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100% Porcelain: Slice of Life, Huh? / Chapter 1: Porcelain
Porcelain: Slice of Life, Huh? Porcelain: Slice of Life, Huh? original

Porcelain: Slice of Life, Huh?

Author: RedBeeSandAmber2

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Porcelain

Narration (mother)

"Porcelain skin, like him, but not like him, it looks better on you.

You act like a zombie now, ever since I told you what happened it seems you never speak.

It's scary, honestly. I want to know what's going on in your head.

When I saw you sitting on that roof, alone, staring down at the cars, I was mad and terrified, but only because of the suicide note in your journals."

(one day, in Ohio.)

A woman is walking to her apartment, she sees a strange man and he runs to her, she tries to get in as quickly as possible, she is a Navajo, he's white.

she fails to get in, in time, he rapes her on the spot.

(a week later)

She finds out she is pregnant, she's holding a clear blue pregnancy test, "I'm pregnant?" she says, she cries.

(nine months later)

she is giving birth on a bed at home, aided by her family.

She has a baby girl, but the baby looks nothing like her.

She looks like him...

(a day later)

the mother is put in counseling, yes, she loves her baby, but it's hard.

(A month later...)

"I think it's best if you give her to Sharla." her father tells her as she sits in the living room with him and he tells her this sitting right next to her.

Her father is angry and upset, he'll never be the same.

She'll never be the same, either.

"I don't want to..." she says in hesitance, it's so awkward to talk about this, you understand him, but you want to yell at him for bringing it up.

"I don't care, he's going to live on in her!" he says in anger and slaps her, she slaps him back and says "She will never be anything like him!"

her baby girl cries and she runs upstairs to tend to her baby.

(in the baby's room)

"Sharla, she's not going to be your mother."

She says resentfully, her name is Maria Johnson, her father's name is Markus Johnson.

Sharla is her cousin.

"Sharla can't even take care of herself," she says in anger towards her father, picking the baby up and putting her on the changing table, but she seems to be taking it out on Sharla, instead because he wanted her daughter, Porcelain, to be raised by her.

She starts to sniffle as he comes up the stairs as she gets the baby powder and the essentials. You can hear his thumping steps stomp to her room in despair but also in understanding.

"You want me to give up the only thing I like in this life, anymore."

She says in tearful resentment walking to her baby with the items she needs in anger.

"Sharla is a good mother to her 5 children..." her father says tired of having the same fight over, and over again.

"Sharla's oldest is in jail, he can hardly stay out, her youngest is in foster care, and my gosh, the middle ones are always in the principal's office."

she says as she changes her baby's diaper, her father, smothered in hatred for the baby, says "Please, give her to my aunt, then!" "No!" she says, slamming the baby powder on the changing table, not hitting the 1-month-old baby.

"No, I will not give her to anyone!" she says in pure anger and fury, like, how dare he ask me such a thing?!

That kind of feeling.

"I know you want to keep her, but she isn't good for you."

he says in despair, "You don't know what's good for me!" she says in tears, putting a diaper under her baby's old one.

"Forget it!" her father says as he stomped out of the room in anger towards his daughter for keeping that baby he hates so much, right now.

But, it's not the baby he hates, it's the man the baby looks like that he hates.

She can't bear the thought of losing this baby, so she tries to focus on diaper changing.

"I love you." she tells her baby, "I love you so much," she says, trying to block out the trauma of rape, which is what it was all about, the rape.

(4 years later...)

Maria is taking her daughter to kindergarten,

It is December, her daughter's birth month.

she is going to plan a birthday party.

They are driving there in the car.

"Porcelain, do you like the idea of a party?" she says in that cutesy voice parents make to little kids, "Yeah!" Porcelain says, "And what about Christmas? That's comin' up, too!" she says in a fun voice to entertain the child.

"I like that!" Porcelain screams for fun, "Yeah, baby!" her mom says, as a saying, to her baby.

"I love you, mommy." Porcelain says out of the blue to her mother, then her mother lets out them laughs.

"I love you, too."

They arrive at Kindergarten, "I wonder why they call it Kindergarten with a T instead of a D, after, mommy has to go to her therapy man, okay? So, get out quick and stuff." Her mother says in a hurry, cuz it's in an hour.

the child moves slowly.

Her mother quickly goes to get her baby and tries to pull her out, then she realized she forgot to unbuckle her, so she unbuckles her seatbelt and takes her inside.

