/ Urban / Power at the Top

Power at the Top Original

Power at the Top

Urban 6 Chapters 4.7K Views
Author: Daoistxs8RWu

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It's that time of the decade when the business tycoons in America fight for yet who gets to perch at the peak. Being the winner of 'Thee Business Mogul Award' comes with a lot of premium benefits, more of everything like a black card, unmatched luxury, prestige and a tantalizing seat in the government: talk of such power.

As it stands now, only the top 1% of such people stand a chance.

One of such people is 'Michael Gild', the current owner of the prize and still has plans to gift it back to himself.

'Loreen Scott', the alluring Latin American whom has had her eyes on the prize for as long as she can remember.

It's a wrong time for 'Anderson Clarke' to be entangled in rumors of a business-threatening scandalous relationship with powerful 'Simeon Walton'.

And many others.

It's still that time of the season. Let the best man win.

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Author Daoistxs8RWu