sure everything was in the right place he put on his mask and exited the room.

"Manager, Manager, I demand to see the manager"

After having slammed the door he began to shout, demanding for the one in charge, leaving the slave girl named Tuare to silently sob, wishing for the hell she was in to end.

After a few minutes of shouting Barbro was able to find the manager of the place or at the very least someone that was in charge.

"how can I help you dear Customer?"

Hilma asked as she took a smoke from her smoking stick*. Today she was filling in for Coco doll, who is currently laying low due to the recent activity from Blue rose. Hilma did not mind, this was something the heads of each department did from time to time, plus she did consider Coco doll to be a friend so it was fine.

"I demand compensation, what I ordered was not what I received, green eyes and blonde hair, not blue eyes and blonde!! You deceived me and I demand a refund"

'Coco doll you cheapewhore'

Hilma could only remark, although green Eyes are quite rare and considering the fact that he has been on the losing side economically it's understandable he would not want to waste money and resources searching for women with green eyes, so slapping in some contacts and calling it a day was probably the best choice.

"apologies Dear customer, I will ensure this doesn't happen again and yes we will refund you for this incident"

She decided not to contest his claim, despite this being the type of business many like to pretend to avoid, it's still a business and any business is reliant on Customers as such it's within her best interest to ensure that the customer is satisfied.


The prince was about to speak before he quickly cut himself off and pondered, a thought had occurred to him and one he thought to be rather quite brilliant, he knew this was an Eight fingers operation as such any individual that is in charge would have a way to get in touch with the department heads of the organisation and even if they didn't the certainly knew someone that is high enough on the chain of command To be able to contact the bosses.

"actually how about you forget the refund and do me a favour instead?"

"and what favour would that be?"

"This is an operation run by 8 fingers, correct?"

She paused and did not answer the question, she was no amateur, any form of affirming his words could possibly come back to bite the establishment and she'd rather not owe Coco doll any favours, however her none answer was all the answer that was needed.

"I have someone I want to get rid of, can I trust you to connect me to the right people for the job?"

"of course deaf customer, I know the right people for the job"

Hilma inadvertently let out a sigh she wasn't aware she was holding, for a minute she thought she might have had to commit murder but If the customer just wanted assassins then it's hardly a problem to find the right people, this would be a good way for someone in six arms to owe her a favour, preferably Zero.


[3 days later]

Within the confines of Renner's personal chambers a group of eight people occupied the room, with three of these individuals seated at the table a map atop it. The room was eerily silent with a thick tension hanging in the air or at the very least seven people the situation was tense.

The members of Blue rose stood behind their leader sporting serious expressions on their face, watching and waiting for the two individuals staring daggers at each other to come to a decision.


Arthur sipped his tea deliberately as he maintained his silence, this was the first instance of Lakyus not only disagreeing with Renner but outright stating that her plan is wrong, he had always wondered how they could be friends despite being on opposite ends of the morality spectrum.

Lakyus and Renner stared at each other in silence, both keeping neutral expressions but those expressions were anything but neutral, the two were vehemently disagreeing with each other.

The Meeting currently being held was to decide on which eight fingers base near the capital that they should attack, the base to attack was decided on 2 days ago however after some reconnaissance and Information Gathering Renner concluded that the base they were going to attack was most likely a trap.

"Lakyus, you realise by ignoring my plan you would be willingly walking into a trap"

Renner stated, The initial plan was to attack the bases with the least amount of security and they most amount of activities, there were 3 bases near the capital that cultivated black dust, they had an equal amount of security but only one of them was active regularly, but Renner deduced that this was a trap by eight fingers, an ambush so she suggested a change and attack the base that were inactive.

"I know but I just can't leave a place that's clearly causing suffering to continue, we can attack the others base after this one, the longer we let is run the more people will get addicted to black dust"

Lakyus countered and her teammates nodded to her reasoning, Everyone had deduced that one of the three bases was active, which allowed Eight fingers to transport and good out to various places in the kingdom and the other two Bases were back up or the black dust crop was still in unharvested, this meant when the first base needs to plant the crop again, Eight fingers will use the backups ensuring that the flow of profit doesn't stop.