They walk into kindergarten and she talks to her teacher about her work and all that.

"We teach the basics, so, she's doing good." her black dark-skinned teacher says.

"Good job!" she says to her daughter across the room.

"I gotta go, okay?" she says as she runs out of the classroom and drives to her therapy sessions.

(In the therapist office)

"How are things going with Porcelain?"

Her therapist asks, "Oh, she's great, she's good at painting."

She says, "How have you been doing with your medication?"

"I've been...yes, I...I skipped a few..." Maria says...

"You know that that's what's best for you, Maria." her female, Greek, dark olive-skinned Therapist says.

"I know, makes me a zombie, I want to be able to just once go without it, I want to be happy, again, I want to live and not be an emotionless mess," Maria says in tears, trying not to cry.

"I know, how has contact with Markus been?" her therapist asking, writing down her words on a tablet. (iPad)

"My dad? Not, like, Mark, my ex?"

Narrator: "She says, Markus Hanson is her ex-boyfriend, whereas Markus Johnson is her father. She broke up with him and has been in contact with him after the rape. They both coincidentally have the same name."


Her therapist says inquisitively, "Mark and I broke up after the rape, and we're still friends but he looks like he resents me. I think he blames me for the rape..."

Maria says, actually sure that he does, which is why they broke up in the first place.

Narrator: "She didn't want to have sex with Markus Hanson, cuz he wanted marriage and to her marriage came with sex, that and she believes he resented her for the rape, so she broke up with him."

"I know that you look at yourself and see a victim, but I'd like you to see yourself as a survivor." her therapist says, "It's not that easy." she says in all honesty, "I didn't even run away," she says in self-blame.

"I was just standing an idiot."

Maria says in tears, crying.

"You're not an idiot, it was the safest place at the time for you to go to." her therapist tells her, "Now, about your dad."

her therapist asks looking at her in question, "I don't wanna talk about him." Maria says in disgust.

"Why? Is it about Porcelain and him?" her therapist asks her in slight shock.

"Yes, she's only a's like...he's not her grandfather, I can't get him to look at her, he'll say...the worst things to her, I hear him, he thinks I don't know about it, but I do," Maria says in anger and tears, she loves him but hates him at the same time.

"I understand how you feel." her therapist says, having been in the same situation.

"My son and my mother have a rocky relationship."

She says,

"You've never been raped." Maria retorts in anger, "I have been, he was a product, but not the predator, and it, even for me, took some time to see that. We're still rebuilding the pieces of our relationship back together, again."

She says in tears.

"I understand the resentment of a child based on their father, I want to love her more, I just want her to-"

Maria is cut off by her therapist who says "You do love her, more than you love even yourself, it'll be better, come again next week and I'll speak to you on your relationship."

The therapist says in total compassion.

"My mother is trying to make me get married, soon," Maria says, not ready for anyone to marry her.

Therapist: "Why?"

"She thinks it's better for Porcelain, you know? She's like 'I know what's best and Porcelain needs a father figure.'"

Maria says, mocking her mother's words, not wanting a man due to her rape.

She just... Doesn't want to have sex, as some men are so dead set on getting it.

"Men want sex, I'm not gonna give them that." Maria bluntly but shyly states to her therapist.

"You know, maybe, you can tell her that, when she hears, she may understand."

Her therapist says in a happy-ish voice.

"I know, but, it's hard and it's awkward to say, 'Hey mom, screw you, I'm not having sex with some men I met last month.'"

She says, trying to be funny and make the therapist laugh a little more than usual.

It works, and the therapist laughs.

"Thank you for that, I don't laugh too much." Her therapist says as she writes her words down on her iPad.

"I just want a normal life, one where my daughter has a loving family, a father, someone who can take care of her, not see me crying and asking 'What's wrong with you, mommy? Why you crying?' and she's so young, you want her to be happy, you don't want her to think about rape and sex and all that so you say 'I'm fine' and you know she knows your lying- Like, a normal life."

"You know how many women want that for there daughter?" Her therapist says in tears, relating to her words.

"I understand that completely." Her therapist says in tears.

"You want to raise them in a happy household but you see crap and you give a crap." Maria rants and vents.

Therapist: "I know how you feel, you think group therapy would help you a bit?"

She says, "You would really help a lot of women." she says.

"Yes, if it can help me, I guess, I don't know," Maria says in hesitation, not thinking this fully through, caught in her motherhood and all that stuff, her emotions and how hurt she feels over it.

