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10.09% Pokemon: These Players are too annoying! / Chapter 10: Pikachu

Chapter 10: Pikachu


Red was scratching his head, watching Pikachu sitting still in one spot.

'Why is she so difficult?'

The reason for this situation was quite simple—Red accidentally touched Pikachu when she wasn't paying attention.

And this was the result.

No matter how many times he tried to explain that it was unintentional, Pikachu remained the same. She didn't even bother to listen and was ready to shock him if he got too close.

Pidgey perched on a tree, watching the whole spectacle between him and Pikachu.

All these Pokémon have such mean spirits!

But he couldn't blame them; they weren't doing anything wrong.

So, Red had no choice but to sit and wait for Pikachu to calm down.

After all, he was very patient—unlike someone who would use a rope to drag their Pokémon along.

Pikachu glanced at him a few times, but when he noticed, she quickly turned away.

After a few more minutes, Pikachu sighed and had to get up.

Seeing this, Red was delighted—it was worth spending time on this!

He and Pikachu walked together on a deserted road.

The clouds began to gather, and raindrops started falling, forcing Red and Pikachu to find somewhere to shelter from the rain.

Just as they were walking, he noticed an orange-haired girl rushing on a bicycle.

It seemed she was heading toward the nearby town.

Although he wasn't sure if he had met her before, he had a feeling he could trust this person.

So, he ran at full speed to stop the girl.

Startled, she braked and looked at Red with a confused expression.

"What are you doing?! Why are you blocking my way?"

"... "

"Huh? You mean you want me to take Pikachu to the town first? Are you crazy, handing your Pokémon over to a stranger like that??"

"... "

The orange-haired girl turned to look at Pikachu, who was wet from the rain.

She preferred Water-type Pokémon, but something cute could count too.

But this guy actually trusted a stranger like her with his Pokémon—was he insane?

Seeing the girl in front of him not knowing what to say, Red had to try something else.

He approached Pikachu, explained that he would follow later, then picked her up.

Pikachu was startled, about to shock him, but Red quickly placed her in the bike's basket.

He then intentionally pushed the bike, causing the orange-haired girl to panic.

He's crazy! It's like he's giving me his Pikachu!

Pikachu thought the same, wondering if her trainer had lost it.

Suddenly, she remembered those five people and figured it out.

Maybe he's picked up some of their stupid personality?

If that were the case, it would be dangerous. Just because she might not like her trainer doesn't mean she would let him be infected by the stupidity of those people.

Being ordered around by an idiot was no different from hell!

Pikachu was about to jump down and return to Red, but she noticed something was off.

Red did too, he heard many birds chirping above him, and they were heading towards him.

Pikachu's mouth dropped open because the flock in front of her was Spearow, and there were a lot of them!

Red suddenly had a bad feeling and started running at full speed.

He ran past the orange-haired girl, leaving her confused and then terrified as she looked back.


She quickly pedaled with force, speeding up so much that Pikachu almost fell off if she hadn't held on.

Pikachu looked at the Spearow flock, sensing something wrong with these birds.

Their eyes were red, and a dark aura surrounded them.

A shiver ran down her spine!

Red was running at an incredible speed, so fast that the bike couldn't keep up.


The Spearow began to speed up as well, starting to gather energy in their beaks.

The girl was startled when she saw what the Spearow were about to do.

"Shadow Ball?? But Spearow are just Normal/Flying-type Pokémon!!"

Before she could finish her sentence, they fired at her.

Red immediately slowed down, grabbed both the girl and Pikachu off the bike, and ran at full speed.

A barrage of Shadow Balls shot directly at the bicycle, blowing it to pieces.


The orange-haired girl was almost in tears, but Red had no time for sympathy.

Besides, she was too heavy!!


Even in a dangerous situation, the girl's instincts were sharp.

Suddenly, his foot slipped.


Because of the rain, the ground was wet and soft, making the road extremely slippery.

Red got up, his clothes now dirty, but that didn't matter.

He saw that Pikachu was very close to being within range of the problematic Spearow.

They began using another move, their wings glowing as they flew closer to attack Pikachu.

Pikachu tried to stand up, her eyes filled with fear as she looked at the approaching Spearow.

Red saw the fear in Pikachu's eyes, and his instincts kicked all his senses into high gear.

He stood up and ran at full speed toward them.