Renner's reasoning was to destroy the backup ups first and then come back to destroy the active base, this way even if it's a trap and are unsuccessful they can be sure that to an extent Eight fingers will be disrupted.

However Lakyus's reasoning was to get rid of the active base and stop the flow off the drug, If the backups are still in the process of growing the crop that means eight fingers won't be able to move black dust in the capital, thus saving a lot of people and disrupting eight fingers business in the capital

"Do you not see how my plan will achieve greater success in the long run"

"I can see that just fine but at what cost? If we allow Eight fingers to continue their operation while we simply wait for long term benefits, more people are going to get hurt, I'd rather we stop people from getting hurt now than later."

"in order to achieve anything we have to make sacrifices"

"not if those sacrifices include the lives of the people, I can't with good conscience follow that plan."

"you are too caring Lakyus, even when you understand the reasons you still resist"

"No disrespect Princess but no, it's you that's too cold, how could you just let citizens suffer when you can stop it.

The two could not come to an agreement, Renner could not help but remark in her head about how troublesome individuals like Lakyus were.

"I have a suggestion"

Arthur spoke, he was never a big fan of drama so it was best he solve the issue, although if this was the original timeline Renner would have no choice to follow Lakyus's plane because she wouldn't have an alternative since blue rose is the only fighting force she would have but it's different this time.

The two turned their heads to look at him, waiting for whatever suggestion he may have.

"since I'm providing back up to, Blue rose, the base that's a trap is not an issue, I can take care of it myself, and we'll have Lakyus and her team attack the other one, thus killing two birds with one stone"

"I suppose that is makes more sense"

Renner was the first to agree, thinking back to it now Arthur was essentially godlike so he definitely could destroy a whole base by himself, not to mention defeat a skeletal dragon by himself.

'I suppose I somewhat overlooked that, his presence does not really show it as well'

The way Arthur Presented him didn't outwardly tell you that he was a godlike being among mortals and he doesn't flaunt it either, so one could be forgiven in overlooking it or while he is powerful, he has yet to perform a feat that would be considered godly, at current she has faith in his power but doesn't know if he is truly as powerful as she thinks hence why she wanted him to be back up and besides the world is big, there might be someone stronger than Arthur.²

'at the very least I assume there would be'

"You're awfully confident in yourself Arthur, I like that in man"

Gagaran spoke and jokingly winked at Arthur who simply smiled and responded to her statement

"oh its not confidence, it's just facts"

"hmm arrogant too, although you did defeat a skeletal dragon, not that I couldn't have done it but I suppose I see where the arrogance comes from"

Evileyes stated and Arthur could only roll his eyes at her remark

"So what do you say Lakyus? This way We can achieve both your plans"

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Of course"

"I have complete trust in Arthur's ability, so I have zero doubt that he will be able to succeed"

Renner quickly Spoke preventing Lakyus from resisting any further and by stating She has Complete confidence it leaves zero room for anyone to doubt Arthur.

"There you have it, tonight we're proceeding with the attack on Eight fingers.

Arthur stated and all the members of blue rose in the room nodded in affirmation, making it clear that they were ready to proceed.


[* okay look I forgot the name of what that wooden smoking stick is, the worst part is I was thinking about it and knew its name before I wrote the part about Hilma taking a smoke from it.]

A/N:Next chapter Arthur bout to throw hands with folk, do you think All of six arms would win if they jumped him.

Also what do you think about the little disagreement between Renner and Lakyus, did i portray it well?

I thought having a moment like that would help make their friendships authentic. Friends argue all the time, at least me and my friends do.

Also what type of organisation should Arthur reform Eight fingers into? You know in the future since he cant let criminal organisation roam free in his kingdom 👑.

Xinum_Sensational Xinum_Sensational

check out my patreon if you like my work, you can read some one shots and other stuff for free.


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