"I gotta go." Maria says and leaves the room, "It's over, anyway!" her therapist says.

(I go to therapy but for OCD)

(3 years later)

"It's your seventh birthday! How do you feel, Porcelain?"

Maria says in a happy tone of voice, "I feel good!" Porcelain says in a cheeky and snotty way.

They're outside, Porcelain is on Camera, her mother is filming, Porcelain is sitting on a bench in front of her birthday cake, her friends, black, Chinese, Indian (India) and Japanese, are all at the table, all boys.

"Good job, all of you, blow the candles out!"

Maria says, The Japanese boy tells Porcelain "Yeah, let's do it!"

They blow the candles out together.

(6 years later...)

Porcelain is crying, her boyfriend, the Japanese boy, is dead.

They're at his funeral, his face is happy in a picture.

"He didn't have to die on that boat to Japan, but he did, the Lord took him at such a young age!" his father says as his mother stands next to him, crying.

They're in a church.

Everyone is sad and most are in tears as they loved the boy.

The church contains 55 people in total there, all his friends and loved ones and relatives.

After the church, at the wake.

"I loved him..." Porcelain whispered to herself in tears.

His face is shown, they're closing his casket, he is being lowered into the ground.

They are under a tarp, held up with green poles, it is a green tarp.

"Green was his favorite color." Porcelain whispers to herself, crying as they lower the green casket, he's covered in green clothes he's wearing.

Her face is covered in tear stains.

(At home)

Porcelain covers his pictures with her in them and puts them in a box and puts them under her bed in tears.

The green box, a box of memories.

"I hate this!"

she screams and runs downstairs, downstairs, her mother, her grandfather, and her grandmother are talking to each other about the loss and how they'll deal with Porcelain, she screams "I should have died!" and she runs back upstairs.

Her mother is in shock, she runs up to go get Porcelain.

(in her room)

"Porcelain?!" her mother yells as Porcelains pulls the box under the bed and opens it and uncovers the pictures and looks at all the romantic photos they took from last year, at the photo booth, kissing and all that, they were 12 at the time.

"I loved him, he was only 13, he was mine!" she says, "He shouldn't have gone on that boat!"

Her mother runs into the room and comforts her immediately.

"I'm so sorry." her mother says in tears, "I'm so sorry." her mother repeats two more times, as it's all her mother can say to her now.

In the photos they're holding up a sign that says "12 years old isn't too soon to love, right?"

Porcelain looks like a white girl, she has Porcelain skin, brown hair, and blue eyes like her father does.

(a year later...)

"Mommy, why do I look white?"

Porcelain says, hoping to get an answer from her mother, who is sitting on the couch watching Maury with her daughter.

"God wanted it," Maria says to her daughter.

Porcelain is still 13, as it is March.

"I want to know my ancestry, where do I find it?"

Porcelain asks her mom in curiosity, "I don't need to tell you, okay?!" her mother vents at her, "Um..." her mom feels awkward, she says to her "Go ask your grandfather." and then leaves, Porcelain slowly walks to her grandfather, a man of little words.

"Grandpa?" she says as he sits in the kitchen, they are at his house.

Her grandmother is baking a cheesecake for dinner.

"Cheesecake for dinner, can't talk now." Her grandfather says, his anger towards her has eased up over the years but not fully.

"Why? I want to talk to you!" Porcelain says, getting fed up with his hate for her.

"I want to talk to you!"

She says even louder than before.

"I want to talk to my wife and daughter!" he says to her in anger, as he'd never seen a child raise their voice at him like that, before.

"Well, I want to talk to my grandfather!" she says in retaliation.

"Get your kid, you mother of devils!" Her father says and walks out of the kitchen, "Markus!" her grandmother yells, "I'm sorry, sweetie." her grandmother says as she starts to sob, as he'd been... A real jerk over the years, too.

"I hate him!" she says and runs to her mom afterward yelling "Mommy!"

"Mommy, mommy!" she says in tears.

"I can't believe this..." her grandmother says, tired of this.

(an hour later)

"Why doesn't grandpa love me?" she says to her mother in anger, "He loves you, he's just a little upset." her mother lied, she never thought he loved her at all.

"I'm sorry for being bad, mom." Porcelain says to Maria.

"You weren't trying to be, were you?" her mother says in compassion, "No. I just wanted to talk to him, that's all." she says in tears and anger.

"I know, baby," Maria says in tears.

