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23.52% Potential of a new generation / Chapter 12: Lunch

Chapter 12: Lunch

Amy took the elevator down to the bottom floor of the female dorm and turned left to exit the building. She joined a stream of other female students walking to the lunch hall in the main building. Many of the girls complimented her fighting abilities while other said Cassie should've beaten her but she must have been holding.

They finally reached the lunch hall and entered in awe. Many others had joined the stream to form a raging torrent of bodies piling into this multi-storied room. The room must have taken up at least half the school building yet there were classrooms either side of it's entrance only 7 metres apart.

"Pretty big isn't it." said someone close to her ear. If they hadn't said it so close she would've never heard it over what felt like 90 decibels generated from nearly every student talking, shouting, and laughing at once. Amy glanced round and saw it was Luke who placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm not so good with navigation with so many people around. All their auras blur into one but yours seems to stand out really clearly."

Amy lead Luke to an empty table and they sat down. The strange thing was that once they sat down all the noise seemed to cease and their ears relaxed.

"All the tables are surrounded by a noise blocking barrier. Only problem is that is only works in one direction which mean you can't hear anyone on the outside but anyone on the outside can hear you." explained Luke. The table was a strange hexagonal shape with black lines running from the corners of the shape into the centre and the triangles created from these lines were cut in half by another black line. Luke tapped on the trapezium shaped section of the table in front of him. The triangular section retracted and a small box on a pole rose up out of the new gap. A wide beam of blue light was projected from the box onto Luke and it travelled down from the top of his head to his waist. Once the scan was complete, the box retracted and a plate of grey sludge with a spoon rose in it's place on the triangular section. It slid towards Luke who looked at Amy.

"Are you actually going to eat that?" asked Amy is disgust. Luke exhaled out of his nose in amusement and took the spoon with some of the grey sludge in it. He put it in his mouth a swallowed.

"I can't see it but I know that it tastes like roast beef, gravy, potatoes, and carrots. The box scans what you need like protein or sugar and creates a meal that's perfect for you. Of course it's all fake though because serving every student a plate of roast beef would put this place in negative figures before the first week was finished. As for the size of this room, it's fake as well. We've actually just been transported to an underground room. It's why you can't now see through the door." explained Luke. Amy leaned back to look around Luke and saw that the doorway into the lunch hall was grey as if someone had used the fill tool and selected the wrong colour.

"So how do I actually operate this thing?" asked Amy as she tapped in random places. Luke grabbed her finger and made it press a button in the centre that if you didn't know it was there you would've missed because it was mostly flush with the rest of the table. The box rose like with Luke and scanned Amy. But unlike Luke it produced a bowl of porridge with honey and a small bowl of mixed fruit on the side. "Hey," she said quietly. "This ... is my favourite. I haven't had this in a couple of years because they shut down the shop nearby."

"It scans what you need and I guess you need some ... whatever it." said Luke waving his hand in front of his eyes.

They both chuckled and began eating when Amy saw Cassie enter. She waved and got Cassie's attention who came to sit down with them. She pressed the button and was served a bowl of soup, some water, and a single tablet. She drank some of the soup then took the tablet without any water.

"So, how have your days been?" asked Luke. Amy looked at Cassie who looked down at her waist then looked at Amy shaking her head.

"W-well, mathematics with Madame Terble was quite boring and PE with Mr W was quite eventful. Me and Cassie sparred together which I believe ended in a sort of win for me?" explained Amy is a sort of confused tone. She had kind of asked Cassie who's win it was but she kept her eyes fixed on the soup.

"Ah, I remember having Madame Terble the first time. I had Mr Kerison for mathematics today while astronomy with Professor Li was eye-opening ... get it?" Luke looked at each of them with an opened mouthed smile those who made a bad joke make. Amy sighed and shook her head while Cassie chuckled a little bit.

Luke always found a way to cheer her up. And that wasn't a fake laugh.

Suddenly, a student burst into the lunch hall and began waving their hands in the air to get everyone's attention. Some students stepped out of the sound blocking domes and listened in.

"I COME WITH NEWS ABOUT THE COURT CASE!" they yelled as loud as they could.

"What's going on?" called another student.

"W-WE'VE .... WE'VE LOST THE CASE!" the student called back.

Cassie went pale and looked at Luke who dropped his spoon onto the table.

"What!? What court case?!" queried Amy.

"25 years ago, this place became a fully fledged school. But because of the sudden influx of people having abilities joining gangs and criminal organisations the 'World Wide Government' wants to shut us down to stop people from being able to use their abilities better." explained Cassie.

The 'World Wide Government' was formed in 2031 to increase the planet's security from the threat of ability users. Made up of more than 200 leaders of every country on the planet working together as one big government. Of course, it wasn't widely accepted at first but now the only people who don't accept it are those being mistreated for having an ability or those living at the sanctuary. This is why the sanctuary's location is never disclosed and only those coming to study or those who are trusted know of it's general location.

Nearly every student pulled out their phones and searched up a live feed of the court hearing. Those without phones watched on our people's devices. Cassie and Luke pulled out their's and Amy moved around to Cassie to watch. A large woman in a judge's robes holding a small wooden hammer was sat next to a man in similar robes without a hammer.

"Judge Ben and I have come to an agreement. After the vote was made worldwide and counted by both ability users and non-ability users, the verdict has been made. All those with abilities shall make themselves known to their nearest authority and receive this specially designed Zamerium bracelet. That will prevent them from using their abilities. Anyone with abilities found not to have come forward within one week of this declaration shall be sent off planet unless they take a bracelet and perform two years of community service. This is final." said the woman and she hit a small wooden circle with the hammer. "And as for the sanctuary that is harbouring ability having children, it shall make it's whereabouts known to the world and hand over all students to receive a bracelet. From then on, it shall no longer serve as a school and be demolished."

The uproar of everyone was non-existent. The noise domes weren't even needed as the whole school went silent

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