Pikachu closed her eyes, bracing herself for the Spearow's attack.

But... nothing happened.

Confused, she opened her eyes and saw Red shielding her, taking the hits instead.

The flock of birds attacked relentlessly, tearing his clothes to shreds, and even causing a bit of blood to spill.

Red held Pikachu close and, with all his strength, threw her toward the orange-haired girl, who had just gotten up.

Startled, the girl caught Pikachu, then looked at Red, who was being ruthlessly beaten.

Pikachu looked at Red and remembered her first trainer.

She used to be a Pichu that got separated from her kind.

Thanks to friendship, she bonded with other Pokémon, which eventually led her to evolve into a Pikachu.

But, unfortunately, she was captured by a trainer.

Since being caught by that trainer, she was always forced to do whatever he said.

And every time a Raichu appeared on TV, he would always tell her that she should evolve for her own good and constantly said that a Pokémon that doesn't evolve is useless.

After many days of being tormented and forced to follow his orders, she began to hate humans.

And when he obtained a Thunder Stone, she found only one way to escape him: destroying her Pokéball.

While he was distracted, she shocked him with all her might and took the opportunity to destroy the Pokéball that imprisoned her.

After escaping, she was nearly exhausted.

At that moment, she believed that humans were the ones who had caused her so much pain.

Yet why?

Why is this person so dumb?!

He doesn't act logically at all, and that gentle, yet annoyingly concerned look in his eyes always finds her!

She didn't understand! Why are his eyes so pure? Why doesn't he take advantage of me??

Why... would he sacrifice himself for me?

The more she watched Red being tormented, the more her pain grew.

Along with her anger.

And that anger was directed at the Spearow!

Breaking free from the girl's grasp, Pikachu leaped into the flock of Spearow that were hurting her trainer.

Dark clouds began to form, filled with terrible electricity.

Even the ground began to charge with electricity.

The electric energy surrounding Pikachu's body became so intense that even the Spearow sensed something was wrong.

They turned their focus on Pikachu, changing their attack direction.

Thousands of Spearow targeted Pikachu.


Pikachu's body absorbed all the surrounding electricity.

She was preparing for the most devastating attack.


In an instant, all the Spearow were electrocuted, with many dropping dead on the spot.

The dark aura dissipated completely.

A large crater was left in the ground.

The charred remains of many Spearow fell to the ground.

Surprisingly, Red was safe (plot armor will never break).

Pikachu lay next to Red, both exhausted and saddened.

She felt grateful.

Grateful that, finally, she had found someone she could trust.

The traumas of the past no longer mattered.

Because from now on, this would be the trainer she would protect at all costs.

She clutched Red's sleeve, who was unconscious, as if she were a child guarding her father.

The orange-haired girl was nearly in shock as she witnessed the terrifying power of Pikachu.

She quickly approached the spot where Red and Pikachu lay together, surrounded by the bodies of Spearow.

It was quite rare for Pokémon to die since they were inherently hard to kill.

Even when struck by a much stronger Pokémon, they would usually just faint.

But this Pikachu... it had killed every single Spearow here.

'No! Someone is injured, I can't think about this anymore!'

She picked up Red along with Pikachu and headed toward a nearby cave.

next chapter

Chapter 11: Pokémon Center

Red is dreaming.

He dreams about many things: Pokémon, people, big cities, and other players.

There's even himself.

Red sees himself dressed in very different clothes, looking more mature than he does now.

Pikachu is perched on his shoulder, looking at something in the sky.

Not just Pikachu, but nearly everyone here is staring.

Their emotions are diverse—fear, anger, excitement, joy.

Though excitement and joy seem to come mostly from the players...

Then he also looks up at what everyone is focused on.

It's... a Pokémon.

The Pokémon has white skin and a purple tail.

But something is wrong with this Pokémon.

This feeling... it's similar to Spearow.

The Pokémon raises its hand, using its power to shatter all the glass of the buildings.

The psychic energy is so strong that all the Poison-type Pokémon faint on the spot.

Yet the players still approach, summoning their Pokémon.

Red suddenly notices what they're wearing on their hands:


"Mega Evolution!!" they shout in unison.

Red also sees himself call out another Pokémon, a powerful one named Charizard.

He too takes out a Keystone, pressing it into the stone.

The Pokémon in the sky isn't backing down either; it also starts gathering energy that looks like Mega Evolution.