"I want to be loved by him, you know? He's the only man I can call dad..." she says, "What about Markus, my friend?" her mother says, "He's never really around..." Porcelain says to her mother.

"Okay, then..." her mother says, feeling sad and angry at her father.

"I'm gonna go play on the PlayStation, gonna need to be alone, okay?" her mother tells her, "I wanted to play on it!" Porcelain retorts, "But, I like it." her mom says, "Okay..." Porcelain says, letting her mom use it.

Her mom leaves the room to go to the living room, she finds her father laying on the couch watching Blue Clues alone, staring at the screen in anger, "Why'd you tell her that?" her mom says, "You could have just said something like, 'I love you.'" Maria says in rage, but containing it.

"You don't understand, you never did," he says, still adamant that Porcelain will turn into a monster.

"I do, I understand, you don't know her, okay? You know NOTHING!" her mother says, unable to contain her rage, she knows how he feels, she knows why he acts the way he does and she's sick and tired of it!

"She is her own person, a human being, you get that? She's not him, she's my daughter, she's nice, she's kind, she treated her boyfriend, bless his soul, great, she gave him everything, she made friends, she's a great girl, okay?!" She says in literal lividness.

He gets up and goes to her daughter's room and pulls her daughter out of her bed, and throws her child down the stairs, it all happened so fast that Maria didn't have the time to stop it in her mind, it was so so sudden, and definitely shocking, Maria runs to her daughter, her daughter is screaming in terror, unraveling in her head what had just happened, like, figuring out what grandpa just did to her.

"Why did you do that?!" Maria asks her father in a rage, pulling her out of the house, Maria's mother comes in and asks "What's going on?!"

Maria bluntly states "Your husband threw her down the stairs and he's out of her life."

"Dear gosh!" her mother says as she is entering her car with her daughter outside, she puts her daughter in the front seat and gets in on the driver's side, herself.

"Are you hurt, baby?"

Maria says to her daughter, "Yes!"

Her daughter says in terror, having fully processed the situation.

"Okay, we're heading to the doctor, okay?!" Maria says in fear, she drives her to the hospital.

At the reception, she says "I had an accident with her, she fell down the stairs." Maria did, she takes her to a chair and asks her if she's still alright.

"Yes, I'm fine, My gosh!" Porcelain is crying.

The receptionist says "Is she alright?"

"YES!" Porcelain cried.

The doctors came in and got her at 2:53 AM

Really late, they checked on her to see if she had any bruises, she wasn't in serious condition, she had a few bruises on her left leg, and one on her forehead from the fall.

(In the waiting room...)

Doctor (male, Romanian, sitting in the chair next to her while she sits in a chair, worried as heck): "Listen, the bruises on her leg are really old, how did she get them?"

Maria: "She said that she fell."

Doctor: "Who pushed her down?"

Maria: "Um...her grandfather, he was never like that before, I swear, but he did, I don't want her to see him again, I promise, it won't happen again!"

Doctor: "I'll have to call the police, I'm sorry!"

He says pulling out his phone, "Please, I never hurt her, ask her!" her mother says in total fear and terror.

At the police station, her father is in custody for child abuse.

"I'm sorry, baby, it'll never happen, again, he did this!" her mother says, she's not willing to lose her child over a man like him.

Her daughter is in her lap, being comforted by her, it is two days later, already.

"We'll start an investigation." the police officer says, her whole body shakes in fear, "I'm gonna lose her..." she whispers to herself, but her daughter can hear.

(1 year later)

Her daughter is still in her care, her father is in prison for child abuse.

Her daughter is fourteen, now.

"Porcelain, we have to talk," Maria says as she walks into her daughter's room who is doin' her homework.

"Sure, mom."

Porcelain has boobs, tiny ones.

"Mom, what is it?" she says as she walks into the kitchen with her mom, they sit at the table together in peace for now.

"Listen, you're biological father was...he raped me, and he got me pregnant because I was a...a virgin, my gosh, um, he.....went to jail," she says, quick to end this conversation.

"What?!" Porcelain says, her world tumbling down as she slowly pieces her whole life together and makes it into a world of lies and hatred for herself.

"I know how this looks, but you-" Porcelain cuts her mom off with "I'm a rape baby?!" which breaks her mom's heart entirely.

"No, you are my daughter, God's creation, and-" her mother is cut off with "So, God wanted a rape baby?!" in such a hatred for herself, that starting to seethe in her and grow.

"No, he wanted you!"

Her mother says, "So, God doesn't like us?" Porcelain says, taking everything personally, now.

"No, no, no, it's- what- I didn't mean it like that!" her mother says in total fear and shock.

"I'm not even a- I'm-" Porcelain cuts herself off to run upstairs and scream.

(Her mother narrating:) "It was like a storm, it hit us with no warning, I was fearful and regretted it instantly."

(2 years later...)

Porcelain is 15, she's a junior in high school, she's depressed.

Her Indian friend, Jonas, walks up to her and says "Hey, how are you? Is everything alright?" to which she responds, "I hate everything, thank you." and leaves him to go to the bathroom and cry.

He had darker skin than when he was a child.

"So, we'll go hang out tomorrow?!" he yells to her in shock and awkwardness.

she is in the bathroom, crying, it's the men's bathroom.

She didn't even pay attention to the sign...

"I am a loser, a stinkin', evil, ugly girl," she whispers to herself in tears and anger.

after school, she walks to her mom's car.

Her mother, however, forgot to pick her up, she was so busy at work.

Her grandfather also got out of jail.

Her grandmother, busy with her work at the flower shop told her grandfather to pick her up, she trusted him.

So, when Porcelain looked inside the car, she was shocked, angry, panicked, terrified, there was a pause for five seconds, he broke the silence saying "Hi, Porcelain." and sadly.

"I'm-" Porcelain stopped, she was just in shock.

"Get in, Porcelain," he said in a compassionate tone of voice.

she tarries for 4 seconds,

"I said, GET IN THE CAR!" he screamed, no longer calm as a button, she hurries to get inside.

"You're out of jail?" she says in terror, he tells her to "Lock the door." and she closes it, but doesn't lock it, he uses the buttons in the car on his side to...

She tries to get out, but the buttons aren't on this side, and the door button that you'd push down is broken so that you can push it down, but you'd have to reach over to his side to get back up.

She was trapped in the car with him, alone.

"What are you gonna do to me?" she says in fear, not willing to show it.

"I'm gonna take you home."

He says in resentment.

he drives her home and it takes about 4 hours, which feels like days to her and 1 day to him.

"I'm gonna tell mom." she says as she exits the car, "I got a lot of talkin' to her to do, so, yeah, call her!" he says in anger.

She runs in the house and unlocks the door with the keys her mom had under the mat.

She locks the door behind her, and runs upstairs and hides in there until her mom can come home.

Her mother comes home about 7 hours later, she works 12 hours at a hospital, she plops herself on the couch immediately but something feels wrong, she turns on the T.V. to see her father's face on the news, they said: "A man who threw his granddaughter down the stairs was released on bail, yesterday."

the news anchor says, a white Spaniard woman.

"What?" Maria says, her heart pounding, she's scared.

She thinks he may come for putting him in jail, but what else could she do?

She goes up to her daughter's room to check on her, her daughter is in a fetal position, alarming enough as it is, her daughter looks at her and says "Grandpa took me home." this hits her mother's chest hard, her mother is shocked, and terrified, she quickly asks "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Oh my gosh, he didn't try to kill you or anything?" her daughter is more worried than ever now and says "He's not coming back, is he?" her mother replies "Of course not, I'll make sure of that!" in such confidence and anger that he'd dare try to take her home after what he'd done,

"I've divided my family..." Her daughter says in sadness...

Her mother goes into her car drives to her mother's house, she goes to the door and says "You let him know where she was?!"

She always knew her mother was against his arrest, not fully believing he could hurt his granddaughter.

"You can't be serious?!" her mother said as she opened the door, "You were late, I needed someone to pick her up. I sent him." Her mother said in retort, she yells at her mother "He's dangerous!" as her mother goes to sit down and she goes inside, leaving the front door wide open.

"You know he can't be around her, you know what he did!" she says in anger towards her.

"I know, but I don't, he may have not done it, you could be overreacting!" Her mother said,

"Mom, I saw him throw her down the stairs, okay? I saw that she was 13, she could have been hurt!"

At 13, Porcelain had the body of a child.

"No one knows!" her mother dared to say, "The heck, I know, I saw!" Maria says, back at home, Porcelain is punching herself.

"You're the reason mom cries every night," she says, looking at herself in the mirror.

"You're why grandpa hates you, your grandmother is angry, your mother is angry," she says as she starts to sob.

Back to her mother, her mother is already heading to her car.