Red doesn't get to see much more before a whispering voice speaks behind him.

"That is your future, Red."

The voice sounds... divine.

Red turns around and sees a large creature with red eyes staring at him.

How should I describe it?

It looks like a white horse trapped in a fence made of gold.

"Fate has been set, you will have to face it."

"The important thing is how you handle it—kill? Or forgive?"

"In the end, it doesn't really matter. Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing you."

"Don't disappoint me."

Red's consciousness gradually fades, as he looks closely into the red eyes that match his own.


Red wakes up.

He's lying in bed, his body covered in bandages.

He's wearing patient clothes.

He looks around, then notices Pikachu lying on top of him.

'Since when did she relax like this?'

Red doesn't remember doing anything too important, but seeing Pikachu's sleeping face makes him forget whatever he was thinking.

Because she's adorable!

Totally worth getting beaten up by Spearow!

It seems that sitting up caused Pikachu to wake up too.

She also looks around and then at Red.

The two of them stare at each other in silence.




Pikachu suddenly jumps up and hugs Red's face.

Her eyes are wet; she thought Red would take a long time to wake up, maybe even never wake up at all!

Even though the people here reassured her that her trainer was fine, she didn't believe them.

Red is stunned, looking at Pikachu crying while hugging his face so tightly it's hard to breathe.

Since when did you develop Leaf's personality??

Oh yes, Leaf always hugs him tightly when she's sad, almost suffocating him.

Even Blue used to tease them, calling them the "dumb couple."

Of course, after that, Blue's money mysteriously disappeared.

Back to the main issue—why has his Pikachu gone from a Tsundere to a Leaf?

He tries to pry Pikachu off, but she just hugs tighter.

So, he pats Pikachu on the back, trying to reassure her.

Somehow, Pikachu understands, and she stops hugging his face but hugs somewhere else instead.

Red breathes a sigh of relief, thinking he was about to pass out again.

He's pretty surprised by how much his Pikachu has changed; it seems that saving her from the Spearow flock had a significant impact.

He silently thanks the Spearow for helping to improve his relationship with Pikachu (Spearow: Are you kidding me?).


A punch lands squarely on his head, and he rubs it as he looks up at the girl in front of him.

It's that orange-haired girl.

"Even though you saved both me and Pikachu, that doesn't mean you can sacrifice your life like that! You idiot!!!"

"Pika pika!!"

Why are both of you calling me an idiot too??

If I hadn't done that, they definitely would have gone after both of you!

"Next time, don't do that! You have no idea how guilty I felt seeing you all bruised and injured!"


Both of them are like my mom...

After a while of being scolded by both of them, everything finally settles down.

The girl introduces herself as Misty, she seems to be around his age.

Apparently, she was searching for a Pokémon she liked near a lake when it started raining, so she hurriedly grabbed her bike and headed back.

Though now, the bike is just a pile of scrap metal...

'I'll have to repay her for that later...'

"Don't even think about repaying me!"

It seems like she knows what Red is thinking, so she immediately rejects the idea.

"The fact that my bike got ruined isn't your fault, so don't feel guilty about it!"

"Instead, focus more on taking care of yourself! No one wants to get hurt, right?"

'She's right...'

Red sighs and reluctantly agrees to listen to her.

"Oh! You're awake now."

A pink-haired nurse approaches, holding a tray of food.

"You don't know how well this girl took care of you while you were unconscious~"

"Nurse Joy!!"

Misty blushes, scolding Nurse Joy, who is smiling mischievously.

"And by the way, your Pikachu really loves you. When Chansey and I tried to examine her, she fiercely resisted, even threatening us with electricity."

"Luckily, we figured out that your Pikachu just wanted to stay by your side, so we managed to convince her~"

Why does her voice sound so ominous??

But whatever, I should thank her.

Red thanks Nurse Joy, and she happily accepts.

"Nurse Joy, when do you think he'll be able to leave the Pokémon Center?" Misty asks the nurse.

"It won't be long. Chansey has healed most of his injuries, so he should be good to go by tomorrow."

"But you'll have to pay~"

Her mischievous tone is just like Leaf's!!

"I'll pay," Misty says, standing up and pulling out her wallet.

Red nearly pops his eyes out when he sees that Misty has over a million Pokédollars in her wallet.

Why is everyone rich except me??

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