"Please, un-" her grandmother was cut off with a "Screw yourself!" from her mom as her mom went home and called the police.

The police came and told her to "File a restraining order."

And she did.

At his home, a police officer come to his place and says "Sir, you've been served." and they leave, he reads it and is visibly angry at his daughter for serving them to him.

"My daughter?!" he says in anger as he throws them to the ground.

He can't be within' 400 feet of his granddaughter.

His granddaughter finds out about this, feels awful.

"You- Do you blame me?" she asks her mom at the dinner table, they are eating mac and cheese.

"No, of course not." her mom says, in sadness and bewilderment.

"I just...I think that if I was never born, everything would be...normal...happy..." she says in sadness, genuinely meaning it.

"You saved Jerome from committing suicide." Her mother says, "Bai was going through some crap with abusive parents, you called the police and saved him at 12. He has a happy family with our cousins."

(Bai is pronounced "BAH-ee")

"Jonas lost his sister, you were right there and you saved his brother from nearly getting hit by a car." she says, "You are special." her mother finishes with after saying that: "God made you to protect others."

Porcelain never thought of it that way, yesterday, she was thinking of suicide, about to jump off a roof.

"If you had jumped off that roof, I'd kill myself, too." her mother says, knowing she'd go insane if her daughter died.

"I'm sorry, mom," she tells her mother trying to comfort her.

"You don't have to say sorry." Her mother says.

"I knew how he felt, his dad raped his mom, too, Jerome's mom. He wanted to die, but I wouldn't let him. I couldn't, he was my friend. I would've if I could have, though, but you saved me." she told her mother.

"Why?" her mother asked, "I look like him, I probably act like him, what if I turn out like him, mom? I don't want to hurt anyone, I want to be worth something, not just a dang rape baby." Porcelain says as she sobs about the matter, "I mean, I'm from something like- like that, that's why I'm so 'mopey' so sad because I don't belong anywhere! I was just a mistake to my friends, my family..." She says in devastation, her mother tells her this "If you were a mistake, you would have never born or conceived, God doesn't make mistakes, humans do. Your father, he made a mistake, you are not him, you are me." her mother says.

she looks into her mother's eyes, and see real love, something she never recognized.

"I never saw it love me." Porcelain says to her heartbroken mom, her mother says "Of course I do, you're my daughter."

"That's all I wanted..." Porcelain says, trying to hold back tears for her mother.

Her mother wipes the tears that fall from her face and tells her "I love you so much." her mother cries and hugs her tightly, her daughter is so shocked and hugs her right back.

(3 years later...)

Porcelain is 18, she is graduating high school.

Her mother is sitting in the stands.

Porcelain goes to make her speech and says

"When I was young, my mother was always there, I thank her for the time she took to raise me, protect me, give me love, she put me first above...everything and I thank her for that because I know that it was hard, she was with me through the time when Hachirou died, when my friend was suicidal, and when I almost lost another, through...him, my...grandpa. I thank God for helping me through this and my life and self-hatred, and using my mom to bring me out of it, you guys, and being there for me and giving me such a wonderful mom and helping me make this." she cries.

Her mom went up on stage and hugged and she accepted.

(4 years later...)

Porcelain is pregnant and married.

Porcelain has a two-year-old, she is in college, and her husband is a year older, she's 23, and he's 24.

"Happy birthday! Tomorrow's Christmas eve, Watcha' gonna do?!" her mother says, filming this event as they walk through the door, her husband is half-Cherokee, half-black.

She is holding the two-year-old son, and she says "When your sister is born on Christmas, we'll have a big party." to her two-year-old, "I feel like I'm gonna pop, mom." she says as she is nine months pregnant.

She is wearing a maternity dress, a long white one like in the movies, celebrities wear.

"You lookin' good, girl!" her mom says, filming her dress from top to bottom, making Porcelain laugh.

When the baby is born, Porcelain's husband is going to live in Arizona, far away from where they live now, Houston, Texas.

At the Christmas party, they sit together, and her mother says "I'll be right here with you." and holds her daughter's left hand with her own right hand as Porcelain holds her baby girl and Maria holds the two-year-old.

"Hi, Joyce." Maria says to her granddaughter, "Conner, like your new sister?" Porcelain says, holding her son Conner's hand directing it to his baby sister's right hand.

"Like the kids, now, Josh?!" Maria says to her husband winking, Josh replies "Yup!" and the story ends.

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